Friday, June 18, 2010

Deadbeats Rampage In California Streets

Every last one of them should lose whatever government assistance they are on and kicked out of public housing.

Bigfoot Spotted In Northern Virginia?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Olympics Subtly Lure Tots Into Paganism's Embrace

Over the past decade and a half or thereabouts, I have published occasional columns pointing out that there is more going on in terms of worldview at the Olympic games than good sportsmanship and keeping a stoic outlook no matter how disappointed one might be at the outcome of a particular event. These worldviews often come closest to public light in commemorations surrounding the games such as the opening or closing ceremonies.

For example, in an audio commentary I noted the blatant paganism at the 2006 games in Greece where the ancient gods were not so much depicted as curiosities of mankind’s religious history with the possibility of a few moral axioms derivable occasionally from these myths when approached as literature. Rather, adoration of these entities was approached as a viable system of belief around which humanity could draw ongoing sustain inspiration moving the world towards cultural unification.

For the most part, such ideological manipulation was aimed largely at a generalized audience irrespective of age. Now it seems Olympic organizers may have more carefully targeted their indoctrination efforts towards children.

During each Olympiad, mascots are created as appealing embodiments of each unique set of games. For example, the 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles were represented by Sam the Olympian, a bald eagle clad in red, white, and blue which alluded to Uncle Same and the highest ideals of the American people.

It has been a quarter of a century since then and the practice continues. It is doubtful, though, parents with a lick of sense about them will be as enthusiastic about what is being pushed now as adorable imaginative companions.

The first outrage is really more economic than anything else. Though cluttered over with all the nauseating sentiments about international cooperation and competition being the focal point of the games, ultimately under the banner of these spectacles, significant amounts of money changes hands.

No doubt, nice checks went to the firms and/or artists creating the mascots of the Vancouver games. What the artists this time deserve are gold metals for the least amount work possible going into the artistic rendering of an Olympiad’s mascots.

For example, Sam the Olympian was rendered with the skill, precision, and appeal for which 20th century Disney characters were noted and adored for by the public. One does not need to go into a lengthy backstory to figure out what Sam the Eagle is and what he stands for.

This is not the case of the mascots of the Vancouver winter Olympics. In fact, the firm that designed the characters should have been paid no more for these rendering than one would a doodler in a high school art class. In the high school art class I was enrolled in, one would have received a grade not much above passing had one handed in something looking as ridiculous and simplistic.

What becomes really questionable, however, is in regards to what the mascots represent. The following comes not from conservative or even Christian fundamentalist conspiracy theorists, but rather from the Wikipedia entry for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paraolympic Games mascots.

Of the trio, the most realistic is a Sasquatch named “Quatchi”. That isn’t too bad as for decades as the Sasquatch or Bigfoot has been a cryptozoological celebrity of the Pacific Northwest.

However, it today’s world, it’s never enough to let characters be huggable and adorable in and of themselves. Why waste an opportunity to manipulate young minds away from the values decent parents are trying to inoculate into their children?

Those that look closer at Quatchi will notice that there is a tattoo on his bicep. With over a third of the population mutilated and defaced in this fashion, do children of the world really need additional peer pressure as to this questionable form of bodily ornamentation?

The free spirit who are of a live-and-let-live mindset regarding every questionable practice with the exception of questioning the live-and-let-live mindset will respond, "Why are you fuddiduddies making such a production out of a simple tattoo that no one is going to notice?"

Oh really? If the bio-graffiti was not going to be noticed by spectators, the why did the artist take the time to add this particular design element? It takes so long to produce a finished artistic work that has to go through multiple editorial reviews that it is doubtful that any detail would be overlooked. And if the marking is not there for any particular reason, then why does it need to be there at all?

However, a tattoo strategically placed upon a mascot is not the only aspect about these characters designed to subconsciously lead Western children away from the values of their forefathers. For even though the games are presented as belonging to the world, only Westerners of a multiculturalist inclination would be deluded into thinking that Westerners wouldn’t be the only ones with enough leisure time to soak up the ambiance of the games as well as enough disposable income for all of the assorted trinkets pushed at spectators. After all, though they might excel at warm weather sports such as running, sub-Saharan Africans aren't exactly renowned for their alacrity to ice and snow.

The other mascot of the Olympics Proper is Miga, a mystical sea bear that is part orca and part kermode bear. In other words, unless the poor creature is languishing in a laboratory somewhere, which one shouldn't put past some deranged geneticist just for the Sheol of it these days, it doesn't exist.

