Friday, June 25, 2010

Jews Have Gas

Half Of Detained Illegals Likely Jihadists

Contrary to Bannon Howse of Worldview Weekend, though one may question Alex Jones appearance on Russian television, there is nothing in Scripture bringing the sincereity of one's Christian faith in question if one aggrees with a number of positions advocated by Alex Jones.

Illegals Importing Whooping Cough Into The United States

Airline Forces Girls To Ditch Turtle

The claim is that reptiles can't be allowed onboard because they potentially spread salmonella. The creature is no filthier than the foreigners and sodomites on the flight or the street vermin and illegals we all come in contact with day to day.

Beck Denounced For Exposing America's Socialist Elites

Rescued Dolphin Dies

Cloth Bags Harbor Pestilence

Obama Appoints "Sanctuary City" Advocate To Undermine Immigration Law

Apparently California Needs Arizona More Than Arizona Needs California

Are Whales Being Poisoned To Death?

Parks To Eliminate Outhouses

And then the enviromentalists will wonder why folks will be downloading in the bushes. One imbecile couldn't even aim his strafing run with a provided target, his bombing deliberately going off course onto the restroom floor.

Welfare Spent In California Casinos

Theoretically, one should track back who was given what card and cut their benefits since it is obvious they do not need the assistance for necesities such as food, shelter and utility bills.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Val Kilmer Loses Spines & Apologizes For Failing To Enunciate Communally Enforced Delusions

He should have told them all to go to Hades.

These anal retentive Internet commenters that find it logical to invalidate an essay based on a handful of spelling errors overlooked by a chronically tired eye are the same ones that celebrate the mush-mouthed grunts of Black ghetto youth as a beautiful dialect or insist that Hispanic illegals be allowed to fill out welfare applications in their native Spanish.

Beck to have special Friday on "Black Heroes". Is there to be a special on "White Heroes"? Since Beck seems intent on exposing the racist backgrounds of organized labor and Communism, while he's at it, maybe he should expose the Marxist ties of Martin Luther King.

If Glenn Beck likes cheap undocumented labor so much, maybe Fox will replace him with a coolie.

And once pensions and social security are abolished, is Glenn Beck going to help provide for the elderly without large Mormon strings being attached to the assistance?

Solstice Yoga Blocks New York Walkways

Dredging Operations To Cease

Mexico Joins Lawsuit Insisting Arizona Immigration Law Is Unconstitutional

Third Word slum regimes have no business dictating to the United States what our own constitution means, especially when Mexico's own record on human rights is less than exemplary.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Contrary to an unnamed website where I have been badmouthed all day, I am not obligated to appear when summoned.

Perhaps the schools I've attended haven't been top of the line. However, the Ivy League has been more of a hindrance than a help to the spiritual state of this nation for at least the past few decades and it could be argued for nearly a century now.

Maybe what I write is riddled with typographic errors. Maybe if these grammar fetishists had only a single, partially functioning eye strained by the end of the day, perhaps their own columns wouldn't be quite so pristine. O, wait, they don't write any. They only nitpick the technicalities of others.

I guess the Blacks that conspire to have Whites (am I racist for capitalizing both names) fired from their jobs don't have "a racial chip on their shoulders".

I guess for not enthusiastically embracing polytheism, I have been accused of talking like a toaster. I suppose that was a Battlestar Galactica reference since toaster was slang for a Cylon. For the record, I think I am more a Gauis Baltar. He said, "Just because I might be crazy doesn't mean I'm not right."

Maybe if Obama didn’t have a teleprompter, we’d all see what a “stupid asshole” he is also.

I might be the “stupidest asshole” out there, but given what has been let into the White House this past election, I don’t see how my lack of intelligence disqualifies me from posting whatever I please on line. I might as well be the best “stupidest asshole” I can be.

Interesting how Blacks and Hispanics can capitalize the first letter of their respective racial designation but I have been labelled as “a stupid racist asshole” for extending the same respect towards the word “White”. Don’t like my use of a mild profanity? I am just letting you know the disdain out there for WHITE Americans.

