Thursday, June 10, 2010

Is The Rider Of The Red Horse Ascendant?

It seems that the slyest way to undermine the Constitution is to claim to be defending it.

General Paul Vallely, through his front group, is calling for Barack Obama to step down from the Presidency over allegations of deceit, fraud, corruption, dishonesty, and for violating the oath of office and the U.S. Constitution.

But while all of these are valid charges, the solution presented indicates that the retired general may himself be an aspiring despot waiting in the wings.

For instead of allowing the constitutional procedures established by the Founding Fathers to guide the nation through turbulent periods in its history, Vallely is insisting that new elections must be held this very instant that are to be authorized as a result of citizen petition.

The General claims “We can wait no longer for a traditional transfer of power and a new government.”
Such a proposal causes the discerning to wonder what other provisions of the Constitution he would like to hack to pieces with a bayonet. Because unless the nation goes through an amendment process, there are no legal provisions there for the kind of procedure he is calling for.

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 6, the text describes those who are popularly referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

In this passage, the student of Scripture is shown a rider on a White Horse who is believed to conquer peacefully through guile rather than bloodshed; he is then followed by a Red Horse who brings war.

Though we are not yet in that period of history where the events foretold in the pages of prophecy are being ultimately fulfilled, with the ascension of Barack Obama, I will continue to insist that what we are likely seeing is some kind of dress rehearsal with stand-ins as Satan strategizes and postures as to how he would like to see the narrative unfold.

If at this time Barack Obama is a placeholder for the one that conquers through rhetoric and charisma, General Vallely could very well be at this phase of the game one that rallies to his cause the disaffected preferring deeds to words, resulting in an outcome that is no more desirable that the liberty eroding socialism of the Obama regime.

As a West Point graduate and career officer in the U.S. military, General Vallely can be respected for his contributions to the defense of this nation. However, history gives good reason as to why ultimate control of the military must rest in civilian hands, and no matter how noble their service and their advice considered as a result, veterans should have no more ultimate say than any other citizen that claims to love America.

by Frederick Meekins

Is The South Carolina Democratic Senatorial Nominee A Perv?

Is so, he should do well in Congress.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

A pragmatic politician is essentially one with no foundational values other than smooching their own backside.

Christian School Sued For Firing Fornicating Teacher

I guess these days some think she deserves the teacher of the year award just because one of her students isn't the father.

Thing is here, so many fall for the notion these days that one is obligated to reveal everything to everybody simply because one is asked.

Given how close she had fallen into sin to her scheduled kickoff date, she should have insisted that the party began as originally scheduled.

Also have to ask if the school is internested primarily in morals or trying to find a way to weasel out of paying benefits.

What's next; will teachers that wed be required to publically display a bloody honeymoon sheet as is the practice in some backwards cultures for the pastor or principal to inspect?

Amish Pedophile Arrested

Indiana Jones To Tackle The Bermuda Triangle

Darth Vader Studied To Better Understand Mental Disorders

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Mexican brat hurling rocks at border patrol agents deserved to be shot.

Obama Teaches You Are Not As Important As Him

President Barack Obama addressed the graduating class of Kalamazoo Central High School and personally greeted each of the seniors to congratulate them for their academic achievements.

This honor was extended, for the most part, because of the class patting itself on the back for its lack of racial and ethnic discord, which in today's scholastic environment translates largely into the White students taking with a smile plastered across their faces denouncement for and the accepting of blame for the lion's share of the world's problems as elaborated by leftist textbooks, multiculturalist educators, and the discontented minorities that get worked up into a froth as a result of such indoctrination.

Though a scathing column could be written on that in and of itself, that isn't even the most glaring hypocrisy surrounding this event.

As part of the security procedures surrounding the President's visit, each of the seniors to be personally greeted by the President had to submit to a Secret Service background check.

What's wrong with that those conditioned to submissively accept what they are told to do without a second thought will reply. Nothing whatsoever, as in this day of rampant violence, numerous precautions must be taken to protect the life of the President.

