Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nazarenes Put "Theistic Darwinists" On The Payroll

"Nor The Desire Of Women..For He Shall Magnify Himself Above All"

Yet another aspect of Il Duce that makes him more like the Anti-Christ.

Jewish Comedian Urinates On Portrait Of Christ

Obama To Monitor Your Energy Useage

Is Obama A Bastard?

In the technical sense of the word, I ask, of course.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

"Damned Trick-Or-Treaters"

This is what a flyer says will happen to children that participate in this custom, not what you say for them for blodding through your flower bed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday White House Party Has Hula Hoop Theme

Do these people ever work?

Yet you aren't suppose to eat what you want, drive SUV's, or heat your house to 70degrees.

One will note the following sentence: "Served up on the lawn was popcorn made with peanuts and parmesan cheese and zucchini quesadillas that the First Lady declared tasted like pizza."

So just because she says it, does that make it so.

Will kids saying otherwise be punished or dismissed for disagreeing with Frau Obama.

For if this swill tastes like pizza, why not just go ahead and serve pizza?

Even MSNBC Admits They All Look Alike

Obama Advocates Domestic Violence

Celebrated Fossil Much Ado About Nothing

Leno audience laughed at Heenes for believing man descended from ET's. Travolta & Tom Cruise believe the same thing & people eat it up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cult Leader Chastizes Those Fleeing Pagan Ritual

11/09 Humanist magazine cover reads "PZ Myers lost his faith & gained 2.5 million friends". Can even one of these save him from Hell?

Fanatic Fundamentalists Plan Halloween Bible & Book Burning

This might get me branded as a flaming liberal by some, but unless a publication contains blatant smut, there is no excuse to burn books.

Even if translations such as the NIV or New Living Translations are deficient, that is still no excuse to burn them as many of these still possess the power of God unto salvation.

And even if Billy Graham and Rick Warren are deficient theologically, shouldn't we study their works to learn for ourselves where these thinks have gone astray rather than blindly accept the word of someone that destroys the evidence before we have the chance to judge for ourselves?

Unless one's faith is anchored in the Savior rather than the church, this outrage is almost enough to make one to want to leave Christianity.

by Frederick Meekins

Gingrich Continues Slide Towards Liberalism

Bet the priests that went the Catholic route from the start feel really screwed over by the Vatican agreement to accept married Anglican clergy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Out Of Control Government The Scariest Monster Of Them All

From the article, one gets the impression that technically, the local government had no jurisdiction to shut this private celebration down.

Some might be in a huff from a philsophical or religious opposition to Halloween, however, the issue goes much deeper.

For if authorities can shut down a Halloween celebration on private propety, what is to prevent them from shutting down things such as birthday parties and Christmas dinners?

Obama Dribbles While Afgahnistan Burns

Hispanosupremacist Front Comspires To Kick Lou Dobbs Off The Air

Is Season 8 "24"'s Last?

Public Service Announcement Pander To Less Developed Cultures

Police Psychologically Conditioned To Defer To Minorities

Global Warming Treaty The Foundation Of World Dictatorship

Monday, October 19, 2009

Florida To Terri Schiavo The Terminally Ill During Swine Flu Outbreak

Hispanosupremacist On The Rampage About "Illegal Alien" Constume

A number of Hispanosupremacit activists contend this costume will hurt their friends that are illegals.

Would they prefer the costume consist of a sombrero, a beer bottle, and a book of Foodstamps?

Frankly, since illegals don't belong here, rather than worry how this costume hurts illegals, maybe we should worry how illegals are hurting the United States.

I remember one time it being said "undocumenteds" should not be refered to as "aliens" because these human migrants are from the planet earth and should not be referred to "illegal" either because "no human being is illegal".

Yet I bet all this posturing never stopped them from calling the White folks naive enough to fall for all this nonsense as stupid gringos.

Now it seems we can't even refer to aliens as aliens.

Mark my words eventually you won't even be able to refer to "extraterrestrials" as "extraterrestrials" since that will be a "thought crime against galactic unity".

If retailers such as Target cave to this pressure and remove the costume from sale, conservatives of all stripes and hues should rally to have Kwanza items banned as well.

That might be the celebration of an ethnic group not even a party to this dispute, but those participating in that celebration are part of the same mindset out to destroy America.

by Frederick Meekins

Obama Minion Downplays Maoist Sympathies

Could someone reflect in an admiring manner upon something witty Hitler said and not expect their to be fallout over it?