Perhaps the most questionable mascot is Sumi. According to Wikipedia, Sumi is "an animal guardian spirit with the wins of a Thunderbird and the legs of a black bear who wears the hat of an orca whale." In other words, it is a mishmashed critter that likes to cross dress.

Though there are numerous jokes that could be made about these two, the important issue is the role guardian spirits and orcas that transform into white bears play in American Indian mythology and belief systems. From as much hoopla that is being made about so-called "native populations" of the Pacific Northwest, one would assume that not Whites lived there or at least ones that did not go around with their shoulders slouched and their heads hunched for simply being White. Since Whites pay taxes too and are less likely to be on the public dole, shouldn't they get some kind of honorable mention for contributing to the culture or at least the economy of the area?

Olympic organizers are no doubt playing up the animistic belief of the area's history for the very same reason that the Athens Olympiad played up that culture's pagan past. For the thing with the amorphous religiosity of the New Age movement under which both Greco-Roman paganism and American Indian shamanism both find acceptance is the idea that the realm of the spirit is coterminous with the physical world. As such, in this system, there can be no authority higher than the earthly institutions that embrace such a mindset.

As an antithetical perspective, monotheism cannot be countenanced since its God exists transcendent to the socio-physical order. God decrees what is and is not right and good. He does not take the findings of committees into consideration and as such the authority of any committee is circumscribed by Him.

This column should not be construed as a blanket condemnation of the imagination. For as a fan of speculative fiction myself, I don’t even hop on the anti-Harry Potter bandwagon with the unreserved enthusiasm demanded by many rigorous theologians and Bible scholars.

Rather, what is being called for here is a notion of epistemological equality. It is quite obvious that a mascot with a Christian or even Hebraic background or origins would not be put up with.

At the Copenhagen Global Warming Summitt, though the God of the Bible had the last laugh as He socked the proceedings with a blizzard, theophobes complained about evergreens planted in front of the conference center because some kook might misconstrue them as Christmas trees. The trees had to be removed in order to prevent any appearance of an endorsement of any particular religion at a UN function. Yet these very same environmental bureaucrats would support multiple layers of laws and regulations ranging all the way from international treaties down to the minutest municipal statutes that would prevent you from removing trees from your very own property.

Proponents of the Olympic games might claim the festival is all about friendly competition and the pursuit of athletic excellence. Realists will point out that it has just as much or even more to do with money and power.

At the global level, the boundaries between government and big business grow increasingly blurred. Thus, at some point in terms of either direct sponsorship or roundabout subsidies, taxpayers around the world are at some level financing the Olympic games out of their own pockets.

Often, even if there is minimal public money flowing into a government agency or even a private organization, these administrative entities must go out of their way to guarantee that they in no way exhibit any kind of preference for one religious system or spiritual belief over another. This standard is especially applied to Christianity.

Though initially founded as a celebration in adoration of heathen idols, theoretically the contemporary Olympic games could be held strictly as a secular competition in terms of philosophical neutrality if its administrators distanced the celebration from its questionable past and stuck to officiating races. Whatever path is decided upon, it will be a deliberate choice.

If those trusted with overseeing this event insist upon pursuing a manipulative mysticism, those redeemed by the one true God should first and foremost boldly warn what is rally going on beneath all the pageantry and excitement. Only then is the individual able to make a truly informed decision in keeping with their conscience.

by Frederick Meekins

French Ban Pork Party For Fear Of Ticking Off Muslims

Amazing how the types that think nothing of tossing millions of dollars on a wedding think you are greedy if you'd like to enjoy a few years of retirement from a job you can't stand before you are planted in the ground.

If the U.S. government is offering a $25 million reward for Bin Laden, should we really be all condemnatory regarding the mercenary/bounty hunter arrested in Pakistan?

Can someone that tosses multiple millions on a wedding understand the plights of those that scrimp by on social security and are told it needs to be snatched from them since they are the ones supposedly living high on the hog?

Rush sounds more in love with Elton John than his new wife.

Actually, is South Carolina candidate Al Green any more inarticulate than Obama court jester, I mean press secretary Robert Gibbs?

Has been pointed out Il Duce was more concerned about the rabblerousers on the "peace flotilla" than the oil rig technicians that died in the explosion.

Wonder if Rush Limbaugh realizes wife #4 was only about 13 years old when he started his radio show?

Interesting how Obama thinks laws should be set aside when it comes to illegal aliens but not in regards to foreign ships entering U.S. waters wanting to assist during a time of emergency. Proof he wants botht the environment & the economy destroyed.