It is just a shame that the President doesn't think that your life is as valuable as his.

The first part of any background check consists of verifying that the person is whom they claim to be by examining their official documentation. Yet President Obama and his law lad Eric Holder are among the foremost critics of the state of Arizona for taking this most basic of steps to protect its citizens and the residents legitimately having the right to reside there from those that do not.

The Constitution expressly forbids in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 the granting of titles that would establish the creation of a nobility setting one class of citizen above another as a matter of statutory formality. This means that, as a matter of legal ontology, all Americans are equal at the core of their being.

The President of the United States has every reasonable expectation that those intending him harm will be kept away from himself and his family. Is there any reason as to why every other American should expect anything less from our government for ourselves as well?

by Frederick Meekins

On D-Day (which Obama did not commemorate) at a ceremony attended by the President, Anglican apostate Desmond Tutu insisted security is not obtained through the barrel of a gun. Some of his closest South African allies such as the Mandelas would, through their actions, assume it comes through sticking a tire around the neck of your political opponents, filling it with gasoline, and setting the tire on fire.

Respect For America's Founding Principles Ridiculed As A Fetish

Tavis Smiley Claims Columbine Killers Christians

Will Torchwood Dump BBC America

Audio: Celebrity Spill, Non-Anglo Anglicans, & Unread Laws

Monday, June 07, 2010

Obama's intelligence director nominee is named "Clapper". Bet any Al Qaeda operatives familiar with late 80's TV jingles are having a field day with that one around the campfires in their dank Afghan caves.

Limbaugh Gets Hitched

Wonder how long this will last given his track record; this is his fourth marriage.

On a humorous note, the headline on most websites reads, "Rush Limbaugh Weds, Elton John Sings".

The proofreaders certainly earned their keep with that carefully placed comma.

If Rush can afford $1 million for the frivolty of Elton John singing at the ceremony, there is no way Limbaugh can comprehend the struggles we mere peons go through as he almost acts like the oil slick is a laughing matter.

Gay Archie Character To Stuff More Meat In His Mouth Than Jugghead

Cyborgs Demand Civil Rights

It is all well and good to defend the rights of those that may need a prosthesis here or there. But will regular humans not wanting comrehensive enhancements they don't need or now wanting to join a collective consciouness that eradicates even the privacy of one's own thoughts have their rights protected as well?

Welfare Mobs Rampage

Census Establishes Martial Law Framework

Is The Denver International Airport The Base Of The New World Order?

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Wonder if Geraldo would take as a hardline position against Vander Sloot and Drew Peterson if they were Hispanic illegal aliens?

Despite now having likely murdered two women, even more will now throw themselves at him now that he's in prison. At this point, anyone else that would befall such a horrible fate at his hands get what they deserve since it is now beyond doubt to the world what that scumbag is.

American Pediatrics Association Nearly Endorses Female Circumcision To Placate Heathen Savages

Can Celebrities Aiding In Oil Spill Disaster Be Trusted?

A deadly blob of oil and gunk edges ever closer to a delicate shoreline with each passing wave. Fear not, Hollywood celebrities will save the day.

The boundary between entertainment and reality is growing more clouded every day. Because of their respective expertise with complex aquatic equipment, James Cameron and Kevin Costner have stepped forward as potential heroes to resolve the BP oil spill disaster. I guess most have forgotten what a flop "Waterworld" was at the box office.

However since the films for which these celebrities are best known, "Avatar" and "Dances With Wolves", are quite distinct in regards to the worldviews through which they hope to persuade audiences, can these personalities be trusted to assist in the preservation of our technologically dependent civilization or will they manipulate the crisis to impose cultural primitivism upon broad swaths of humanity?

