Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tolerancemongers Conspire To Destroy Joe Wilson's Website
Maybe Nancy Pelosi can speak to the civility and propriety of this outrage.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hometown Station Cancels Michael Savage
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Qaddaffi Scum, Kennedy Commie & Gov Jungle Gyms: Headline Potpourri #7
Obama wants to defame September 11th by highlighting the occasion as a day of service and downplaying the attack upon America. So if one questions compulsory voluntarism, one will be anathematized as a contingency operation instigator. We’re not suppose to use the word “terrorist” anymore.
Sean Hannity said he wouldn’t go down the road of criticizing Ted Kennedy so soon after the Senator’s death. I recall reading of Ted Kennedy driving off one of the roads he went down.
It has been reported that the healthcare reform legislation being considered will order the IRS to hand your tax records over to health commissioners. It was observed that apparently it’s OK to collect information in the name of universal healthcare but not to prevent terrorism. If it’s wrong to ascertain the legal status of immigrants as to whether or not they should be here, then on what grounds do government agencies have to be passing this information back and forth regarding actual citizens? There are already concerns about disparities of treatment among various groups and classes. Just think how much worse it will be when your chart reads, “Middle class. Do not resuscitate.”
The Healthcare reform bill also plans to spend over a billion dollars for jungle gyms, bike trails, and farmers markets. Guess the Chinese want fit slaves for when they take over after the United States defaults on the loans from the Maoists.
In embracing the Lockerbie bomber, Qaddaffi proves he is still human scum. Makes you wish for the good old days of the Bush Doctrine where, if you sided with America’s enemies, you were considered one of America’s enemies.
A public service announcement on Fox News was broadcast in Spanish. This is more about conditioning actual Americans into accepting bilingualism since any Spanish-speakers watching an American cable news channel already likely comprehends or knows a considerable amount of English.
Geraldo Rivera has published a book titled “The Great Progression: How Hispanics Will Lead America to a New Era of Prosperity”. Thought we weren’t suppose to consider matters of race or ethnicity. Can you imagine the outrage if Pat Buchanan or David Duke published a book on how Whites are indispensable to the country’s welfare. Quite telling how Geraldo publicically sides with his Hispanic heritage over his Jewish background.
An article in the leftwing propaganda rag "Sojourners Magazine" titled "Sex Without Shame" fails to mention that the only shameless sex is to be found in marriage between a man and a woman. The closest the article gets is a tepid "In our churches we need to help younger people...say 'yes' to some shared bodily interactions. As we need to help each other not only just say no, but understand why 'no' or 'not yet' is an appropriate life-giving response to some other options we encounter along our sexual journeys." That's so romantic and sensual that it makes Allan Greenspan sound like Conway Twitty.
A series of meetings were held to discuss "perseverance of the native Hawaiian people, challenges facing the Native Hawaiian community, and ways in which the White House might work with the community to find common solutions to our common challenges." I wonder if similar concerns will be taken into consideration to ensure the continuation of Euro-American people or will steps continue to be taken in the form of Obama's healthcare proposals to finally eliminate White folks once and for all.
Ted Kennedy sought an alliance between the KGB and the Democratic Party. Many will denounce this pointing out of the shortcomings of the dead. However, at least Ted Kennedy got to die from a natural causes at a respectable age. That was more of an opportunity than given to the victims of this murderous regime that Ted sought to buddy-buddy around with. I guess father like son as apparently Ted saw the Soviets in much the same way as his own father saw the Nazis.
by Frederick Meekins
Rep Recants To False Prophet For Speaking Out Against The Protobeast
One wonders what Rep. Joe Wilson was threatened with in order to get him to denounce his own denouncing of Obama by issuing an apology to Rahm Emanuel.
He shouldn't back down at all. The President is no god.
Uproar Over Truth About The President
If it is improper to shout out during an address before Congress that the President lies, then why is all the incessant fawning applause proper?
I ask all of those now in a tizzy, will your manners keep you warm when your freedom has been taken away and you find yourself either in financial ruin at best or in a reeducation camp at worst?
If Obama can threaten to call out those critical of his healthcare plan, why can't we do the same to him?
Contrary to his most diehard fanatics, Obama is no God and it is suppose to be the Constitution and not the President that reigns supreme in the land of liberty.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Vick Proves Crime Pays
Would this disgrace get to launch a secondary career as a public speaker if he hadn't horribly abused animals?
