Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
South African Lad Deemed "Not Black Enough" For African-American Award
Technically, by definition, wouldn't he be more "African" than all the Black students at the school put together? And as a public school where evolution is taught, since evolutionary anthropology contends we all came from Africa to begin with, shouldn't every student (White or Black) be eligible for this recognition?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Rotten Egg Presidency Co-opts Easter Celebration
Some traditions should be so hallowed that they should not be sullied by political controversies or used as a vehicle to manipulate the participants into embracing perspectives and policies they might not otherwise be exposed to or willing to accept. As a celebration of profound cultural significance at one of America's most solemn and historic venues, the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House ought to be just such an occasion.
Unfortunately, not even this event gets to remain one where kids and families can have a day of fun without being bombarded by a litany of questionable values. Ironically, the ones that ought to be the most vigilant about protecting the event's integrity are among those most eager to see it bastardized.
To the average American mired in outdated notions such as individuality and privacy, one would think tickets to this event would go to the first to apply for them irrespective of attributes such as race, creed, or sexual preference. However, to the Obama administration, who you like to roll around in the bedroom with should be one of the factors considered to determine whether or not your child is worthy of rolling eggs on the White House lawn.
According to an Associated Press story posted at titled "White House Invites Gay Families To Easter Event", the Obama Administration set aside and funneled a percentage of the tickets to Sodomite front groups such as the Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force. The executive director of the Family Equality Counsel said in the article, "The Obama administration actually reached out to us as an organization and said we want gay families there, and they are an important part of the American family fabric."
It is not so much that gay people want to attend the Egg Roll and have been barred in the past as gays have participated in years past. Rather, it is now they not only want to tell everybody about it but also for authorities to fawn all over them.
Are those mired in this brand of sin so guilt-ridden that they cannot simply attend this event quietly in support of the children without having to blab about their personal kinks? If a family of polygamist breakaway Mormons showed up at the Egg Roll, should White House staff ooh and ahh over them as "an important part of the American family fabric" as not all participating in this deviancy are child molesters like in the Warren Jeffs cult.
Though the attention of those interested in these kinds of cultural battles will be focused primarily on this skirmish as to what constitutes a family, this was not the only ideological struggle taking place at the White House Egg Roll. Though less likely to garnish headlines, the information families were exposed to at the event no doubt nudged many in the direction of increasing how much government control and influence they would allow over their lives.
The theme of the 2009 Egg Roll was "Let's go play". In pursuit of this policy, children were encouraged to live healthy and active lifestyles complete with cooking demonstrations (I wonder if any of the St. Louis pizza chefs flown into the White House to appease our New Lord were on hand). No doubt, much of these efforts are to get the youth fit for Fuehrer Obama's proposed mandatory service programs and work camps.
At least in regards to homosexuals infiltrating the White House Egg Roll, the Associated Press Article observed, "Some conservatives accused gays and lesbians of trying to crash the event and turn it into a forum for ideological politiciking."
Some might conclude unseemly forms of propaganda were not allowed to sully the innocence of the Egg Roll before the reign of Barack The First was unleashed upon the American taxpayer. Frankly, I heard about it last year as well under the regime of George W. Bush but didn't get around to writing about it in a timely manner as (at least until Obama pulls the plug on the Internet which is being considered in a variety of ways in the name of special emergency executive orders, the fairness doctrine, and now even online civility) a blogger's work is never done.
The theme of the 2008 Egg Roll was ocean conservation. Frankly, other than an hard boiled egg tasting good with a pinch of salt sprinkled on it, what does the ocean have to do with an Egg Roll?
This propaganda went beyond having a nifty touchtank on hand with a horseshoe crab crawling around inside. The White House declared, "Through education and volunteerism, all families can make a difference in keeping our oceans clean."
Seems, when being brainwashed, it's not simply enough to dutifully assimilate the material our keepers expect us to. We must also pledge ourselves to manually labor without remuneration.
More importantly, we are also reminded by this story that the manipulation of the American people into indentured servitude was not something sprung upon us totally with the election of Barack Obama. Rather the erosion of liberty has been slowly put into place over a succession of presidential administrations and getting to the point where many no longer notice the noose tightening around our necks or actually have grown to accept it as a comforting embrace.
There is no reason whatsoever why an egg roll must have a theme other than being an egg roll. If the American people allow the state to draw the focus away from the higher truths these celebrations were established to commemorate in favor of extraneous policies and propaganda, eventually the state will take the place of the One
such festivities were originally intended to honor.
By Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tax Dollars Fund Chinese Hookers
Note this money is not being used to get them out of this lifestyle and glamourizes the scumbags running these rackets as gatekeepers, as if they are manning a highway tollbooth, rather than as pimps.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Armed Pastor Saved Lives
Though one cannont deny the name of Christ, I have often wondered if this mentality pervasive throughout church history of just meekly surrendering as a martyr is a Biblical one.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Environmentalists Oppose Alternative Energy
Proof that radical environmentalism is not about applying better technology but rather about beating regular people back to the stone age. Next you'll be hearing that Bubonic plague has an inherent right of existence as an autonomous lifeform.
Church Insufficiently Masculine
Real men tire of sissified songs and want to mind their own business.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Vagrant Couple Given Lavish Wedding
This story raises a number of questions.
First, I don't care how much they love each other, if these two cannot afford to care for themselves, should they really be getting married?
As my grandmother's sister use to say, "Love can fall in a bucket of sh--."
By this she meant that while important, love was not the sole determining factor upon which one should make critical life decisions especially when one is at a minimal subsistence level.
For even though no one wants to say it for fear of being branded a hatemonger and the like, since these two are of prime breeding age, who is going to pick up the tab when babies come along as that use to be what married people did even though nowadays it seems the stork can arrive at any time either before or after the wedding date without an eye being raised by the hypertolerant.
Neither of these people are employed. Why should the rest of us pick up their bills when they bring unnecessary expences into their lives when they are in a state of being unable or unwilling to provide for themselves?
Furthermore, as Rush Limbaugh use to say, liberalism is easy; it is conservatism that's hard.
Analyzing this story, one has to wonder if the wedding is not so much for the couple as it is to make the congregation providing it feel good.
For at the end of the day, while it might be more glamorous to throw a wedding, is it really what these two people need in their lives to make it better or to face its challenges?
by Frederick Meekins
British Hospital Deems Church Paintings Offensive
Radical Islam once again claiming another victory in the UK as the decree does not forbid depictions of mosques.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Will A Pervert Be Nominated To The Supreme Court?
I guess fitting in one way. It has been rumored for years that Souter was gay, especially after he was mugged roaming alone through a park late one night searching for what it was never disclosed.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Census GPS Justified For The Sake Of The COMMUNITY
Yet another practice run readying the people for the Mark of the Beast.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Friday, May 01, 2009
Fraulein Obama's $500 Shoes
These shoes look no better, and in certain ways even cheesier, than a pair of Chuck Taylor's that today run for between $25 and $50. I should know, I own several pair.
36,000 Dead From Flu
That's the annual statistic, not the projections for the current outbreak. But since they are likely not queers or illegal aliens, those people don't really count.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
By Mohler's Standard, Not Mine
Albert Mohler commented his daughter has just turned 20.
Wonder how she feels knowing in her father's eyes that she is almost an old maid by the standard her father imposes upon the remainder of Christendom and Bapistry if she is not already on the verge of getting married.
Government In No Position?
During the midweek prayer service held in his honor, the New Lord, Obama, said a woman is in a better position than Congress or the President to make a personal decision about the morality of abortion.
Taking this line of reasoning to its conclusion, shouldn't the Confederate States and even individual plantation owners have been the ones to make the decision about the morality of slavery?
Furthermore, why shouldn't we be the ones to determine whether or not Fluorescent or incandescent light bulbs are the right CHOICE for our optical or luminary needs?
Things That Make You Say, "HMMM"
Third World Filth Fosters Flu
And Herr Obama lectures us on how much we have to learn from these cultures and wants those of these populations coming to reside here to be permitted to wallow in their backwards practices.
Swine Flu Dictatorships Being Prepared
But so long as Mexico and that nation's vagabond transcients are pandered to, that is the all important thing.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Obamaphiles Enjoy That Which They Would Deny You
The Obama progeny are well into their studies at Sidwell Friends School. As their parents, Barack and Michelle have every right to enroll their daughters in the school they think best for their children. Ironically, this is one of the many prerogatives the President’s most enthusiastic supporters would frown upon should you, the average American, decide to exercise them.