Running around half-naked riding psychedelically-colored dinosaurs might look fun during an innovative three hour fantasy. But if it was real, after awhile one would realize that it’s not as glamorous as it looks up on the big screen with no Preparation H in sight for the relief of the chaffed hemorrhoidal tissues that would no doubt result.

by Frederick Meekins

Denver Airport Expands Its Morbid Decor By Erecting Statue Honoring The God Of The Dead

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Dangling Stub The Price To Go Topless At Delware Beach

If a number of "Peace Flotilla" members are on the record as wanting to be martyrs, shouldn't Israel be heralded for honoring such a multiculturalist request?

Though the interdiction got out of hand, perhaps America should adapt Israel's approach to undesireables approaching our own borders.

Hopefully, leftist rabblerousers have been persuaded to think twice before boarding the next "peace flotilla".

Nudists Form Social Network

Wonder if it has a Facebook-like "poke" function.

Papists View Illegals As Holier Than Citizens

Lunatics Murder Their Children Over Global Warming Fears

Obamaphiles Insist Governor Brewer Unworthy Of Audience With Il Duce

Is BP Censoring Images Of Dead Marine Life?

LA Alderman Don't Care If Illegals Gun Down Americans

New Thundercat Series Announced

Oil Threatens Indian Lands (As If It Doesn't Everyone Elses?)

Potty Mouth Sarah Silverman Denounces Fox News' Language

Bilderbergs Convene In Spain

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Drunken Kopel Loved Booze More Than Concubine & Children

Greedy Indigent Seek Birth Control Subsidies

Frankly, if you can't afford to pay for your own birth control even if you are married, frankly you don't need to be having carnal relations to begin with.

Obama's Judicial Troll Abolished Constitutional Studies In Favor Of International Law

Evangelist Hugh Pyle

His column on current events in the Sword of the Lord was entertaining and informative.

Did Obama Spend Memorial Day On Farrakhan's Doorstep?

Pelosi Claims Fidelity To Scriputure

Too bad she is totally ignorant as to its contents as evidenced by her positions on abortion, sodomite union, and illegal immigration.

Obama To Herald McCartney For Undermining World Morality

Grandy on WMAL talks in British accent to lampoon BP head wishing he could go back to his life following the oil rig disaster. Will be the first to admit that a feigned accent can be humorous, but will Mexican, Chinese, or a ghetto resident on welfare with 15 children telling everyone what a strong, proud Black woman she is also be attempted on the morning airwaves?

The Anarcho-Totalitarian Nature Of Radical Environmentalism

To most Americans, environmentalism is perceived as a benevolent cultural force charged with preserving the earth's endangered natural treasures and resources. After all, who could possibly oppose freshwater, clean air, and efforts to save fury creatures. Yet few realize there is also a dark underbelly to the growing body of thought that motivates this enthusiastic social movement, causing it to often stand in opposition to fundamental Christian assumptions regarding God, man, and the relation of each to the broader Creation. These faulty assumptions in turn end up posing a major threat to both the liberties we enjoy as Americans and the standard of living possessed by industrialized nations resulting from technological advancement.

There is more to radical brands of environmental ethics --- also know as "Deep Ecology" --- than the perennial dilemma between paper or plastic. To a number of the movement's followers, such rigorous devotion to nature serves the function of a comprehensive worldview. This perspective molds understandings of theology, anthropology, and forms of cultural engagement.

Fundamental, therefore, becomes this outlook's interpretation of ultimate reality. In one sense, Deep Ecology can be seen as an eclectic philosophical movement finding its well of inspiration from the confluence of several streams of thought.

Sociology Professor Bill Devall, who helped coin the movement's name, is quoted in "Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism & The Unmaking Of Civilization" by Christopher Manes as saying, "We are arguing that you can start from Buddhism, you can start from Darwinism, you can work your way from Native American tradition and work your way to a Deep Ecology position....(140)." What draws these disparate starting points together is the common assumption of interconnectedness where all components of the environment are dependent upon one another and comprise a totality greater than themselves known as the ecosphere.