Friday, September 04, 2009
Kelsey Grammer A Christian Scientist
So I guess there was really nothing wrong with the murder of his father and sister since, according to this sect, evil and sin don't really exist.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Do Viewers Know About "Knowing"?
Viewers wanting to see "Knowing" staring Nicholas Cage might expect a film not all that different from his "National Treasure" series or even perhaps "The Da Vinci Code" as from advertisements the story appears to center around an aged parchment with a series of numbers scribbled across it that seemingly predicts a series of disasters. However, by the film's conclusion, the apocalyptic symbolism alluded to is much more complex and potentially confusing than one might initially suspect.
After a series of catastrophes Cage’s astrophysicist character witnesses as a result of deciphering the cryptic document, one begins to get the impression that the transcendent presence guiding events is more of a tangible one rather than a force in the background. Hints of this are introduced when mysterious figures reminiscent of less than normal looking versions of Men In Black begin to stalk Cage’s son as well as the granddaughter of the character who wrote down the prophetic string of numbers in a flashback set fifty years in the past.
In most films one usually gets a distinct impression as to the forces overseeing mankind’s eschatological destiny. Usually they are traditionally supernatural or more in the vein of what moviegoers would consider extraterrestrial or interplanetary. Seldom do I remember a film where the distinctions were blurred or melded to such a degree as in "Knowing".
For example, viewers were first given a hint of this as Cage and one of the adolescents come across an illustration depicting Ezekiel's wheel within a wheel. The overt supernatural overtones continued to increase with interactions with the Men In Black, especially when a blinding lights emanates from one of their mouths when confronted by Cage and as Cage's partially deaf son picks up a message over his hearing aide from the "whispering people".
By the time of the movie's climactic act, Ezekiel's wheel within a wheel has descended to the rendezvous point where it has arrived to whisk the children under Cage’s care to safety away from the earth endangered by a gigantic solar flare. Not even at this point did screenwriters clarify where they came down theologically. For example, as Cage proceeded to board the craft, he was informed that only the chosen could enter.
Did this mean only those professing belief in God (about the best you can hope for from Hollywood as a positive ascent to the need for a relationship with Christ would be out of the question) since earlier in the film Cage's character hinted at lacking faith in a conscious divine power. Or more likely, were these tots suppose to be Indigo Children, a new classification of adolescent hypothesized to be the next step in human evolution as a way to explain a myriad of phenomena from such as why these children have IQ's higher than their parents to bratty teen behavior.
The distinction between garden variety extraterrestrial and angel is further blurred when these entities drop their humanoid facades to reveal themselves to be energy beings reminiscent of the Taelons from the early seasons of “Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict”. The obfuscation continues until the end of the film.
As the craft carrying the two children away from the earth lifts into space, the viewer realizes that these two youngsters were not the only two saved as they join a convoy of similar vehicles. Once more, while the average viewer might be sitting there dumbfounded as to what is being depicted, the viewer peripherally in the know will wonder if they have just seen a space age interpretation of the Rapture where it is believed that the saved will be whisked away by God to safety before destruction comes upon the world or rather, as non-dispensationalists have hypothesized, or how the masses will be duped into a pseudo-rapture orchestrated by so-called “flying saucers”.
Even after all of this, "Knowing" at its end dumps even deeper metaphysical symbolism upon the viewer to wade through. For after the earth is destroyed with the elements burning up with a fervent heat as foretold in II Peter 3:12, we see the children running through a field towards a very distinct looking tree that could very well be the Tree of Life. But as with other moments in this film, we are not given any definitive answer as to whether the children are in Heaven or merely on another planet.
Those that go into “Knowing” expecting a supernatural thriller will not be disappointed. However, what they may not know about is the symbolic dialogue regarding some of the most profound spiritual issues facing the world today.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Obama Administration Panders To Hawaiians
A series of meetings were held to discuss "perseverance of the native Hawaiian people, challenges facing the Native Hawaiian community, and ways in which the White House might work with the community to find common solutions to our common challenges."
I wonder if similar concerns will be taken to ensure the continuation of Euro-American people or will steps continue to be taken in the form of Obama's healthcare proposals to finally eliminate White folks once and for all.
Obama Heralds Islam's Wonders
Will have to see if he is obsequious regarding Christianity come Christmas time.
