Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Is Ergun Caner A Fraud?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Though they profess to stand for the U.S. Constitution, Christian Reconstructionists could actually undermine the United States if not watched with discernment. For if they ever ascended to power, they would likely undermine the basic liberties of those not agreeing with their particular brand of Calvinism.
If they ever ascended to power, wonder how long until the Christian Reconstructionists implemented their dictatorship and began their persecution of those of us they’d classify as “Arminian devils”. As postmillenialists, most Reconstructionists believe that the Church (not Christ) will implement the Millennial Kingdom. Any human movement promising to establish Heaven on Earth or a near perfect society always ends inflicting mass bloodshed.
If it is wrong to “twist Jesus into a middle class image” according to David Platt on the 6/10/10 Boundless podcast, wouldn’t it be just as wrong to warp the Messiah into a “proletarian social justice Jesus” as well? Dr. Dobson needs to get a grip on the young Emergent Church Marxist-types infiltrating Focus On The Family.
John Boehner wants Social Security age raised & means tested. If we regular Americans are to have our retirements snatched from us, lets abolish benefits for elected leaders at the same time. It is argued that most Americans are working longer anyway; however, unlike most of us, these Congressmen aren't stuck in positions that drain the life out of them & make them feel like Alzheimers is setting in prematurely.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
If Bin Ladin really wants to toss a wrench into things, the moment he gets caught, he ought to shout into the news camera there to record his surrender that he's accepted Jesus. Then wouldn't the all sins are equal crowd among Christians have to argue that he be pardoned and how it is an act of self-righteousness to insist that he pay for his crimes?
Dobsonians Need To Focus Less On Existential Nonessentials
Interesting how the hosts enunciated a double standard that it's OK for young women to remain at home but not acceptable for young men.
Any woman that holds to such a position is basically a gold-digger.
These standards were justified as holdovers of Jewish culture.
However, unless I'm allowed to carry an Uzi down the street, our society is not a Jewish culture to that extent.
What about Isaac remaining at home until his 40's or do we only invoke those aspects of the Old Testament that fit the preconceived notions the psychologist paying the weekly check?
By Frederick Meekins
Minority Students Bribed To Read Over Summer
If all sins are supposedly equal with none worse than any other, don't turn around and heep additional accolades and attention on those that have committed the "biggies" in the past. Force them to remain nothing more than pewsitting collection plate fillers like everyone else that didn't necessarily lead the lives of carnal debauchery that most of the extended testimonies seem to be filled with.
Interesting how Focus On The Family minions are silent about Bristol Palin milking notoriety as an unwed parent. Where is Dobson operative J. Budziszewski with whom I clashed years back over his appalling insistence that mothers not wedding the sirers of their illegitimate offspring be compelled to put their children up for adoption?
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Leftist Suburbs Surrender To Urban Livestock Movement
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Saw an academic journal with the words "Black Heritage" printed on it. Since the "B" was capitalized, are the tolerancemongers on the social bookmarking sites going to ask if there is a racial chip on the shoulder of whoever wrote that, call into question the quality of the person's scholastic credentials, and insinuate that the author's First Amendment rights should be revoked?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Airline Forces Girls To Ditch Turtle
Parks To Eliminate Outhouses
Welfare Spent In California Casinos
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Contrary to what Albert Mohler insinuates, why is it the fault of men these days that uppity women are so materialistic that they won't marry someone that they look down their noses at along the occupational hierarchy? Interesting he never has any guilt to load upon women thinking they are too good to work within the home.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Val Kilmer Loses Spines & Apologizes For Failing To Enunciate Communally Enforced Delusions
These anal retentive Internet commenters that find it logical to invalidate an essay based on a handful of spelling errors overlooked by a chronically tired eye are the same ones that celebrate the mush-mouthed grunts of Black ghetto youth as a beautiful dialect or insist that Hispanic illegals be allowed to fill out welfare applications in their native Spanish.
Mexico Joins Lawsuit Insisting Arizona Immigration Law Is Unconstitutional
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Maybe what I write is riddled with typographic errors. Maybe if these grammar fetishists had only a single, partially functioning eye strained by the end of the day, perhaps their own columns wouldn't be quite so pristine. O, wait, they don't write any. They only nitpick the technicalities of others.