For decades now, liberals and secularists have argued that those pursuing nonpublic education for their children ought to be held in suspicion for exhibiting insufficient devotion to the COMMUNITY. Some might try to obfuscate the matter by claiming that that they do not oppose private education as much as they support the public alternatives.
This might be the line propagated for mass consumption, but the leftist opposition to private education (at least when it comes to your children) goes much deeper. For among the elites that think it is their place to mold what those below them believe and even how we live our lives, education is not so much about the accumulation of a particular body of knowledge or set of skills enabling the individual to make a way for themselves and their families in the world.
Rather, among this class education is seen about conditioning the vast majority into accepting the place predetermined for them and in such a way that they will not be able to advance beyond that. That is of course if human ambition is not engineered out of the individual human psyche all together through a combination of compulsory pharmaceuticals and a form of behavioral reinforcement popularly referred to as brainwashing.
Others will respond that, as the children of the President, these youngsters need to be protected from the assorted dangers that could befall them in a public school where access is gained more quickly than in a more disciplined private one. Such an assessment is absolutely correct.
However, the question to ask here happens to be are not your children as precious to you as the President’s are to him and are your children not entitled to the best kind of protection that you are capable of providing for them? Yet many of the very same elites applauding the Obamas’ decision to educate their children in a private school are among the very same voices insisting you are under some kind of obligation to the COMMUNITY to expose your offspring to an array of moral deviances and outright criminals.
As central as the issue of education is as the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next, it is not the only matter the concerned citizen needs to be worried about in the dawning "progressivist" era. These social engineers hope to impose upon you a lifestyle below which you have grown accustomed and are perfectly capable of providing for yourself. Once again, this point is proven by comparing what Barack Obama has said to what he has actually done.
In a statement lamenting the environmental attitudes of the average American, Barack Obama has decreed that the world is nearing a time when we can no longer eat what we want, drive around in our SUV's, and keep our homes at 70 degrees. Of course, such hand-wringing and soul-searching agony is exhibited over how you, average American, live your life and has nothing whatsoever to do with this figure heralded as transformational lives his life. After all, as Hegel hypothesized, such figures are beyond the rules imposed upon the rest of us.
In the eyes of his Barackness, you probably eat too much and at a level higher than your social class ought to be permitted. However, our liege should be permitted to stuff his face as he sees fit. For while you are to subsist on berries and twigs not much more advanced than our gatherer ancestors of pre-agricultural times, at his inaugural lunch, Obama feasted upon seafood stew with lobster, duck, pheasant, molasses-whipped sweet potatoes, and apple sponge cake. There were also three wines to choose from (no wonder an old drunk like Ted Kennedy went into convulsions and had to be carted out in an ambulance).
Those inclined to give their new lord the benefit of the doubt will reply, “Well, why shouldn’t he have a special treat on his special day?” And who can argue with that as most (at least until Mayor Bloomberg has his way) get graduation and wedding cakes.
However, does someone that complains you are eating something other than sawdust and dirt have the right to turn around and eat like a king day in and day out?
Most Americans either prepare their own sustenance or are blessed to have someone in their family do this for them. Yet despite admonishing the rest of us repeatedly on the need for sacrifice, Barack is not going to settle for having someone in his family prepare his meals for him even though neither Michelle nor his mother-in-law living with the family at the White House have any other obligations to fulfill other than those of wife and grandmother.
Instead, the White House has at its disposal a first rate kitchen. Some may argue that such is necessary for assorted state dinners and diplomatic receptions as the facility can serve 140 guests.
However, according to a 1/28/09 Yahoo News story titled “Hail To The Chefs”, the one chef already employed by the White House is not enough. The Obama’s are bringing from Chicago their private chef (in other words, they have been of the mind for quite awhile now that they are too good to cook for themselves). And like his massa, the Obama chef thinks the average American suffers from “overabundance” and that those in the culinary professions “should take leadership in tackling public health issues”. As what, the beat cops of the food police?
Obama’s detached elitism goes beyond enjoying a level of snobbish luxury he would wish to keep from you to that of actually endangering lives and public safety. This was especially evident during the winter months when citizens could see first hand the implications of his flippant policy announcements. It is in this analysis that we see first hand that Obama does not really think or care all that much about regular Americans.
In his campaign oration, Obama lamented about Americans keeping their homes heated at around 70 degrees. The President is as much a hypocrite on this point as he is about shaming you on the matter of food while he stuffs his face with delicacies the rest of us can barely pronounce and even less likely ever taste.