Obama Advisor Calls Republicans "Assholes"
Some will be shocked at the use of such a term in a headline.
However, I am merely reporting what the tolerancemongers that to even disagree with the President is an act of racism think of the average American.
If still you think this headline goes too far, I hope your manners and propriety keep you warm in the reeducation camp.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Ted Kennedy Sought Alliance Between The Democratic Party & The KGB
Many will denounce this pointing out of the shortcomings of the dead.
However, at least Ted Kennedy got to die from a natural causes at a respectable age.
That was more of an opportunity than given to the victims of this murderous regime that Ted sought to buddy-buddy around with.
I guess father like son as apparently Ted saw the Soviets in much the same way as his own father saw the Nazis.
Werewolves Gain Popularity
I wish I could find the story of a Christian werewolf that I wrote nearly two decades ago.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Some Posters More Equal Than Others
"Just doing his job." Didn't members of the SS say the same thing?
Had this been a White "cop" forbidding a pro-Obama poster, you'd never hear the end of it.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Do Celestials Assist Human Evolution?
Don't endorse the content. The link is provided to educate the reader as to the perspectives in the world today. It does, however, show how the contemporary UFO contact movement is linked to older forms of spirtualism.
Walmart To Destroy Indian Burial Mound
Wonder how they'd like someone to dig up Sam Walton?
Isn't this akin to using the pyramids as gravel to fill in your driveway?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
MacDonalds Panders To Afrosupremacists
Where is the MacDonalds webpage dedicated solely to White people?
Will Students Be Detained At School Away From Parents During Swine Flu Outbreak
I am reminded of the scene in "Torchwood: Children Of Earth" where the military went in guns blazing to round up students and snatch them from their parents in the name of vaccinations. They were actually being handed over to be used as extraterrestrial narcotics.
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Christian Analysis Of Atheism, Part 2
Try as the atheist might to manipulate objective data to fit their hypothesis with some evolutionists going so far as to invoke the law in order to suppress perspectives conflicting with their origins account, the assumptions of atheism fail to square with the facts of nature and with the revelation of nature's God. At one time earlier in the modern era, it was quite common for the atheist to portray himself as the true friend and ally of science. However, as impartial observational science has probed deeper onto the macroscopic realm of cosmic space as well as the microscopic world of the subatomic particle, this relationship once prided by the atheist turned out not to be as solid as originally thought.
The scientific establishment and the philosophical elites once derided the so-called "theistic proofs" for the existence of God as the outdated wisdom of a less-enlightened era. It turns out, however, that these time-honored arguments may be as relevant as the latest academic journals.
The cosmological argument, perhaps the best known, states that all finite realities and structures have a cause. Therefore, ultimately there must be an uncaused cause complete in itself in order to get the proverbial billiard ball rolling; this the theist declared to be God.
Naturalistic cosmologists steeped in atheism such as Carl Sagan once tried to dance around the issue by saying that the cosmos is all there was, is, or ever will be. But it seems that the laws of physics don't exactly have a record of contributing to their local PBS station.
The Laws of Thermodynamics declare that, left to themselves, systems degrade to the maximum level of entropy; or in laymen's terms, things wear out. Employing this principle, one is forced to conclude that, if the universe is an infinitely-old closed system those like Sagan claim it to be, then the universe would have already wound down in eons past. Therefore, the universe must have had a beginning. And since something finite cannot come from nothing, the hypothesis of a divine creator provides the most plausible alternative.
It has been noted that the theistic proofs do not necessarily reveal the God of Judeo-Christian adoration but at best point the seeker in His direction. Likewise, the findings of science point the individual in the direction of a yet more definitive source of knowledge standing in opposition to the claims of atheism.
Scripture strikes the decisive blow against those daring to spit cognitively in the face of God. Psalms 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
Until the scientist can replicate life on his own from nothing whatsoever, that verse settles the issue of whether the universe sings the praises of an omnipotent Creator or testifies to the cruel fact of an arbitrary universe devoid of plan or purpose. Some will no doubt continue to insist upon their own path of stubbornness despite what the very molecules they are breathing might be telling them.
Of those failing to be persuaded by the evidence, Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Webster’s defines fool as “a person devoid of reason or intelligence.” Either the educated person assents to the reality of God or his so-called “education” is not worth the value of the parchment the big-shot degree is printed upon.