The systemic interconnectedness promoted by Deep Ecology exhibits considerable similarity to the religious concept of pantheism, the idea that the sum of the universe constitutes God itself. This no doubt accounts for the considerable crossover between the ranks of the New Age and radical environmentalist movements.

Deep Ecology's affinity towards pantheistic spirituality bears much of the responsibility for the hostility that has developed between orthodox Christian belief and the more exacting brands of environmentalist thought. Though adherents are somewhat mistaken as to the philosophical justification for the ecological degradation found in the world, dedicated environmentalists are astute in recognizing the divergences between these competing conceptions of morality.

On the one hand, Deep Ecology perceives the world and its contents as a singular undifferentiated reality. Christianity, on the other hand, acknowledges the shared attributes of the created order while recognizing separate points and shades of ontological valuation along the continuum of being. In the essay "The Historical Roots Of Our Ecological Crisis", Lynn White, Jr. argues that Christianity's distinction between man and nature serves as the root excuse justifying the despoilment of the planet's ecology. While White's hypothesis may be a bit fanciful in its interpretation, his contention does highlight the stark contrast in the epistemological frameworks presented by each of these systems.

Deep Ecology descends from its pinnacle of philosophical monism to address the matters of existence in the world through the vehicle of ecocentrism, the ethical position that everything in nature possesses the same degree of intrinsic worth. Rik Scarce writes in Eco-Warriors: Understanding The Radical Environmental Movement, "Deep Ecologists argue that human-centered , or 'anthropocentric' worldviews grant people a privileged status... Ecology teaches that no individual or species warrants such a special status. For ethical purposes ecocentrism places humans on par with trees, blades of grass, mountain lions, and roaches (36)."

Such thinking ought to send chills down the spines of rational people everywhere. It also no doubt explains the reluctance of local governments to spray for burgeoning mosquito populations despite the increasing threat posed by the potentially deadly West Nile virus. We certainly wouldn't want to harm those darling mosquitoes.

It is through ecocentrism that the abstractions of environmental philosophy begin to take concrete shape in the form of policies and political positions. Deep Ecology's social outlook is centered around bioregionalism, a form of socio-political organization whereby boundaries of a territory are delineated according to an area's ecological characteristics (Scare, 38). This is done in the hopes of bringing about the advent of a new revolutionary society.

The purpose of bioregionalism is to establish sustainable communities integrated wholly into the ecosystem in an attempt to halt the expanse of industrial society. Christopher Manes points out in Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism & The Unmaking Of Civilization that thinkers such as Heidegger and Marcuse claim that attempts by technology to totalize all aspects of existence ultimately cut the individual off from the fabric of the universe (226).

While such rhetoric may make one want to belt out Coca-Cola jingles atop a lush mountain, these words mean much more than planting a garden or ordering cloths from the L.L. Bean catalogue. And even though there are slightly different paths to the same goal, all of them seek to drastically alter the cultural foundations upon which Western civilization rests.

The first trail to ecotopia winds its way through the dark grove of anarchism. A number of Deep Ecologists think of the ideal form of political organization in terms of Ghandi's adage that "The ideally nonviolent state will be ordered anarchy (Scarce, 38)." Movement leader Dave Foreman endeavors to downplay anarchism's shady connotations by clarifying, "I consider myself a tribalist, not an anarchist (Scare, 38)."

Foreman claims that such social arrangements provide considerable individual freedom within the context of an ethical and cultural framework. But as we shall see, neither Foreman nor those following in his path have done much to dispell the perception of anarchy as a justification for violence or done much to promote traditional conceptions of freedom.

The archetype upon which most subsequent activism has been modeled is no doubt Earth First!. Earth First! was established by a group of environmentally conscientious acquaintances led by Dave Foreman, a former staff member of the Washington, DC office of the Wilderness Society who grew disenchanted with the increasingly establishmentarian postures of the more prominent environmental groups. For whereas organizations such as the Sierra Club and the Audubon Society were marked by their efforts to work within the American political system to achieve some degree of environmental compromise, organizations and activists following in the Earth First! mold would be characterized by a more confrontational and direct course of action.