Mexican Terrorists Threaten Texas Water Supply

Mexican Drug Dealers Occupy Arizona High Ground

Frank Schaeffer Bent On Destroying Biblical Christianity

Frank Schaeffer Veers Deeper Into Apostasy

Town Heralds Pedophile As Model Citizen

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lessons In Apologetics, Part 1: Introduction & Agnosticism

For anyone pursuing a degree in Apologetics that was given a dollar for every time they were asked "What is that, learning how to say you are sorry" upon answering the question of what it is that they study so many times, many would have financed a considerable portion of their academic pursuits. Unfortunately, such ignorance as to what exactly this theological discipline entails symbolizes the neglect the defense of the faith has fallen into in the contemporary church and is one of the reasons that everywhere the believer and student of religion turns today they find Christianity losing considerable ground both within and without its boundaries to a wide variety of opponents and adversaries. To the serious student of this field of study, one of the best tools around which to build a fundamental understanding of the discipline's ins and outs is "Christian Apologetics" by Norman Geisler, one of the field's foremost living practitioners.

Basic to any academic discipline is the approach or methodology which scholars and researchers apply to the subject matter. The field of Apologetics is no different. Geisler lists the methodologies to knowledge in general and about God in particular as agnosticism, rationalism, fideism, experientialism, evidentialism, pragmatism, and combinationalism. In the course of his analysis, Geisler evaluates each in terms of their epistemology regarding religious matters and how these approaches stack up under the weight of being scrutinized by their own criteria.

The first approach to knowledge of God is agnosticism. Coined by T.H. Huxley, the term agnosticism means "no knowledge" and thus contends one is unable to know anything about God (13).

Agnosticism is itself divided into two branches. The one holds that not yet enough conclusive evidence pointing in one direction or the other regarding the existence of God has been gathered. The other holds that God is not knowable.

Of the agnostics that claim God is not knowable, this claim is based upon their understanding of the nature of knowledge. Drawing upon David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and A.J. Ayers' Language, Truth, & Logic, these agnostics have divided the tree of actual knowledge into two branches.

The first variety of valid statements are analytic statements meaning they are valid by the terms of their definitions. For example, all bachelors are unmarried. The second type of valid statements are known as synthetic and are what we would refer to as matters of fact as they are about empirically gathered data (17).

Geisler writes of the agnostic views regarding talk about God, "For the term 'God' is neither analytic nor synthetic; that is, it is neither offered by the theist as an empty contentless definition corresponding to nothing in reality nor is it filled with empirical content since 'God' is allegedly a supraempirical being. Hence, it is literally nonsense to talk about God (18)."

To the aspiring apologist hoping to present an objective case for the Christian faith beyond how warm and fuzzy Jesus makes their innards, it may seem that the agnostic methodology has struck an early and potentially crippling blow to this noble effort. However, a bit of careful reflection may even the scales once more between the agnostic and the Christian.

The lofty sounding name given to this epistemology of language is the Verification Principle. If the Christian turns the Verification Principle back on itself, one sees it is self-referentially incoherent as the concept cannot live up to its own criteria as the Verification Principle is neither purely definitional or merely a statement of fact.

Thus to remain consistent, the agnostic must admit that, since our knowledge of the empirical and metaphysical realms is limited, by definition of man's own finitude, this understanding cannot be totally comprehensive. Of those unwilling to admit God may exist in those reaches man cannot fully fathom, Geisler writes, "And there is simply no way short of omniscience that one can make such sweeping and categorical statements about reality...Hence total agnosticism is only self-defeating. Only an omniscient mind could be totally agnostic and finite men do not possess omniscience (27)."

By Frederick Meekins


Geisler, Norman. "Christian Apologetics". Baker Academic, 1988.

Clinton Pimp Out Chelsea's Wedding Reception

She's been shacked-up so long that the wedding pretty much has no meaning anyway.

Val Kilmer's neighborhood doesn't sound much different than my area.

Val Kilmer should not be required to apologize for what may be a validly held opinion. Due process is not based upon how much you smooch the rearend of your neighborhood.

Are Oil Spill Victims Not Black Enough For Celebrities To Care?

Life Jacket Regulations Deemed More Vital Than Saving Animals & Livelihoods

Yet more proof that the New Lord does not want to resolve the crisis.

Thomas Kincaide Arrested On DUI

Did Obama Frequent A Gay Bath House?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Deadbeats Rampage In California Streets

Every last one of them should lose whatever government assistance they are on and kicked out of public housing.

Bigfoot Spotted In Northern Virginia?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Olympics Subtly Lure Tots Into Paganism's Embrace

Over the past decade and a half or thereabouts, I have published occasional columns pointing out that there is more going on in terms of worldview at the Olympic games than good sportsmanship and keeping a stoic outlook no matter how disappointed one might be at the outcome of a particular event. These worldviews often come closest to public light in commemorations surrounding the games such as the opening or closing ceremonies.