If the skeptic still refuses to abandon atheism in light of the objective evidence, one is left with no alternative but to drag out the rotten fruits produced by this faulty system in terms of ruined lived and fallen nations. For instead of establishing a set of moral values resting upon a foundation apart from divine revelation as originally postulated by the adherents of early atheistic modernism, one ends up with an ethical system based upon the absolutist relativism of postmodernism where almost anything goes except daring to set forth some kind of behavioral standard binding upon all.
According to Chuck Colson in Against The Night: Living In The New Dark Ages, in the arena where relativism reigns supreme in opposition to the law of God, there is no legitimate ground in which one can exclude the arguments and proposals of Nazis, serial killers, and pedophiles (47). From today's headlines, the nation is coming to realize in the most brutal of ways that these ideas do not confine themselves to academic journals or newspaper opinion pages. And in the case of school shootings such as Columbine High, this radical antipathy towards God can in fact turn deadly.
If the lawlessness of atheism can wreak havoc upon individual lives, just imagine its affects magnified across entire societies. The major dictatorships of the twentieth century testify to this blood-soaked historical truth. Founded upon assorted atheistic ideologies, these totalitarian regimes promised secular heavens on earth but instead dragged their nations down to the very borders of hell.
Unfettered by eternal external standards, those holding the reins of power in such societies had nothing to hamper the implementation of their most extreme policy whims, not even the value of innocent human lives. For example, Mao Zedong of the People's Republic of China slaughtered five million of his own countrymen in pursuit of his Cultural Revolution and related kinds of Communist nonsense.
While the United States has not yet eliminated that many (at least among those fortunate enough to escape the womb alive), the Orwellian day is here when good will be called evil and evil called good. Former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett aptly noted on an appearance on "Meet The Press" that, had the Columbine killers greeted one another with "Hail the King of Kings" rather than their trademark "Heil Hitler", school officials would have intervened since an affirmation of theism --- especially of a Christian variety --- is the one thing an atheistic educational system cannot tolerate. School officials did not intervene and the rest is history, with organized unbelief claiming yet a few more in its unrelenting war upon God and humanity.
As public rhetoricians are fond of pointing out, mankind stands at a crossroads. The choice, however, goes to a level deeper than the choice between Democrats and Republicans that Americans must make on election day.
The decision to be made transcends the limited purposes of institutionalized politics to embrace fundamental issues of worldview and belief. The nature of this conflict can be discovered in a comparison and contrast between atheism and Christianity.
From the fundamental postulate regarding the nonexistence of God, atheism attempts to formulate a comprehensive framework upon which to hang its understanding of mankind and the universe. Without God to account for the cosmos in which they find themselves, atheists argue that the complexity of nature arose through a process of gradual evolution governed by the rules of chance.
This process of evolution, to the atheist, serves as the dynamic against which man strives to find and determine his role upon the earth. As such, everything is thus in a state of flux and nothing is fixed as man struggles to figure things out against the backdrop of a cold and purposeless void.
Not even fundamental issues such as individual rights, personal ethics, or social institutions can afford to remain fixed and stagnant. And if innocent human lives are ruined or destroyed, that may seem regrettable at this moment along the long evolutionary chain, but mankind will ultimately get things worked out and the piles of corpses littering history’s ditches will not seem so nauseous upon further enlightenment.
Of these ideas, Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Any history book objective enough to attest to the horrors of the twentieth century testifies to this startling truth.
Standing in contrast to the lonely pointlessness of atheism is Judeo-Christian theism recognizing God as the fundamental proposition of the universe. Like atheism, the Judeo-Christian tradition builds its system around its conceptual foundation as well. But since its basis is drastically different from that of atheism, the conclusions drawn by Christianity are considerably different.
Christianity holds that, since the universe was created from nothing through the Word of God, all creation is dependent upon Him at all times. Colossians 1:17 says, “ him all things consist.”
Since man is God’s creation, it is therefore God’s right to determine the standards by which man shall conduct his own affairs. And since God loves His creation, it follows that His standards are for the benefit of His children. These standards are communicated to mankind in a number of ways.
One such way is through individual conscience. Romans 2:14 says, “For when Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves.” While God has written the Law across the heart of man, man has suppressed this truth through sin.