The tactics pursued by groups such as Earth First! are known as environmental terrorism or ecotage. These acts are also referred to as "monkey wrenching" in honor of the inspiration for them drawn from the novel "The Monkey Wrench Gang" by Edward Abbey published in 1975.

In the novel, the protagonists set out to save the environment from developers by engaging in acts of vandalism against the implements of ecological degradation. The characters accomplish their mission by burning billboards, driving bulldozers over cliffs, blowing up railroad tracks, and by pulling up survey stakes (Scarce, 240).

Such fiction would inspire more practical treatments of the subject that would translate these ideas from the realm of literature to the world of action. Foremost among such treatises ranks “Ecodefense: A Handbook On The Militant Defense Of The Earth” by none other than Earth First!’s own Dave Foreman.

Modeled after but perhaps a bit more subdued than the infamous terrorism manual “The Anarchist’s Cookbook“, “Ecodefense” provides the aspiring eco-saboteur with helpful hints on how to destroy construction equipment, how to pull up power and seismographic lines, how to make smoke bombs, and how to elude detection by authorities (Manes, 82). This manifesto would inspire numerous acts of defiance, the best known form being tree spiking which consisted of driving large nails into trees in the hopes of destroying any saw bent on defacing the woody masterpieces of the forest.

Earth First! was most active during the mid 1980's. Dave Foreman has since moved back to "mainstream" environmental activities as he now campaigns to reintroduce wolves into the wilds of the eastern United States. Apart from the serious danger of saw blades ricocheting off an implanted spike, most of the antics perpetrated by these groups promoting an anti-civilization/back to nature mentality at that time were more examples of silliness than actual security risks.

For instance, in December 1989 a faction of Earth First! calling itself the "Gross Action Group" staged a "puke-in" at a Seattle shopping mall in the hopes that self-induced acts of regurgitation would persuade Christmas shoppers as to the putrid nature of their consumerist ways (Scarce, 89). Despite the seeming silliness, the Heritage Foundation in its 1990 report "Eco-Terrorism: The Dangerous Fringe Of The Environmental Movement" warned, "...radical environmentalists' extremist philosophy is leading to a guerilla movement that is destroying property...and one day will kill innocent workers or park employees (Scarce, 265)."

In a sense, Earth First! was undone by its own success in promoting its rigorous environmental crusade as its own brand of radical activism would become overshadowed by an even more intensive form of interventionism. Capitalizing upon innovations in communications technology such as the Internet, Mother Nature's avant-garde enjoys a degree of technological sophistication and aptitude for mobilization that early Earth First! could have never hoped to possess. These advantages make such a network of like-minded fanatics an even greater threat to both the public's safety as well as the nation's way of life.

Walter Laqueur writes in The Age Of Terrorism, "If terrorism is propaganda by deed, the success of a terrorist campaign depends decisively on the amount of publicity it receives (121)." It is precisely this opportunity for increased visibility that has spurred radical environmentalism onwards to greater and greater levels of destructive mayhem.

One such group making the most of increasing levels of technological sophistication is the Earth Liberation Front. With the proliferation of the Internet, such groups have become increasingly difficult to track.

The Special Agent In Charge of the FBI's Seattle Field Office told that city's Post Intelligencer in an article titled "Elusive Radicals Escalate Attacks In Nature's Name" published 6/18/2001, "We don't have an organizational structure to attack --- no finances, no membership lists, no meetings." In other words, the leaders of these cells enjoy the anonymity provided by cyberspace while issuing directives and encouragement via webpages to decentralized vigilantes acting alone of their own accord as they carry out such deeds.

Such mischief has included the smashing of sports utility vehicles, the torching of houses under construction, and the theft of laboratory animals. Others preferring street theater to guerilla raids use the same technologies to disseminate their ideas via email, message boards, and webzines summoning unscrubbed revelers to mass demonstrations where the zealous besiege and destroy any symbol of global consumer culture befalling their path as evidenced at noted rallies in Seattle, Quebec, and Genoa.