Trent Lott's Senate career was ruined for admiring Strom Thurmond at Strom Thurmond's own birthday party and, unlike Mao, Strom Thurmond never killed a single soul.

Belief In Aiens Only Tangential To Saucer Case

From how the media is painting the story, one would assume that Balloon Boy's father Richard Heene's MySpace page was rife with references to extraterrestrials.

From what I've been able to deduce, there is only a single reference to life from outerspace in the "Who He'd Like To Meet Section". But then again, I guess any answer other than Obama these days is incorrect.

Authorities need to keep their charges related to the hoax pulled off and not centered around what Heene believes.

For does not our own government spend millions of dollars searching for extraterrestrial life and, even more shockingly, how to manipulate the people of America and the world into embracing it should such entities ever be discovered?

When the power of the state is used to investigate the unorthrodox beliefs of those committing questionable actions, it is about to take the plunge off of a very steep cliff very few are prepared to deal with.

For in the final analysis, one could make the case that Christian parents dragging their children off to some Third World mission field are a greater danger to the physical well-being of their offspring than someone that thinks that there maybe life beyond the earth.

There are some inner parts of the soul that no one wants the state looking at.

by Frederick Meekins

Hyperpious Christian Media Ignorning ACORN Criminality

Il Duce Plots To Destroy Fox News

German Whore House Grants Bicyclists Discount

Transvestite Bandits Attack Police Officer

Magneto Film Postponed

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Walmart Sponsors Afrosupremacist Financial Conference

A Balanced Halloween Perspective

So Should Trick Or Treaters Be Put To Death?

According to a number of ministers such as the one speaking above, Christians should not participate in Trick-Or-Treat since to do so would be to engage in witchcraft.

If one wants to take things to that degree, then are we to take it to the next logical conclusion and say that anyone participating in these festivities should receive capital punishment since that is the Scriptural end of those found guilty of such abominable allegations?

As apologist Gretchen Passantino has quipped, trick-or-treating no more makes you a witch or a Satanist than accepting a Christian present makes you a Christian.

If NFL management ran the country, I guess we'd surrender to Bin Ladin

NFL Hyperfeminized

For opposing Rush Limbaugh's attempts to purchase the Rams, one might be inclined to call such voices pansies or dandilions, but that would be an insult to flowers everywhere.

For pansies are hearty on their own amidst freezing winter temperatures and dandilions stand tall and firm no matter how much they are despised.

No wonder Pat Tillman resigned from the NFL in favor of the US military. The cowardice is appalling.

Interesting, isn't it, how an entire nation is suppose to cave to the demands of a few disgruntled Blacks.

In a society where no viewpoint or culture is to be heralded as better than or superior to any other, why are a few Blacks automatically considered to be more right than any White.

The contemporary Caucasian has got to be the most spineless and gullible variety of human being to ever walk this planet.

by Frederick Meekins

DC Sodomites Rate Their Own Police Unit

Since the obese are also subject to derision will they be getting their own police unit as well. But since the only elicit holes that interest them belong to donuts, I guess not.

Obama Hosts Hispanosupremacist Concert

And will Il Duce host a festival celebrating the musical achievements of Anglo musicians simply because of the wonders of their light white skin?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama Awarded Nobel For Appeasing Islamists & Radical Slavophiles

Food Nazis To Control What Pre-Schoolers Eat

Mormons Castigated For Failing To Embrace Debauchery

Government To Subsidize Pet Care

Frankly, if you can't afford to pay for your pet, you have no business owning a pet.

Why should the rest of us have to pick up the tab for this and unlike children, other than deliberately not running over it, I have no grand moral obligation to your pets.

This is going to end up causing crazy cat people who hardly pay any taxes anyway because of their near unemployability to end up not paying any taxes at all.

Prudes In A Tizzy Kimmel Dating Staff Member

Shouldn't it be pointed out that Letterman is hitched?

We are certainly so much better off since obliterating Christian standards of morality.

Sodomites rampage in the street to demand we recognize their perversions and we hardly bat an eye.

A single man takes a single woman out on a date and it is just about considered headline scandal.

Does Rush Kiss Enough Black Behind To Be NFL Owner?