I guess for not enthusiastically embracing polytheism, I have been accused of talking like a toaster. I suppose that was a Battlestar Galactica reference since toaster was slang for a Cylon. For the record, I think I am more a Gauis Baltar. He said, "Just because I might be crazy doesn't mean I'm not right."
Interesting how Blacks and Hispanics can capitalize the first letter of their respective racial designation but I have been labelled as “a stupid racist asshole” for extending the same respect towards the word “White”. Don’t like my use of a mild profanity? I am just letting you know the disdain out there for WHITE Americans.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Lessons In Apologetics, Part 1: Introduction & Agnosticism
For anyone pursuing a degree in Apologetics that was given a dollar for every time they were asked "What is that, learning how to say you are sorry" upon answering the question of what it is that they study so many times, many would have financed a considerable portion of their academic pursuits. Unfortunately, such ignorance as to what exactly this theological discipline entails symbolizes the neglect the defense of the faith has fallen into in the contemporary church and is one of the reasons that everywhere the believer and student of religion turns today they find Christianity losing considerable ground both within and without its boundaries to a wide variety of opponents and adversaries. To the serious student of this field of study, one of the best tools around which to build a fundamental understanding of the discipline's ins and outs is "Christian Apologetics" by Norman Geisler, one of the field's foremost living practitioners.
Basic to any academic discipline is the approach or methodology which scholars and researchers apply to the subject matter. The field of Apologetics is no different. Geisler lists the methodologies to knowledge in general and about God in particular as agnosticism, rationalism, fideism, experientialism, evidentialism, pragmatism, and combinationalism. In the course of his analysis, Geisler evaluates each in terms of their epistemology regarding religious matters and how these approaches stack up under the weight of being scrutinized by their own criteria.
The first approach to knowledge of God is agnosticism. Coined by T.H. Huxley, the term agnosticism means "no knowledge" and thus contends one is unable to know anything about God (13).
Agnosticism is itself divided into two branches. The one holds that not yet enough conclusive evidence pointing in one direction or the other regarding the existence of God has been gathered. The other holds that God is not knowable.
Of the agnostics that claim God is not knowable, this claim is based upon their understanding of the nature of knowledge. Drawing upon David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and A.J. Ayers' Language, Truth, & Logic, these agnostics have divided the tree of actual knowledge into two branches.
The first variety of valid statements are analytic statements meaning they are valid by the terms of their definitions. For example, all bachelors are unmarried. The second type of valid statements are known as synthetic and are what we would refer to as matters of fact as they are about empirically gathered data (17).
Geisler writes of the agnostic views regarding talk about God, "For the term 'God' is neither analytic nor synthetic; that is, it is neither offered by the theist as an empty contentless definition corresponding to nothing in reality nor is it filled with empirical content since 'God' is allegedly a supraempirical being. Hence, it is literally nonsense to talk about God (18)."
To the aspiring apologist hoping to present an objective case for the Christian faith beyond how warm and fuzzy Jesus makes their innards, it may seem that the agnostic methodology has struck an early and potentially crippling blow to this noble effort. However, a bit of careful reflection may even the scales once more between the agnostic and the Christian.
The lofty sounding name given to this epistemology of language is the Verification Principle. If the Christian turns the Verification Principle back on itself, one sees it is self-referentially incoherent as the concept cannot live up to its own criteria as the Verification Principle is neither purely definitional or merely a statement of fact.
Thus to remain consistent, the agnostic must admit that, since our knowledge of the empirical and metaphysical realms is limited, by definition of man's own finitude, this understanding cannot be totally comprehensive. Of those unwilling to admit God may exist in those reaches man cannot fully fathom, Geisler writes, "And there is simply no way short of omniscience that one can make such sweeping and categorical statements about reality...Hence total agnosticism is only self-defeating. Only an omniscient mind could be totally agnostic and finite men do not possess omniscience (27)."
By Frederick Meekins
Geisler, Norman. "Christian Apologetics". Baker Academic, 1988.