Having abandoned a Biblical understanding as to the nature of the universe and man's relation to it in favor of a more pantheistic model, radical environmentalist policies are fraught with a number of inconsistencies harboring serious social implications. The first glaring hypocrisy that no doubt leaps out at even the most casual observer of current events is how a movement claiming to be dedicated to the integrity of all forms of life and the principles of nonviolence and so willfully engage in such blatant acts of sabotage.

Unencumbered by Biblical injunctions upholding the propriety of the individualized ownership of resources, covert ecoteurs and raucous protestors alike do not view their acts of mischief as violence but rather as minor acts of vandalism. This is because such deeds are directed at inanimate technological objects or structures of economic development rather than at manifestations of the natural world such as life forms and landscapes.

Yet that does not mean residents of the industrialized world can breathe a sigh of relief that these campaigns have reached the pinnacle of their destructive onslaught. One of the movement's operatives subdued by authorities warnedin the Seattle Post Intelligencer warned that, if the federal government were ever to carry through on plans to increase the role of nuclear power in America's energy policy, the stakes would be so high that it would not be out of the question for activists to target the homes of nuclear executives or even the executives themselves. The American people, however, should not think of themselves or their possessions as beyond the scope of this disruptive brand of political participation.

Many of the most radical environmentalists, and thus the most likely to act, long for a day when society will no longer be dependent upon modern technology. Such a goal seems at present unattainable as gadgets, gears, and gizmos seem to proliferate at every turn.

But according to the September 2001 issue of Popular Mechanics, there is a new device on the horizon called an “e-bomb” that could make these utopian aspirations a reality. The e-bomb would emit an electromagnetic pulse with the potential to destroy nearly every computer, electrical appliance, and motor in the civilized world without technically taking a single life in the attack itself. Casualties would no doubt mount afterwards, but environmental terrorists would dance around this by pinning that blame on the victims themselves for losing touch with the land and growing too dependent on mechanical conveniences.

Such a scenario is no doubt already being mulled over in the minds of those who craft the popular imagination. This very development served as part of the back story for the sci-fi drama “Dark Angel” set amidst an America struggling to rebuild after just such an ambush by ardent technophobes.

Chaos and mayhem are not the only dangers posed by those caught in Deep Ecology’s web. Despite the movement’s tendency’s seemingly towards anarchy, it also displays a frightening streak towards authoritarian elitism.

For example, while often claiming to represent the interests of the so-called “indigenous peoples” of the world, these activists would think nothing of preempting the rights of self-determination these natives should enjoy as human beings. Science correspondent Ronald Bailey points out in the July 2001 issue of Reason Magazine in the article “Rage Against The Machines: Witnessing The Birth Of The Neo-Luddite Movement” that certain green intellectuals propose that traditional tribal cultures be prevented from acquiring the technologies that would disrupt their established ways of life.

Often this complaint has little to do with the well-being of the rainforest; one author thought it was just terrible that one ethnic group in India no longer sat around the campfire singing songs but now instead listens to the radio. Bailey points out that one particular article on the website questioned whether or not mass ownership of computers should even be permitted, the use of such devices no doubt restricted to those agreeing with the editorial slant of that particular website.

A number of Deep Ecologists --- despite all of their hemming and hawing against the inequities perpetrated by globalist institutuons --- do not themselves believe in inalienable rights or some form of constitutional representative democracy as given absolutes. Kirkpatrick Sale writes in Mother Of All, “Bioregional diversity....does not mean every region...will build upon the values of democracy, equality, liberty, freedom, justice or other suchlike desiderata.” Such a statement leaves the room for numerous human rights abuses perpetrated by a cadre of Platonic philosopher-kings operating on behalf of the environment.