Downplayed Truths Regarding Illegal Immigration

Congressman Castigated For Speculating Obama Is An Afrosupremacist

Concept Of One-Man-One-Vote Abolished To Pander To Hispanosupremacists

If this is justified by the Voting Rights Act, isn't what that legislation is essentially saying is that one is obligated to vote for a candidate on the basis of skin color rather than the validity of the ideas or policies a candidate advocates?

Will Nickelodeon Become A Smutt Peddler

Back in my day, the network showed programs like "What Will They Think Of Next" (a show about advanced in science), "The Mysterious Cities Of Gold", "The Tomorrow People" and "Mr. Wizard". At night, they'd show "Mr. Ed" and "My Three Sons".

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Empire State Building Honors Communist Mass Murderers But Not Mother Terresa

Was Gary Coleman Murdered?

Prince Charles Endorses Islamic Practices

Guess even he thinks Camilla needs to put a bag over her face.

Does The General Calling For Obama's Replacement Have Links To Satanic Cult?

Is The Rider Of The Red Horse Ascendant?

It seems that the slyest way to undermine the Constitution is to claim to be defending it.

General Paul Vallely, through his front group, is calling for Barack Obama to step down from the Presidency over allegations of deceit, fraud, corruption, dishonesty, and for violating the oath of office and the U.S. Constitution.

But while all of these are valid charges, the solution presented indicates that the retired general may himself be an aspiring despot waiting in the wings.

For instead of allowing the constitutional procedures established by the Founding Fathers to guide the nation through turbulent periods in its history, Vallely is insisting that new elections must be held this very instant that are to be authorized as a result of citizen petition.

The General claims “We can wait no longer for a traditional transfer of power and a new government.”
Such a proposal causes the discerning to wonder what other provisions of the Constitution he would like to hack to pieces with a bayonet. Because unless the nation goes through an amendment process, there are no legal provisions there for the kind of procedure he is calling for.

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 6, the text describes those who are popularly referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

In this passage, the student of Scripture is shown a rider on a White Horse who is believed to conquer peacefully through guile rather than bloodshed; he is then followed by a Red Horse who brings war.

Though we are not yet in that period of history where the events foretold in the pages of prophecy are being ultimately fulfilled, with the ascension of Barack Obama, I will continue to insist that what we are likely seeing is some kind of dress rehearsal with stand-ins as Satan strategizes and postures as to how he would like to see the narrative unfold.

If at this time Barack Obama is a placeholder for the one that conquers through rhetoric and charisma, General Vallely could very well be at this phase of the game one that rallies to his cause the disaffected preferring deeds to words, resulting in an outcome that is no more desirable that the liberty eroding socialism of the Obama regime.

As a West Point graduate and career officer in the U.S. military, General Vallely can be respected for his contributions to the defense of this nation. However, history gives good reason as to why ultimate control of the military must rest in civilian hands, and no matter how noble their service and their advice considered as a result, veterans should have no more ultimate say than any other citizen that claims to love America.

by Frederick Meekins

Is The South Carolina Democratic Senatorial Nominee A Perv?

Is so, he should do well in Congress.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

A pragmatic politician is essentially one with no foundational values other than smooching their own backside.

Christian School Sued For Firing Fornicating Teacher

I guess these days some think she deserves the teacher of the year award just because one of her students isn't the father.

Thing is here, so many fall for the notion these days that one is obligated to reveal everything to everybody simply because one is asked.

Given how close she had fallen into sin to her scheduled kickoff date, she should have insisted that the party began as originally scheduled.

Also have to ask if the school is internested primarily in morals or trying to find a way to weasel out of paying benefits.

What's next; will teachers that wed be required to publically display a bloody honeymoon sheet as is the practice in some backwards cultures for the pastor or principal to inspect?

Amish Pedophile Arrested

Indiana Jones To Tackle The Bermuda Triangle

Darth Vader Studied To Better Understand Mental Disorders

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Mexican brat hurling rocks at border patrol agents deserved to be shot.

Obama Teaches You Are Not As Important As Him

President Barack Obama addressed the graduating class of Kalamazoo Central High School and personally greeted each of the seniors to congratulate them for their academic achievements.

This honor was extended, for the most part, because of the class patting itself on the back for its lack of racial and ethnic discord, which in today's scholastic environment translates largely into the White students taking with a smile plastered across their faces denouncement for and the accepting of blame for the lion's share of the world's problems as elaborated by leftist textbooks, multiculturalist educators, and the discontented minorities that get worked up into a froth as a result of such indoctrination.