Sustein Advocates Organ Harvesting

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rectal Bombs, Bono Dreck & Obama Full Of It: Headline Potpourri #9

Travelers often grumble about security measures at airports requiring them to remove belts and shoes as precautions to detect explosives. Such inconveniences may seem like something from the quaint past in light of a new strategy developed by Al Qaeda. An attack was carried out against the Saudi head of counterterrorism operations by concealing nearly a pound of explosives inside a bomber's rectum. The device was detonated by cell phone. It is believed instructions on how to carry out such an attack will soon be posted online.

Representative Joe Wilson was right after all. Obama is a liar. The healthcare legislation being considered in Congress will not require immigrants to produce legitimate photo identification to qualify for benefits. But I bet you, American citizens will have to lay bare all their documents (including birth certificates like those Il Duce refuses to show anyone) to qualify for even the most basic of medical care.

The stage at U2’s Washington concert cost nearly $40 million. By what right has Bono then to lecture the rest of us about poverty and Westerners having too much? During the concert, the Irish crooner declared that his quartet had transcended band status and are more akin to a global force like a nation states. Apparently he’s every bit the arrogant piece of human dreck South Park made him out to be.

Hollywood and secular elites around the world have endorsed child molestation. The likes of Whoopi Goldberg, Woody Allen, and the French government have gone on the record that Roman Polanski should be set free since his drugging of a thirteen year old girl and the carnal knowledge he gained of her while in such a state was so long ago and really wasn’t rape anyway. One wonders if they’ll go as easy on Catholic priests accused of such things often on the grounds of nothing more than the word of the alleged victim.

Don’t expect children to be better protected under the Obama Administration. The Presidents special advisor on school safety is alleged to have done nothing other than advise the youngster to use a condemn when a fifteen confided in the then-teacher that he was having an affair with an older man.

Scripture informs the reader that in God’s eyes there is neither Greek nor Jew. Apparently those at Oxon Hill Baptist Church failed to heed this passage. According to the October 2009 edition of the Maryland Baptist Convention's Baptist Life newsletter, a Filipino open house was held for new Prince George’s county teachers of that particular extraction where they were provided with warm clothing, linens, and kitchen items. Perhaps members of less-than favored ethnicities should consider withholding their tithes until all educators are appreciated for their minds rather than their skin colors.

Gingrich now shills for Hispanosupremacits through Would so-called "conservatives" put up with a website extolling how much "Germanic Heritage" has contributed to the United States? Another article titled “Language Is Not A Family Value” on the site downplayed English as an indispensable component of the American identity.

President Obama is threatening to lengthen the school day and year. Maybe if time wasn't wasted on propaganda orations and singing hymns to Il Duce's august name, teachers would have sufficient time to teach actual subjects. This plan to extend both the school year and day is no doubt to pay back one of Obama's core constituencies that can't get enough of the motions necessary to have a child but don't want any of the responsibilities that follow afterwards.

By Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Congress Mulls $500 Welfare Handout For Surviving Trip Down Uterus

Gingrichians Herald America's Hispanosupremacist Conquerors

African Apostates Liken Obama To Christ

Destroit Indigent Look To Government For Utility Payments

Wonder how many of them are keeping cable TV and Internet access.

Emasculated Brits Continue Slide Into Tyranny

Chavez Threatens Atomic Bomb

Still think the "Robertson Option" was too out of line?

Van Jones Also A High Ranking Occultist

First learned of this through Derek Gilbert's PID Radio interview of Doctor Future.

Van Jones is a fellow at the Institute for Noetic Sciences, a prominent New Age think tank.

Kudos to these broadcasters for bringing to light this revelation that even Glenn Beck hasn't touched.

Immigrant Gangs Overrun The United Kingdom

ACORN Awarded Homeland Security Grant

Monday, October 05, 2009

Obama Gluts On Ten Ounce Burger

Those who have bent their knee in homage to our nation's magnanimous liege will no doubt one day denounce me in a People’s Court (not the TV show but rather a Soviet-style show trial) for daring to nitpick the Chosen One to this extent. However, it is their beloved leader, ladies and gentleman, that insists that the COMMUNITY play a prominent role in your every life decision.

In a campaign speech, Barack Obama lamented that, during the Dark Ages before his ascent to the throne, Americans were able to drive around in SUV’s, eat what they wanted, and kept their homes climate controlled at 70 degrees. Liberals, Communitarians, and other related socialist types who think that only those agreeing with them should be permitted to open our mouths will shriek, “You’ve already made this point in previous commentaries.” And I am going to keep making it whenever Comrade Obama violates these key tenets of leftwing dietary policy.