Those taking solace in the fact that the rulers of such an ecotopia will suffer along with us in this Spartan existence devoid of automobiles, air conditioning, and microwave ovens are in for a rude awakening. For the leaders of such a regime will likely continue to enjoy a reasonably luxurious existence. Responding to comments made by Barbara Streisand on her webpage that Californians ought to turn off their lights and hang their laundry on a clothesline to conserve energy, columnist Dave Berry in a July 8, 2001 Miami Herald column titled "California Should Conserve On Car Chases" remarked how uplifting it is to be lectured to by someone whose residence consumes more electricity than many Third World countries and questioned if Streisand even did her own laundry.

These hypocritical conservation tips are not the only example of environmentalism run amok that the rich and famous would impose upon the remainder of society in earth's holy name. This threat is epitomized by a trend referred to as the "slow food movement".

The slow food movement seeks to replace agriculturally intensive but economic foods with higher-quality, less-efficient traditional varieties utilizing organic methods. While the elite should be free to procure whatever delicacy titillates their palates or assuages their consciences, what are the rest of us going to eat when decreased food supplies and more labor-intensive production techniques result in astronomical prices?

Addressing the reluctance of Christians to tackle this delicate area of scientific and social inquiry, in Moral Dilemmas: Biblical Perspectives On Contemporary Ethical Issues, Kerby Anderson writes, “Christians fear the prevailing pantheistic influence on the environmental movement. But New Age influence ... may be due to the...withdrawal of Christians from this arena. When Christianity did not fill this void, pantheism and other wordlviews filled it instead (195).” The result has been absolute ethical confusion and the inversion of the moral pyramid.

Peter Huber notes in "Hard Green: Saving The Environment From The Environmentalists” that certain environmentalists consider Unabomber Ted Kacyznski a more pristine example of the moral ideal they are crusading for than even environmental theoretician Al Gore since, unlike the former Vice President, this homicidal hermit lived in a rundown shack and fathered no children. Never mind the fact that Kacyznski maimed and killed fellow human beings with makeshift pyrotechnics.

It would seem these warped sensibilities are gaining a more widespread acceptance throughout Western culture. Kacyznski's own rambling tractate, published by the Washington Post and New York Times under duress of further bombings, is now assigned at Harvard not as part of a course on criminal psychology or the ideological motivations behind acts of terrorism but as part of a literature course exploring more accomplished intellects. Amidst such bewilderment, Christians must step forward to provide a degree of balance acknowledging the need to preserve God's handiwork as well as our right to enjoy it now not as slaves but rather as its free stewards.

by Frederick Meekins

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

There is now a push for a Black actor to be cast as Spider-Man. Maybe we can have a White Uncle Remus while we are at it because as much as White liberals cave culturally, it won’t be long until Caucasians are the ones a-pickin cotton

Government Hypothesizes How To Takeover The Media

Nadal Malik Hassan, the terrorist that attacked Fort Hood, got to snuggle up with a warm blankie because him was cold. The scumbag should have had ice cold water sprayed all over him and sat in front of a blasting air conditioner and berated how American soldiers fighting in the cesspool nations of the world wish they could enjoy a cool breeze.

Palin's Stalker Talks To Media

Jesse Duplantis Ministries Builds Namesake New Orleans Mansion

Al & Tipper Split

Afrosupremacists Plot Uprising

Census Counts Detained Illegals For Purposes Of Divying Up The Federal Teat

Memorial Day Victory: Prominent Towelhead Wacked

Good riddance.

Believing in Jesus & having a strong military are not mutually exclusive propositions.

Is The Statue Of Liberty An Occult Symbol?

Just think, if Obama had gone to Arlington, he wouldn't have gotten rained upon.

"Everything Is Bush's Fault" Parody Song

Red Cross Aides Taliban

The next time this outfit begs you for a handout, remember that there are other organizations out there that won't be using your charitable donation to undermine the American war effort and the cause of human liberty in the world.