For example, in an audio commentary I noted the blatant paganism at the 2006 games in Greece where the ancient gods were not so much depicted as curiosities of mankind’s religious history with the possibility of a few moral axioms derivable occasionally from these myths when approached as literature. Rather, adoration of these entities was approached as a viable system of belief around which humanity could draw ongoing sustain inspiration moving the world towards cultural unification.

For the most part, such ideological manipulation was aimed largely at a generalized audience irrespective of age. Now it seems Olympic organizers may have more carefully targeted their indoctrination efforts towards children.

During each Olympiad, mascots are created as appealing embodiments of each unique set of games. For example, the 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles were represented by Sam the Olympian, a bald eagle clad in red, white, and blue which alluded to Uncle Same and the highest ideals of the American people.

It has been a quarter of a century since then and the practice continues. It is doubtful, though, parents with a lick of sense about them will be as enthusiastic about what is being pushed now as adorable imaginative companions.

The first outrage is really more economic than anything else. Though cluttered over with all the nauseating sentiments about international cooperation and competition being the focal point of the games, ultimately under the banner of these spectacles, significant amounts of money changes hands.

No doubt, nice checks went to the firms and/or artists creating the mascots of the Vancouver games. What the artists this time deserve are gold metals for the least amount work possible going into the artistic rendering of an Olympiad’s mascots.

For example, Sam the Olympian was rendered with the skill, precision, and appeal for which 20th century Disney characters were noted and adored for by the public. One does not need to go into a lengthy backstory to figure out what Sam the Eagle is and what he stands for.

This is not the case of the mascots of the Vancouver winter Olympics. In fact, the firm that designed the characters should have been paid no more for these rendering than one would a doodler in a high school art class. In the high school art class I was enrolled in, one would have received a grade not much above passing had one handed in something looking as ridiculous and simplistic.

What becomes really questionable, however, is in regards to what the mascots represent. The following comes not from conservative or even Christian fundamentalist conspiracy theorists, but rather from the Wikipedia entry for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paraolympic Games mascots.

Of the trio, the most realistic is a Sasquatch named “Quatchi”. That isn’t too bad as for decades as the Sasquatch or Bigfoot has been a cryptozoological celebrity of the Pacific Northwest.

However, it today’s world, it’s never enough to let characters be huggable and adorable in and of themselves. Why waste an opportunity to manipulate young minds away from the values decent parents are trying to inoculate into their children?

Those that look closer at Quatchi will notice that there is a tattoo on his bicep. With over a third of the population mutilated and defaced in this fashion, do children of the world really need additional peer pressure as to this questionable form of bodily ornamentation?

The free spirit who are of a live-and-let-live mindset regarding every questionable practice with the exception of questioning the live-and-let-live mindset will respond, "Why are you fuddiduddies making such a production out of a simple tattoo that no one is going to notice?"

Oh really? If the bio-graffiti was not going to be noticed by spectators, the why did the artist take the time to add this particular design element? It takes so long to produce a finished artistic work that has to go through multiple editorial reviews that it is doubtful that any detail would be overlooked. And if the marking is not there for any particular reason, then why does it need to be there at all?

However, a tattoo strategically placed upon a mascot is not the only aspect about these characters designed to subconsciously lead Western children away from the values of their forefathers. For even though the games are presented as belonging to the world, only Westerners of a multiculturalist inclination would be deluded into thinking that Westerners wouldn’t be the only ones with enough leisure time to soak up the ambiance of the games as well as enough disposable income for all of the assorted trinkets pushed at spectators. After all, though they might excel at warm weather sports such as running, sub-Saharan Africans aren't exactly renowned for their alacrity to ice and snow.

The other mascot of the Olympics Proper is Miga, a mystical sea bear that is part orca and part kermode bear. In other words, unless the poor creature is languishing in a laboratory somewhere, which one shouldn't put past some deranged geneticist just for the Sheol of it these days, it doesn't exist.

Perhaps the most questionable mascot is Sumi. According to Wikipedia, Sumi is "an animal guardian spirit with the wins of a Thunderbird and the legs of a black bear who wears the hat of an orca whale." In other words, it is a mishmashed critter that likes to cross dress.

Though there are numerous jokes that could be made about these two, the important issue is the role guardian spirits and orcas that transform into white bears play in American Indian mythology and belief systems. From as much hoopla that is being made about so-called "native populations" of the Pacific Northwest, one would assume that not Whites lived there or at least ones that did not go around with their shoulders slouched and their heads hunched for simply being White. Since Whites pay taxes too and are less likely to be on the public dole, shouldn't they get some kind of honorable mention for contributing to the culture or at least the economy of the area?

