Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Emergent Church Treehugger Bit Of A Nut

According to Brian McLaren in an episode of his podcast regarding creation care posted at, God is not all that pleased with us living in square boxes.

I'd like to know what other shape we are suppose to use to get roofs over our heads.

No matter how large that religious circus tent of McLaren's in Burtonsville, Maryland might be, it is still basically in the form of some kind of box.

Much of the purpose of the Emergent Church is to deride so-called "middle class values" and to undermine America's traditional Judeo-Christian culture (or in other words, minding your own business and providing for oneself as empowered by God).

Perhaps someone ought to point out that McLaren's understanding of nature reeks of the bourgeoisie naivety he and his leftist cohorts spend so much of their time criticizing.

To McLaren, nature consists of the beauty of this annual sunflower and the run off pond he stocks with fish that he mentions in the podcast.

Both of these acts, by the way, go against nature left in a pristine state since the sunflower mentioned is deliberately planted by a human being and the fish are not going to slither by themselves into what sounds like a landlocked pond.

If it were not for the contrived boxes McLaren seems to loathe and the technology making such comfort possible, I doubt he would find nature to be all that amicable as he would otherwise be subjected to extremes of heat and cold that would make life unbearable and likely even unlivable.

by Frederick Meekins

Interesting how Glenn Beck can highlight Woodrow Wilson's prison camp for dissidents but ridiculed those that warned FEMA has similar facilities in the planning stages.

Apparently Obama thinks he is too good to go to Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day.

"Glenn Beck is detailing a proposed agency with the potential to monitor all consumer transactions. In other words, government is going to scrutinize you, as grandpa use to say, from "A-hole" to appetite."

Obama Endorses Heckling Those He Disagrees With

India Considers Caste Census

Social Engineers Lament The Leveling Off Of Interracial Marriages

Obama Blesses Black Panther Mistreatment Of White Voters

Racemongers Decry White Actors

And are these activists going to complain about Nick Fury being portrayed by a Black actor in Iron Man?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Episcopal Church Applauds The Demise Of The Anglo In Anglican

The presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Katherine Schori came to a Maryland suburb outside of Washington, DC to bless the denomination's increasing Hispanic numbers.

Are similar plans being made to brownnose the remaining Caucasian members as well?

The racial pandering was justified on the grounds that Episcopalian membership is increasing only in its immigrant congregations.

However, once these also have their resistance worn down and brainwashed into accepting the ecclesiological pathologies plaguing the Modernistic branches of the Anglican communion such as the widespread acceptance of homosexuality, the overall emasculation of the faith through the introduction of less than feminine leftist female clergy, and the outright denial of foundational Christian doctrines such as the Resurrection and even the existence of God, it won't be long until attendance at these now vibrant parishes begin to collapse as well.

by Frederick Meekins

Is Matt Lauer A Serial Adulterer?

Mark Twain Trashes Concubine For 400 Pages

Cops Should Be Subject To Videotape Like Everybody Else

Secret Space Plane Spotted

Obama To Use EPA In Attempt To Take Over Churches

Welfare Leeches Complain About Quality Of Government Condemns

If they don't like these (which shouldn't even be available to begin with), they can always BUY FOR THEMSELVES those more to their likely.

Then again, maybe if they actually worked for a living, they'd be too tired at the end of the day to do much whoring.

Educators Demand Government Handouts

Friday, May 21, 2010

Human Debris Blocks Seattle Streets In Protest Of Immigration Law

If these malconents are so bent on blocking roads, make they can go impede border traffic.

During Congressional hearings into the BP oil spill, Barbara Boxer got all emotional over the fate of tuna fish eggs. Too bad she does not get as worked up over fertizled human ones in regards to abortion.

61% Duped By Hispanics

Hawaii Five O Remake Planned

Guess this is to keep up with the new Rockford Files, though I don't see how James Garner's take on the character can be outdone.

Catholic Church Raises Cautions Over News Of Artificial Life

Food Companies Conspire With Frau Obama To Take The Fun Out Of Life

Wonder if Leonard Nimoy's death scene on Fringe was intended to be similar to his in Wrath Of Khan, even with the raising of his hand in a Vulcanesque salute.

Greta Van Sustern remarked that many got their noses bent out of joint over Calderon's address before congress. Given how many plastic surgeries Greta has had, I guess she'd know about that procedure.

Will Cyborg Insects & Bio-Chip Weapons Destroy Civilization?

In The Name Of Freedom All Expected To Hold The Same View

Obama Minions Undermine Second Amendment

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wonder What Else The Obamaphiles Haven't Read

Another Obama Administration official, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, has admitted to not reading the Arizona immigration law.

When this confession is coupled with the revelation that members of Congress failed to read the healthcare bill despite that legislation's potential to revolutionize nearly all of America's economic and political system, it makes the concerned citizen cringe.

Many of the regulations being imposed upon the people of the United States in terms of tyrannical policies may not even be known about before it is too late.

But even more importantly, the actions taken by government officials wallowing in their own ignorance on any wide array of political and legal matters might not even be authorized by any properly promulgated law if this failure to read actual statutes is as widespread as we are now being led to believe.

by Frederick Meekins

If we are "not defined by our border" as Obama claims, then why is the Department on Homeland of Security hell-bent on seizing that Vermont family farm?