WMAL's Fred Grandy remarked that the knowledge of bloggers constituted an encyclopedia of ignornance. As if other divisions within the media are of consierably higher intelligence. You'd think someone's whose claim to fame was starring in a mediocre late 70's/early 80's comedy would be less class oriented as to where information originated from.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Contrary to that asinine teacher Gov. Christie of New Jersey put in her place, what regular person these days makes what they ought? As to those that think statist educators are underpaid, Levin just announced that this shrew makes over $85,000 per year.

Government Policies Hypocritical Regarding Syrupy Compounds Entering The Body

The DC city council passed a tax on soda and sweet drinks.

This municipal body believes it is the place of government to manipulate citizens into choices that authorities conclude optimize health.

Yet this very same government provides free condoms to decadent youth because, it is argued, it is not the place of bureaucrats to make value judgments what people do with their own bodies.

These prophylactics will no doubt be financed in part through proceeds collected through the soda tax.

Life has certainly gotten more logical and consistent since giving God and the Ten Commandments the legal system's equivalent of the middle finger.

By Frederick Meekins

Palin Builds Fence To Protect Against Stalker

Border Troops Not Being Sent To Stop Illegals

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Emergent Church Treehugger Bit Of A Nut

According to Brian McLaren in an episode of his podcast regarding creation care posted at, God is not all that pleased with us living in square boxes.

I'd like to know what other shape we are suppose to use to get roofs over our heads.

No matter how large that religious circus tent of McLaren's in Burtonsville, Maryland might be, it is still basically in the form of some kind of box.

Much of the purpose of the Emergent Church is to deride so-called "middle class values" and to undermine America's traditional Judeo-Christian culture (or in other words, minding your own business and providing for oneself as empowered by God).

Perhaps someone ought to point out that McLaren's understanding of nature reeks of the bourgeoisie naivety he and his leftist cohorts spend so much of their time criticizing.

To McLaren, nature consists of the beauty of this annual sunflower and the run off pond he stocks with fish that he mentions in the podcast.

Both of these acts, by the way, go against nature left in a pristine state since the sunflower mentioned is deliberately planted by a human being and the fish are not going to slither by themselves into what sounds like a landlocked pond.

If it were not for the contrived boxes McLaren seems to loathe and the technology making such comfort possible, I doubt he would find nature to be all that amicable as he would otherwise be subjected to extremes of heat and cold that would make life unbearable and likely even unlivable.

by Frederick Meekins

Interesting how Glenn Beck can highlight Woodrow Wilson's prison camp for dissidents but ridiculed those that warned FEMA has similar facilities in the planning stages.

Apparently Obama thinks he is too good to go to Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day.

"Glenn Beck is detailing a proposed agency with the potential to monitor all consumer transactions. In other words, government is going to scrutinize you, as grandpa use to say, from "A-hole" to appetite."

Obama Endorses Heckling Those He Disagrees With

India Considers Caste Census

Social Engineers Lament The Leveling Off Of Interracial Marriages

Obama Blesses Black Panther Mistreatment Of White Voters

Racemongers Decry White Actors

And are these activists going to complain about Nick Fury being portrayed by a Black actor in Iron Man?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Episcopal Church Applauds The Demise Of The Anglo In Anglican

The presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Katherine Schori came to a Maryland suburb outside of Washington, DC to bless the denomination's increasing Hispanic numbers.

Are similar plans being made to brownnose the remaining Caucasian members as well?

The racial pandering was justified on the grounds that Episcopalian membership is increasing only in its immigrant congregations.

However, once these also have their resistance worn down and brainwashed into accepting the ecclesiological pathologies plaguing the Modernistic branches of the Anglican communion such as the widespread acceptance of homosexuality, the overall emasculation of the faith through the introduction of less than feminine leftist female clergy, and the outright denial of foundational Christian doctrines such as the Resurrection and even the existence of God, it won't be long until attendance at these now vibrant parishes begin to collapse as well.

by Frederick Meekins

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