On 5/6/09, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden motorcaded to an eatery in Northern Virginia where our wondrous benefactor and one of his foremost disciples supped upon the finest of ground bullock for their midday meal. When average Americans engage in these kinds of activities, few give it second thought and pretty much the same response would be elicited if other occupants of the Oval Office such as Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush engaged in this gastronomic act. However, seldom did these Chief Executives blatantly declare their enmity to the minutest details of the American way of life and vowed to remake the nation along new lines.

For starters, while you are suppose to sit glum-faced and ashamed that Americans enjoy a standard of living above that of a Third World slum, Obama can fire up the limo, which with its protective reinforced armor no doubt makes it as much of a gas guzzler as and SUV, as well as the Secret Service vehicles that need to accompany the President. Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to send someone to get the burgers?

Better yet, doesn’t the White House have its own gourmet kitchen capable of feeding nearly 150 people? Catered now to by two chefs, his Highness is of such sophisticated tastes that he had to bring his own personal chef with him from Chicago (which also raises the question that, if Michelle is not the one preparing the family meals, is she really the ideal wife and mother propagandists have made her out to be).

If these chefs are supposed to be able to prepare the most succulent of culinary delights, shouldn’t they be able to replicate any rotgut swill the President might develop a hankering for? Which brings up another glaring hypocrisy.

Obama’s kitchen scullion was not granted his commission because of his acumen around a saucepan. Rather, he also spouts the Communitarian line that the individual is not bright enough to figure out on their own the “socially responsible” thing to eat.

Thus, to Obama, eating is not a personal activity. Instead, it is one where the COMMUNITY ought to have considerable say in determining what you get to ingest.

But perhaps just as disturbing and even more dangerous than a President thinking he is exempt from the expectations he mandates for the remainder of us is the response the brainwashed dupes express in regards to this man. Some happening to be in the eatery observed that Obama stood in line just like everybody else.

Being impressed by this reveals the extent to which America has declined. For in a democratic republic, where no one is suppose to be perceived as better than anyone else in terms of ontology, a President waiting in line should raise no more eyebrows and be lavished with no more accolades than the butcher, the baker, or the candlestick maker required to wait their turn in line like any other person.

In itself, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a hamburger. However, if the one enjoying the hamburger is the very same person intending to use his very considerable influence to prevent you from enjoying the same simple pleasure, the act of mastication goes from being one of little consequence to one of considerable public importance.

by Frederick Meekins

Scarborough An Obama Brown-Noser

Pedaling Away Our Freedom

To what extent does a school's authority extend beyond the school yard?

A Saratoga Springs, NY seventh grader may help formalize these boundaries.

According to, a state trooper interdicted the lad at Maple Avenue Middle school, informing that biking and even walking to school were against the rules.

A school might discourage biking to school by refusing to provide accommodations such as storage facilities and might even prevent pupils from perambulating away from the premises in the evening unaccompanied by an adult.

But on what legal ground can they decree by which mode of locomotion students arrive for instruction unless there is a formalized legislative statute banning those of a certain age from utilizing public sidewalks irrespective of destination?

Perhaps the greatest issue of concern here is law enforcement being summoned to enforce the policy whim of bureaucrats in jurisdictions beyond their stipulated purview.

For if this is not stopped now, what is to prevent educators by threatening through the barrel of the gun upon which police decisions ultimately rely from deciding what else goes on while your children are in your own care such as what they eat, what they watch on TV, and even what you as a parent are permitted to believe in terms of politics and religion?

By Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Joe Wilson Was Right

Immigrants will not be required to show a photo ID to get healthcare benefits.

But I bet you, American citizen will have to lay bare all your documents (including birth certificates like those Il Duce refuses to show anyone) to qualify for even the most basic of medical care.

Garrison Keillor Edorses Passively Euthanizing Republicans

U2 Stage Costs $40 Million

By what right has Bono to lecture the rest of us about poverty and Westerners having too much? He's the arrogant piece of dreck South Park made him out to be.

Obama Admiraton Borders On Worship

Though in fairness, I must reserve judgment as to whether or not those assenting to the excessively leftwing prayer were saying "God" or "Obama". The audio is not clear enough.

Are Serbian Mercenaries Taking Over Montana Town?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Il Duce Conspires To Lengthen Academic Calendar

Maybe if time wasn't wasted on propaganda orations and singing hymns to Il Duce's august name, teachers would have sufficient time to teach actual subjects.