Obama Announced He Won't Defend The Border

A Washington Post article claims that for security purposes, the waiters for the White House state dinner have their social security numbers checked almost daily. If so, how come Arizona officials can't assess the ID's of those there the police come into contact with for the purposes of protecting citizens and legitimate residents?

Pelosi Encourages Sloth & Dependence On Government

Obama Brownnoses Mexican President

Pragmatism & Truth

Hispanosupremacist Pastor Claims To Be An Apostle

Department Of Homeland Security To Sieze Vermont Farm

Doctor Who The Musical?

FEMA Defames Salvation Army

Palin Discusses Rand Paul

Congressman Beds Wench Starring In His Abstinence Interview

Obama Minions Plot To Abolish Free Speech

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DC Sniper Case Subjected To Historical Revisionism

The Washington DC, CBS affiliate ran a story that the Beltway Sniper John Allan Muhammad was primarily the result of an elaborate case of domestic violence.

If we are to do justice to both the victims of this scumbag and history, it must also be remembered that the sniper also subscribed to a form of radical Islam.

Will a report also be broadcast to the aspect of his personality that liberal elites would rather sweep under the rug?

Rick Warren Condemns The Study Of Eschatology

The New Age Movement & The Emerging Church

New Age Spirituality Infiltrating Evangelical Church

From the Greta expose of Arizona ethnic studies, it sounds like radical Hispanics in the Southwest pretty much act like typical DC area Black folks.

Arizona Ethnic Studies Anti-American

As slow as Bob Woodward talks, it's a wonder that we still aren't waiting for the Watergate story to break.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Orwell's symbol for Communism was a boot on someone's neck. The symbol of Obama's foreign policy would be a nose shoved up someone's rear end.

Bill Clinton wants a value added tax. Wonder if he'll still endorse it if it is applied to hookers & cigars.

In Arizona schools, Ethnic Studies are overseen by La Raza. In other words, these are the contemporary equivalent of the German racial science or hygiene classes of the 1930's.

Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt To Remain In America As A Welfare Mooch

Pentagon Classifes The Right To Peaceably Assemble As "Low Level Terrorism"

Attorney Denied Law License On Psychological Grounds For Holding To Biblical Values

Obama Minions Employ Slur To Refer To Tea Party Activists

Mark Levin Bores Into Obama

Wiccans Infiltrate Air Force Academy

Will Christians Be Labelled As Terrorists?

Will The Tea Party Movement End Up Pandering To Minorities?

Blonde Booed For Having A Brain

Liberals only like blonds if they are quiet, pliant arm candy.

Miss Oklahoma was booed when she gave the "incorrect" answer to a question as to what she thought of the Arizona immigration law.

As a result, Miss Michigan won the pageant.

The winner herself is an immigrant of Lebanese Islamic origins whose kin are no doubt proud she has achieved notoriety for acting like a Western harlot as she previously won accolades for her acumen with the stripper pole.

Any theologian advocating an eschatology other than Christ Himself establishing the Millennial Kingdom is advocating a form of religious dictatorship

New Apostolic Cult Attempts To Hijack Religious Conservative Movement

Trance Dancing Deludes Christian Youngsters

Apostasy In The Church

Michael Savage On Islam

Michael Savage On Illegal Immigration

Gingrich Fox News Sunday Interview

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Doesn't Chicago's Beam Outweigh Arizona's Gnat?

The Council Of The Religious Leaders Of Metropolitan Chicago have released a statement condemning the Arizona immigration law.

Given that Chicago is perennially going to hell in a handbasket because of its high crime rate and the city's legendary corruption of municipal authorities, you'd think these clergymen would be too busy to comment on affairs taking place halfway across the country.

Perhaps conservative pastors in Arizona with virtually no connections to Chicago whatsoever should hand down as a group their own lengthy proclamation as to what they perceive as to the shortcomings of Obama's adopted hometown.

by Frederick Meekins

Isn't it about time Nashville stars had a telethon where one of their number blurted out on national television that Obama doesn't like White Southerners?

Friday, May 14, 2010

If George Bush is to be derided as an intellectual lightweight because of his rumored aversion to dense lengthy tomes, isn't Erick Holder even more of a mental nit for failing to read the Arizona immigration law despite proceeding to make pronouncements on it in an almost ex-cathedra fashion as America’s highest practicing barrister?

Glenn Beck denounced George Whitfield's "bizarre" position on slavery. Wonder if Beck will also comment on the strange things advocated by early Mormon leaders or even the Communist ties of Martin Luther King, Jr.

New Kings Dominion roller coaster inspired by Dale Earnhardt. Given what happened to him, that doesn't exactly inspire much confidence in its pending safety record.

Holder Reluctant To Admit That Radical Islam Responsible For Most Terrorism

Can you imagine in the 1940's what a mess this country would be in if its highest officials were unable to even enunciate how we were at war with Germany or Japan.

I bet these Obamaphiles have no problem about saying things against White folks, Christianity, and the Tea Party movement.

Did Cronkite Assist America's Enemies?

Cyberwar: What It Is & How To Fight It

Movie Glorifying Homicidal Hispanic Produced With Taxpayer Subsidies

Sarah Palin's Remarks To The Susan B. Anthony List

"Civility & Objectivity In The Media" with Jonah Goldberg

Is The Basketball Cancelling Educator A Closeted Pedophile?

What else would you call an adult that manipulates children to divulge their sexual secrets and then pressures them not to tell anyone?

Government To Control What Individuals Eat