Monday, August 30, 2010

Aspiring Lackeys Now Pay For The Privilege To Do Jobs No One Else Will

Parents Letting 13 Year Olds Race Motorcylces Are Downright Negligent

If parents can end up having social servies step in these days for refusing to let their children attend school dances, making them attend church, or for keeping tabs over what they read, perhaps it ought to be considered when they allow their progeny operate a vehicile that they could not do so legally on the street for several more years.

Beck Bends Knee To Chairman Obama

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lessons In Apologetics #4: Pragmaticism & Combinationalism

The next theory of truth and religious knowledge is pragmatism. Developed initially by Charles Sander Pierce and expanded by William James, pragmatism is the theory that truth is not determined by what one thinks, feels, or discovers but rather by what works.

Christians may instinctively recoil from this initially. However, the proper response to this epistemological methodology needs to be more nuanced than the believer might originally suspect.

Providing in part an alternative to the early 20th century viewpoint promoted in large part by Sigmund Freud that belief in God was psychologically harmful, in works such as "The Varieties Of Religious Experience", James believed religion should be judged by its results in the life of the individual. Overall, James concluded that, "In a general way...on the whole...our testing of religion by practical common sense and the empirical method leaves it in possession of its towering place in history. For economically, the saintly group of qualities is indispensable to the world’s welfare (109).”

However, any alliance the Christian apologist may make with William James is tenuous at best. For example, James categorized the pantheistic outlook of Mediterranean paganism as healthy and those emphasizing the need to be “twice born” as epitomizing a Germanic dourness characterized by an obsession regarding man’s fallen nature and need to be saved by God (105).

Though few in number, Christian apologists have adapted pragmaticism to the defense of the faith. Foremost among these is Francis Schaeffer.

Schaeffer’s method might not be considered solely pragmatic by the methodology’s purists as he does not allow a worldview’s viability to determine whether or not it is true but rather to show how the Christian worldview is the most consistently livable. Schaeffer refers to this test as an experiential teleological argument (110).

In a Schaefferian apologetic, one takes the propositions of a particular worldview and projects them onto the movie screen of life. For example, Schaeffer noted how the materialism of Jackson Pollock drove the artist to suicide and how musician John Cage did not adhere to the philosophy of chance that categorized his music when it came to picking potentially deadly mushrooms

The next epistemological methodology is combinationalism. Throughout this discourse thus far, it has been observed that, while each methodology contributes something to our understanding of God and knowledge, none of these approaches is sufficient enough to stand alone as the only way through which to obtain an understanding of reality. But instead of falling into a state of solipsistic dismay that nothing can be known since each approach falls short, combinationalists suggest that the insights of each method ought to be knit together in order to produce the most comprehensive understanding possible.

One such apologist utilizing this approach is Edward J. Carnell. Carnell combines rationalism, which he defines as a “horizontal self-consistency so that all of the major assumptions of the position can be so related together that they placate the rules of formal logic” and evidentialism, which he categorizes as “a vertical fitting of the facts” in that one’s assumptions must cohere with the “real concrete facts of human history (122).” Together, these elements make up systematic consistency.

However, even combinationalists must proceed with caution. As Geisler points out in “the leaky bucket argument”, if the other methodologies are insufficient on their own, these do not necessarily hold the epistemological water any better when they are combined together (129). Furthermore, often when one proceeds to evaluate a worldview, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of presupposing the worldview before it has been established or the facts are spun in such a way to fit into the worldview.

For example, Geisler uses the example of Christ's Resurrection. Geisler writes, "An apologist...cannot legitimately appeal to the miracle of Christ's resurrection as a proof for the existence of God (129)." This statement, shocking on its face value, means that God is already presupposed if the event is categorized as miraculous in terms of its explanation. Geisler reassures, "On the other hand, grant that God already exists, then the resurrection may very well be a miraculous way of confirming that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God (129)."

Geisler, Norman. "Christian Apologetics". Baker Academic, 1988.