This plan to extend both the school year and day is no doubt to pay back one of Obama's core constituencies that can't get enough of the motions necessary to have a child but don't want any of the responsibility that comes afterwards.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kooks Now Run The Asylum, Part 2

With the Obama agenda, the New Age mindset shares the perspective that you are not so much a distinct individual worthy as such but rather a mere component emanating outward into larger and larger groups. For example, at the lowest level you are part of the COMMUNITY.

Note that the family has been skipped over entirely as the prerogatives of the reactionary fecund union between a monogamous man and woman must be overridden by the preferences of the bureaucracy administering the larger group. At the highest level, all identity is subsumed into an absolutist holism. Obama prophesizes, “...the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself.”

Chesterton, or someone nearly as wise, once remarked that one shouldn’t take down a fence unless you know why it was put up. Ladies and gentlemen (especially ladies), if we are to live as one common humanity, do you really want a Pakistani tribesman with Taliban sympathies to have a say over how you live your life in terms of whether or not you can go outside without a bag over you head, be permitted to drive a car, or even have windows in your home not painted over so that you can look outside.

A world without distinctions was also a dream shared by Communists. And as has happened in all regimes that sought to obliterate all distinctions save those imposed by the all powerful state such as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or Red China, the attempt here will result in a wide-scale abridgement of basic human rights.

For example, throughout his inaugural address, Obama made the attempt to depict himself as no respecter of persons on the basis of race or ethnicity by denouncing segregation and the like as a “dark chapter” of our nation’s history. However, from an examination of the other rhetoric employed by the new President, like the pigs in Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, it is quite evident that Obama views some racial groups as being more equal than others.

For example, in his inaugural address, Obama dropped lines such as “from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born” and “why a man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath”. From the sound of it, you’d come away from Obama’s speech thinking the President’s father was a very honorable man.

Obama’s father was anything but as he was little more than a drunken bigamist scoundrel hardly worthy of being immortalized as part of the annals of Inauguration rhetoric. Obama’s grandparents, who actually raised and provided for Barack even when his own mother abandoned him in favor of the wonders of Indonesian blacksmithing, were not even worthy of a single mention.

After carefully cogitating over the differences that might make an alcoholic bigamist morally superior to an elderly couple that would take in their grandson and raise him as their own, in the eyes of Obama it must be that his father happens to be a Black African whereas Obama’s maternal grandparents were just in their grandson’s own words “typical White people”. And just as Communists in the past set up a more stringent class system in their alleged attempt to eliminate this particular social distinction, in the name of racial equality Barack Obama will likely do everything in his power to expand minority set asides and favoritism.

This underlying contempt for White people was evident throughout the remainder of the inaugural oration. For example, following in the grand tradition of Democrats picking poets that barely make sense such as Maya Angelou at Bill Clinton’s, not to be outdone Obama also felt compelled to feature a poetess few had the bravery to admit publicly just how lousy she was. And in keeping with the theme of these shenanigans, Obama commissioned an ode in the spirit of his own brand of inanity.

Mixed between banalities such as “patching a tire” and a few worthy insights such as the centrality of words in the human processing of sensory experience, “Praise Song For The Day” was lit with a number of code words one can find without too much trouble if schooled in the kinds of imagery leftists peddle in as they foment revolution. For example, the poem reads “Sing the names of the dead who brought us here, who laid the train tracks, raised the bridges, picked the cotton and the lettuce, built brick by brick the glittering edifices they would keep clean and work inside of.”

Ladies and gentleman, those names of the dead to be sung are not those of the servicemen who died on behalf of the United States as it is not the nature of Obama’s malcontent colleagues to enunciate respectfully about our armed forces. The only uniforms they will speak favorably of are those of the civilian security forces that will no doubt over the course of the next few years be authorized to break into our homes to see if we are eating government proscribed meals, what our thermostats are set to, and what kinds of light bulbs we have screwed in. Rather, even though most Americans are publicly willing to treat those of other races cordially, such lines are designed to yet one more time rub America’s nose in the issue of slavery.

Some will claim that only the mentally and socially unstable would dare read between the lines and point something out like that. However, research points out that the woman that presented the poem is the one subverting American institutions and Obama should be embarrassed for having made her part of the inaugural festivities.