God has overcome this development by making Himself known in the person of His Son Jesus Christ and through the direct propositional revelation of His Word and the Holy Bible of which II Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” It is within this framework of Law and Grace that the balance between the individual and society is found as this system and the objective standards established by it protect the individual since it recognizes the worth and fallen character of each. That is why Psalms 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”
Atheism remains one of the most serious intellectual challenges faced by the contemporary Christian. Despite its obvious scientific and sociological shortcomings, the powerful adherents of this system positioned in influential sectors of society such as government and academia have enshrined this worldview as the official dogma of civilization nearly as stifling as anything allegedly imposed by the medieval Catholic Church.
Yet despite considerable efforts to enforce this system as an orthodoxy that goes so far as to jail students daring to pray around a flagpole, like its sister system in the former Soviet Union, Western atheism is a decaying ideology. It is amid this decay often resulting in social and individual ruin that the Christian is able to proclaim the superiority of the theistic alternative and the God of its adoration.
by Frederick Meekins
Obama Administration All "Wee-Weed Up" In Favor Of Mandatory Circumscion
Why doesn't the "keep your laws off my body" mantra come into play with this one?
Is Obama this so hell-bent on controling absolutely everything that he and his cronies are going to dictate to us the cosmetic nature of our privates?
Article On Shameless Sex Mentions Marriage Only Once
An article in the leftwing propaganda rag "Sojourners Magazine" titled "Sex Without Shame" fails to mention that the only shameless sex is to be found in marriage between a man and a woman.
The closest the article gets is a tepid "In our churches we need to help younger people...say 'yes' to some shared bodily interactions. As we need to help each other not only just say no, but understand why 'no' or 'not yet' is an appopriate life-giving response to some other options we encounter along our sexual journeys".
Spineless Companies Cave To Afrosupremacists
Perhaps Conservatives should turn and boycott the companies abandoning Beck.
Among these rank Walmart. Maybe they'll change their tune if their Redneck base abandons them in droves.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
David Copperfield Accused Of Rape
But what did she think was going to happen when an eccentric old koot invites you to his private deserrted island for a "modelling opportunity"?
Furthermore, what proof do we have that any of this even happened or that his advances were spurned only after the fact?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Does Obama's Mother-In-Law Practice Voodoo?
Will be interesting to hear additional research on this. At this time, I neither confirm or deny its allegations put merely post to inform readers as to what is perculating out there.
Jim Wallis A Commuist Stooge
For the unfamiliar, Wallis is one of the subversives manipulating Evangelicalism into embracing a COMMUNITY emphasis which is little more than sugar-coated socialism.
Atheist Protestors Besiege Creation Museum
Will Nancy Pelosi and assorted leftists condemn this behavior since now it is un-American to even vigorously question congressional representatives?
Leftists Defame Western Culture
If guns are legal in Arizona, why is this even a story?
If liberals are going to tell us that we cannot criticize the most barbaric practices of the jungle savage because we are not a part of that culture, who are the metropolitican East coast elites to criticize Western frontier values which seem to work a whole lot better than the Big City pro-government mentality?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Obama Plans Public Housing Projects
Anyone want to bet we you won't have any choice whether or not you live in these new ghettos?
Red Chinese Buying Up World's Oil
I wonder if electric cars and environmental posturing will beat them on the battlefield in 10 to 20 years
What About The Tall Kids?
A study finds that shorter students are "no less popular" than taller ones.
Frankly, from my own experience --- even in a Christian school --- the shorter ones were actually the snottiest brats in the class and were the actual bullies rather than the stouter pupils.
But since chubbier students don't fit in with the plans of New World Order types such as environmentalists, I guess we got what we deserved.
Obamacare Still A Threat
With Obama seeming to withdraw the so-called "public option" from the healthcare reforms, many will assume the battle is now over.
However, things may be even more dangerous now than before.
Up for consideration now are so-called "healthcare cooperatives".
What is to prevent companies from eliminating their insurance programs and push their employees into these?
This is what Walmart-types are drooling for in that propaganda where they say they won't be happy until everyone is insured.
What they really want is to drop their own employees' coverage.
by Frederick Meekins
Tiresome Internet Ads
I am tired of the Internet ads reading something like "Obama Asks Moms To Return To School".
First, it is not the government's place to "ask you to return to school".
Second, if Il Duce only wants mom's to return to school, it is blatantly sexist.
Third, if anyone complies with this decree simply because "Obama asks", they are a deluded fanatic that have sold out American liberty.