By Frederick Meekins

If Nancy Pelosi thinks everybody has the right to express their religious beliefs on their own property, is she going to come out as enthusiastically in support of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church as she has the Ground Zero mosque?

If Nancy Pelosi thinks everybody has the right to express their religious beliefs on their own property, is she going to come out as enthusiastically in support of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church as she has the Ground Zero mosque?

Eyescanners To Turn World Cities Into Virtual Police States

Pentagon Castigated For Noticing Chinese Military Expansion

Billionaires Minding Their Own Business Shouldn't Have To Explain Why They Haven't Taken The Oath To Give Away 1/2 Their Fortunes

Only those that drone on about giving back to the COMMUNITY or how we mere commoners have too much should have this matter rubbed in their faces.

Establishmentarian Headshrinkers Denounce Superheroes As Sarcastic & Insufficiently Communal

Mind-controlling Parasites

If no independent photojournalists were permitted to accompany him, how can it be verified that those were Gulf waters that President Obama was frolicking in?

Farah & Coulter Spat Over Homocon

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

U.S. Government Financing Mosque Repair & Upkeep

Welfare Deadbeats Rampage

Just see what the TSA would do to you if you grabbed two beers and deployed the escape chute no matter how justifed your actions were.

Apparently Jennifer Anniston Comprehends Neither Biology Nor Social Sciences

The actress claimed that women no longer have to "fiddle with a man" in order to have a child.

If there is no "fiddling" involved, from where are the necessary gametes acquired?

More importantly, if women don't need any assistance from men in raising children, don't let them look towards a fat uncle named Sam either in terms of handouts nor to strongarm the deadbeats fathering these youngsters.

Seems Elton John is as prominently featured as the bride along with Rush Limbaugh's wedding pictures posted on Facebook.

If passengers have to remain quiet & pliant at the hands of abusive airline staff & security out of fear of terrorism charges, shouldn't airline staff also have to take the beration from irrate passengers as well?

UN Attempts To Seize Control Of Public School System

Audio: Olympics Subtly Lure Tots Into Paganism's Embrace

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Liberals are having the vapors that Fox News has an insufficient number of African American viewers. Are these multiculturalists also going to toss a hissy over the very name of Black Entertainment television alienating Whites? Instead of blaming Fox News for not appealing to Blacks, maybe Blacks should be chastised for not liking Fox News as such is likely an indication of preferring a life of indolence and government dependence.

Judge Rules Muslims Permitted To Beat Women

Sodomite Matrimony Penetrates Deeper Into Conservative Movement

Obama's Expect You To Toss Your Elderly Into The Garbage While They Mourn Their's With Lavish Iberian Vacations

Palin Is Correct: Some Teachers Need An Eyerolling

Contrary to leftist press, teachers deserve no more adoration than any other profession and, in the case of the public school system, have been at the forefront of collapsing the republic.

State Department Finances Muslim Missionary Trips

Haggard Insists Gay Marriage No Different Than Being Overweight Or Taking An Aspirin

Hispanosupremacists Denounce Deportations

Will Oil Contaminate Food Supply?

Anne Rice Renounces Christianity

Aren't the competing worldviews she claims are given the shaft by Christians actually bigger burs in the world's backside than organized Christendom?

Government Forbids Collecting Rainwater Falling On Your Property

Won't be long until they claim the fruits of your vegetable garden and supplies in your food pantry as well as a COMMUNITY resource.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Bloomberg says it's not place of government to vet clergy and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Thus, would he welcome Pat Buchanan or David Duke establishing offices in NYC?

Parents Lose Custody Of Tot Named Hitler

The justification is domestic violence.  Guess if you snatched all the kids named Muhammad where wife beatings took place, you'd not have enough orphanges to house all the foundlings.

Crazed Chinamen Continue Pupil Slaying Rampages

Neither secular statists nor religious theocrats can blame this one on too much freedom.