Frankly, Obama’s inaugural poet is such a literary pervert that in comparison Bill Clinton’s Oval Office trysts could be included as an addendum to the next edition of Bill Bennett’s “Book Of Virtues”. According to a Brent Bozell piece titled “No Poetry Controversy?”, Elizabeth Alexander exhibits a disturbing interested in mutilated geneatalia throughout her published work and postulates that Black athletes being paid millions of dollars per year are as mistreated as Rodney King (who probably wasn’t as mistreated by police as media would always have us believe) and even the innocent tragically lynched in decades past.

Those endorsing her lyrical undertakings will snap, “Dr. Alexander is a respected Yale professor”. If that is the case, this nation is even worse off if such mental swill is what parents are paying and arm and a leg for for their children to be intellectually poisoned in the name of education. I’ve known smarter and wiser high school dropouts than this.

Up until that point, most of the anti-American and anti-Anglo sentiment had been hidden in euphemism that the unsuspecting could not openly identify though manipulated by in terms of their perceptions nonetheless. By the end of this national folly, it was pretty clear the direction in which Obama hopes to take the country over the course of his presidency.

To close the ceremony, Rev. Joseph Lowery offered the following benediction: “Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask that you help us work for that day when blacks will not be asked to get in the back, when brown can stick around...when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen.”

Some might chuckle at this, as Obama no doubt did since on a number of occasions such as his “60 Minutes” interview and when Wanda Sykes longed for the death of Rush Limbaugh, displaying his inability to stifle jocularity when propriety would have him do so. However, there are dangerous misconceptions in that prayer if these sentiments uplifted to the Almighty are permitted to become the foundation of policy.

For starters, Blacks are no longer required to get in the back, and neither should they. Since these radicals have opened the door for the slingers of racial slights, if anything, Whites these days are the ones metaphorically being asked to get in the back of the bus in terms of Affirmative Action and related ethnic set asides.

For there is still no White History Month. From what I am able to gather, Whites are about the only ethnic group that does not have their own museum explicitly named after them on the Mall in Washington (and the Museum of American History does not count as the last time I was there about a decade ago displays depicting Hispanic culture enjoyed top billing with an exhibit of a sombrero-wearing, trumpet-blowing skeleton being prominent in my memory). Furthermore, an associate of mine who has a college degree and a considerable amount of work experience is unable to advance beyond an entry level position whereas blatantly incompetent Blacks are moved into higher levels of management whose only qualification happens to be that they are Black.

In the comment, “when brown can stick around”, what this apostate either playing at being a minister of God or one so mentally deficient as to have bought into the revolutionary swill eroding America’s foundations is calling for is blanket amnesty to all illegals. Maybe this preacher should have added a witty line about “the browns” obeying the law and coming here in compliance with duly constituted procedures and then only if they want their first earthly political loyalty to be the United States of America.

In another offensive line of the poem, Lowery expressed a longing for the day "when White will embrace what is right". Utilizing his previous lines as a guide as to how to interpret this one, one could conclude that he does not believe Whites have overall embraced what is right.

Oh really? Is he not allowed to stand before the country and be as much of a national embarrassment as he wants to be? How about a line how these groups should stop blaming Whitey when most of their problems these days stem from their own refusal to behave themselves?

But in perhaps the most disturbing line of the benediction, Lowery intoned, “That all those who do justice and love mercy say ‘amen’.” Such an imperative implied that, if one does justice and loves mercy, one must add one’s spiritual ascent to this inane babbling and, that if one does not, one approves of injustice and oppression.

Yet did not Obama in the very same address drone on with platitudes about tolerating other viewpoints? Obama said, “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers.”

Not a single Muslim or Hindu had anything to do with the founding of this nation and George Washington remarked it was impossible to be a good American and not believe in God. One should not have to grant verbal consent to the warped multiculturalist conceptions of justice and mercy if one professes to cherish what these values originally meant.

In his few short months in office, Barack Obama has set more ruination of this country into motion than most presidents do over the course of their entire administrations. And unless Americans come to understand the kind of worldview enunciated by the President and his allies at the Inauguration, this nation stands little chance of remaining that shining city on a hill that at one time gave hope to oppressed people around the world.

by Frederick Meekins

Pelosi going to speak out against the hoodlums rampaging in Pittsburgh or are these the kinds of "disrupters" the termagant prefers?

Hymn sing to Obama excused as Black history celebration. I then ask where is the White history celebration?

Thursday, September 24, 2009