Olympic organizers are no doubt playing up the animistic belief of the area's history for the very same reason that the Athens Olympiad played up that culture's pagan past. For the thing with the amorphous religiosity of the New Age movement under which both Greco-Roman paganism and American Indian shamanism both find acceptance is the idea that the realm of the spirit is coterminous with the physical world. As such, in this system, there can be no authority higher than the earthly institutions that embrace such a mindset.

As an antithetical perspective, monotheism cannot be countenanced since its God exists transcendent to the socio-physical order. God decrees what is and is not right and good. He does not take the findings of committees into consideration and as such the authority of any committee is circumscribed by Him.

This column should not be construed as a blanket condemnation of the imagination. For as a fan of speculative fiction myself, I don’t even hop on the anti-Harry Potter bandwagon with the unreserved enthusiasm demanded by many rigorous theologians and Bible scholars.

Rather, what is being called for here is a notion of epistemological equality. It is quite obvious that a mascot with a Christian or even Hebraic background or origins would not be put up with.

At the Copenhagen Global Warming Summitt, though the God of the Bible had the last laugh as He socked the proceedings with a blizzard, theophobes complained about evergreens planted in front of the conference center because some kook might misconstrue them as Christmas trees. The trees had to be removed in order to prevent any appearance of an endorsement of any particular religion at a UN function. Yet these very same environmental bureaucrats would support multiple layers of laws and regulations ranging all the way from international treaties down to the minutest municipal statutes that would prevent you from removing trees from your very own property.

Proponents of the Olympic games might claim the festival is all about friendly competition and the pursuit of athletic excellence. Realists will point out that it has just as much or even more to do with money and power.

At the global level, the boundaries between government and big business grow increasingly blurred. Thus, at some point in terms of either direct sponsorship or roundabout subsidies, taxpayers around the world are at some level financing the Olympic games out of their own pockets.

Often, even if there is minimal public money flowing into a government agency or even a private organization, these administrative entities must go out of their way to guarantee that they in no way exhibit any kind of preference for one religious system or spiritual belief over another. This standard is especially applied to Christianity.

Though initially founded as a celebration in adoration of heathen idols, theoretically the contemporary Olympic games could be held strictly as a secular competition in terms of philosophical neutrality if its administrators distanced the celebration from its questionable past and stuck to officiating races. Whatever path is decided upon, it will be a deliberate choice.

If those trusted with overseeing this event insist upon pursuing a manipulative mysticism, those redeemed by the one true God should first and foremost boldly warn what is rally going on beneath all the pageantry and excitement. Only then is the individual able to make a truly informed decision in keeping with their conscience.

by Frederick Meekins

French Ban Pork Party For Fear Of Ticking Off Muslims

Amazing how the types that think nothing of tossing millions of dollars on a wedding think you are greedy if you'd like to enjoy a few years of retirement from a job you can't stand before you are planted in the ground.

If the U.S. government is offering a $25 million reward for Bin Laden, should we really be all condemnatory regarding the mercenary/bounty hunter arrested in Pakistan?

Can someone that tosses multiple millions on a wedding understand the plights of those that scrimp by on social security and are told it needs to be snatched from them since they are the ones supposedly living high on the hog?

Rush sounds more in love with Elton John than his new wife.

Actually, is South Carolina candidate Al Green any more inarticulate than Obama court jester, I mean press secretary Robert Gibbs?

Has been pointed out Il Duce was more concerned about the rabblerousers on the "peace flotilla" than the oil rig technicians that died in the explosion.

Wonder if Rush Limbaugh realizes wife #4 was only about 13 years old when he started his radio show?

Interesting how Obama thinks laws should be set aside when it comes to illegal aliens but not in regards to foreign ships entering U.S. waters wanting to assist during a time of emergency. Proof he wants botht the environment & the economy destroyed.

Downplayed Truths Regarding Illegal Immigration

Congressman Castigated For Speculating Obama Is An Afrosupremacist

Concept Of One-Man-One-Vote Abolished To Pander To Hispanosupremacists

If this is justified by the Voting Rights Act, isn't what that legislation is essentially saying is that one is obligated to vote for a candidate on the basis of skin color rather than the validity of the ideas or policies a candidate advocates?

Will Nickelodeon Become A Smutt Peddler

Back in my day, the network showed programs like "What Will They Think Of Next" (a show about advanced in science), "The Mysterious Cities Of Gold", "The Tomorrow People" and "Mr. Wizard". At night, they'd show "Mr. Ed" and "My Three Sons".