For while you are suppose to sit around your home shivering all in the name of the environment and over what the ghetto nations of the earth think of the United States of America, Obama might be sweating, but its not over what he thinks the thermostat should be set to but because of what he has set the thermostat to. From photographs taken during Obama’s first full day in office, some where shocked when the President was caught without a suit coat on in the Oval Office.
Though this fell far short of the shock value of what Bill Clinton removed while within the confines of these particular walls, once again as a historical figure of Hegelian proportions, Obama is not bound by the strictures of the epoch he is leading us out of. According to his staff, Obama likes the thermostat set at 80 degrees since he is use to the warm weather of his native Hawaii.
Well whoopteedoo!!! If his majesty likes Hawaii so much, perhaps he should have run for governor of that state in order to run it into the ground rather than for the presidency of the United States.
However, while Obama basks in the sauna, you are suppose to suck it up and head out into the freezing cold. His highness insinuated as such when he enunciated his displeasure that his daughters’ school had cancelled classes after a spate of wintery precipitation.
Of this disruption to the scholastic calendar Obama ruminated, “My children’s school was cancelled today. Because of what? Some ice?...As my children pointed out, in Chicago, school is never cancelled...I’m saying, when it comes to weather, folks in Washington don’t seem to be able to handle things.”
Well, hurray for Chicago. If he likes the way things are done there, perhaps he should have stayed there with his crooked gangland associates.
Though the Obamas’ reputations as parents seem to be impeccable and loving, one must seriously question how often Barack has actually personally himself driven his daughters to school these past few years. After all, from the looks of it, daddy was either on the road campaigning or in Washington (at least that is where he should have been instead of out campaigning) as a member of the Senate.
And now with their father as President, it is doubtful that the Obama daughters will be subjected to the dangers of Washington area traffic. In all likelihood, each school day the New Lord's progeny will be motorcaded to their destination with all other vehicles required to get out of the way as they pass by.
Your children, one can conclude from the President's own words, aren't worthy of being escorted to school in a similar degree of safety. For if Americans are to give up their SUV's as admonished by the President, how are they suppose to get to school in one of those effeminate, limp-wristed hybrids?
No wonder the Obama whelps want to go to school in the slop. They don't have to worry about slipping on the ice.
One of the marks of a great leader is the willingness to abide by the same expectations they extol upon others. Despite all the hype about Obama being such a great leader that will turn back the rising seas and all that malarkey, it seems he can’t even rise to the level of the simplest expectation.
by Frederick Meekins
New Terminator Presents Possible Likely Future
Have also noticed how on a number of episodes of the TV series that Revelation has been referenced.
Conflict Of Interest: Journalists & Obama Sup Together In Secret
Wondere what else they do with each other at Bohemian Grove.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
U.S. Fears Political Correctness More Than Swine Flu
Wonder if Herr Obama and his commisars would hem and haw if swine flu was rampant among White populations rather than the Third Worlders they want to replace the lower rungs of America's socioeconomic ladder.
Monday, April 27, 2009
New York To Limit Salt Intake
But since that state is moving down the road to recognive gay marriage, I guess some salty snacks are not as abominable as others in the eyes of the Humanistic elites.
Shouldn't Presidents Remain Fully Clothed?
And Nixon wore dress shows walking down the beach. You'd think Obama could at least keep his shirt om.
Michael Savage Warns Of Swine Flu
Savage, who holds graduate degrees in medicial fields, speculates that the swine flu might have been engineered by terrorists.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Is Matt Drudge Dead?
Just one of the articles around the Internet today speculating as to the whereabouts of Matt Drudge.
According to reports, he was not been seen in public for nearly a year.
Have to admire someone that can sway the media and government with a single webpage in near isolation.
If all is well with him, he still sets the standard of what all serious news and commentary bloggers aspire to be.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Scumbags We Are Expected To Say "Please" & "Thank You" To
I say feed them nothing but ham sandwiches.
According to Herr Obama, one can't even refer to this human debris as a "terrorist".
Mystery Scholarship Funds Discriminate Against White Men
$5 million of a $6 million dollar gift must go towards minorities and woman.
By definiotion doesn't that, therefore, discriminate against White men? Wouldn't the principaled thing to do be to turn down the money as the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NOW banshees would be tossing chairs through windows and setting lecture halls on fire if a university embraced a gift solely targetted at White males.