Though a scathing column could be written on that in and of itself, that isn't even the most glaring hypocrisy surrounding this event.

As part of the security procedures surrounding the President's visit, each of the seniors to be personally greeted by the President had to submit to a Secret Service background check.

What's wrong with that those conditioned to submissively accept what they are told to do without a second thought will reply. Nothing whatsoever, as in this day of rampant violence, numerous precautions must be taken to protect the life of the President.

It is just a shame that the President doesn't think that your life is as valuable as his.

The first part of any background check consists of verifying that the person is whom they claim to be by examining their official documentation. Yet President Obama and his law lad Eric Holder are among the foremost critics of the state of Arizona for taking this most basic of steps to protect its citizens and the residents legitimately having the right to reside there from those that do not.

The Constitution expressly forbids in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 the granting of titles that would establish the creation of a nobility setting one class of citizen above another as a matter of statutory formality. This means that, as a matter of legal ontology, all Americans are equal at the core of their being.

The President of the United States has every reasonable expectation that those intending him harm will be kept away from himself and his family. Is there any reason as to why every other American should expect anything less from our government for ourselves as well?

by Frederick Meekins

On D-Day (which Obama did not commemorate) at a ceremony attended by the President, Anglican apostate Desmond Tutu insisted security is not obtained through the barrel of a gun. Some of his closest South African allies such as the Mandelas would, through their actions, assume it comes through sticking a tire around the neck of your political opponents, filling it with gasoline, and setting the tire on fire.

Respect For America's Founding Principles Ridiculed As A Fetish

Tavis Smiley Claims Columbine Killers Christians

Will Torchwood Dump BBC America

Audio: Celebrity Spill, Non-Anglo Anglicans, & Unread Laws

Monday, June 07, 2010

Obama's intelligence director nominee is named "Clapper". Bet any Al Qaeda operatives familiar with late 80's TV jingles are having a field day with that one around the campfires in their dank Afghan caves.

Limbaugh Gets Hitched

Wonder how long this will last given his track record; this is his fourth marriage.

On a humorous note, the headline on most websites reads, "Rush Limbaugh Weds, Elton John Sings".

The proofreaders certainly earned their keep with that carefully placed comma.

If Rush can afford $1 million for the frivolty of Elton John singing at the ceremony, there is no way Limbaugh can comprehend the struggles we mere peons go through as he almost acts like the oil slick is a laughing matter.

Gay Archie Character To Stuff More Meat In His Mouth Than Jugghead

Cyborgs Demand Civil Rights

It is all well and good to defend the rights of those that may need a prosthesis here or there. But will regular humans not wanting comrehensive enhancements they don't need or now wanting to join a collective consciouness that eradicates even the privacy of one's own thoughts have their rights protected as well?

Welfare Mobs Rampage

Census Establishes Martial Law Framework

Is The Denver International Airport The Base Of The New World Order?

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Wonder if Geraldo would take as a hardline position against Vander Sloot and Drew Peterson if they were Hispanic illegal aliens?

Despite now having likely murdered two women, even more will now throw themselves at him now that he's in prison. At this point, anyone else that would befall such a horrible fate at his hands get what they deserve since it is now beyond doubt to the world what that scumbag is.

American Pediatrics Association Nearly Endorses Female Circumcision To Placate Heathen Savages

Can Celebrities Aiding In Oil Spill Disaster Be Trusted?

A deadly blob of oil and gunk edges ever closer to a delicate shoreline with each passing wave. Fear not, Hollywood celebrities will save the day.

The boundary between entertainment and reality is growing more clouded every day. Because of their respective expertise with complex aquatic equipment, James Cameron and Kevin Costner have stepped forward as potential heroes to resolve the BP oil spill disaster. I guess most have forgotten what a flop "Waterworld" was at the box office.

However since the films for which these celebrities are best known, "Avatar" and "Dances With Wolves", are quite distinct in regards to the worldviews through which they hope to persuade audiences, can these personalities be trusted to assist in the preservation of our technologically dependent civilization or will they manipulate the crisis to impose cultural primitivism upon broad swaths of humanity?

Running around half-naked riding psychedelically-colored dinosaurs might look fun during an innovative three hour fantasy. But if it was real, after awhile one would realize that it’s not as glamorous as it looks up on the big screen with no Preparation H in sight for the relief of the chaffed hemorrhoidal tissues that would no doubt result.

by Frederick Meekins

Denver Airport Expands Its Morbid Decor By Erecting Statue Honoring The God Of The Dead