Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Nephilim Army This Year’s Smallville Finale McGuffian.
Many works of speculative fiction employ a story element known as a MacGuffin device around which the plot develops. Usually this happens to be some kind of weapon of mass destruction.
However, the 2007 season finale of Smallville decided to take the concept in a decidedly different direction with interesting parallels to current biotechnical developments.
In the episode, Lex Luthor is bent on creating an army of enhanced soldiers to combat the growing menace of superpowered humans (as well as to no doubt line his own pockets and enhance his own political status).
Yet what makes this episode stand out is that it is revealed that the success of these experiments is linked to capturing a disembodied entity (a demon if you will) that escaped from the Phantom Zone, the netherworld utilized by the people of Krypton as a workaround of their stance against the death penalty for the planet’s worst criminals. For you see, the entity alters the genetic code of the human host it possesses and Luthor believes the alterations can be mass produced.
However, things do not work out as intended and the entity eventually gets a hold of Clark Kent’s DNA and morphs into what the creature itself describes as a “more bizarre version” of the Man of Steel. As the being flies off, coupled with that comment and the white powdery appearance that comes over its face in mid-flight, it is apparent the character is meant to be Bizarro.
Interestingly, in past incarnations of this warped version of Superman, he comes about as the result of a direct botched cloning. Those following developments in transhumanism where the Doctor Frankensteins of the early 21st century hope to meld all manner of creatures be they animal, human, or nonterrestrial together will no doubt note the parallels of this new interpretation in the episode to the events alluded to in Genesis about the mingling of distinct orders of being in the hopes of bringing about the elusive ubernmensch as the character is the result of the fusion of the biological and the extradimensional.
Fans will also enjoy typical season finale hijinks and as usual will be left wondering all summer whether Lana or Chloe will survive their annual excursions to death’s door and just whose side Lionel Luthor is really on.
By Frederick Meekins
Friday, May 18, 2007
Safety Deposit Box Contents & Stocks The Latest Target Of Eminent Domain
An fascinating lecture by Tom McClintock regarding this blatantly Communist practice.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Website Hopes To Keep Jericho From Tumbling Down
Website even suggests farming series out to another network.
After Life Of Extravagence & Debauchery, Madonna Demands World Conform To Ecological Asceticism
I wonder if she paddles a canoe when she crosses over from the United States to Great Britian where she acquired that fake accent. Better yet, does she walk to the Dark Continent when she goes raiding for orphans in Africa?
Emergent Pastor Evasive On Details Of The Afterlife
If a preacher ain't gonna answer questions on this subject, frankly would use is he?
An informative Crosstalk America broadcast.
CBS Replaces Jericho With Drama About Swingers
Quality programming replaced by smut once again.
Makes you wonder what is going through the mind of CBS executives as they had no problem firing Imus whose comments might have been rude but not profane but are standing by shock jocks Opie and Anthony despite their obscene remarks that just about warranted a Secret Service investigation.
Amazing Race is also being shunted to the status of midseason replacement, as the network tires of its "conservative image".
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Middle Class An Endangered Species In Maryland
With the reassertion of the monopoly of the Democratic Party over Maryland politics which for the previous four years had been what amounted to a party-and-a-half system, the jurisdiction jokingly referred to as “the Free State” is well on its way to becoming a socialist nightmare where only the hyper-rich or the fashionably impoverished having suppressed their own dignity to enjoy a life of entitlement program luxury will be able to eke out an existence there.
In my column “People’s Republic Of Maryland Taxing Its Subjects Into Submission”, I wrote about plans to enact legislation that will end up costing motorists about $2000 more just to purchase an automobile so that new vehicles in the state will be in compliance with California emission standards Now plans are being announced to sock residents even harder in the gut all in the name of protecting the environment.
According to the Green Fund Proposal, developers would be accessed a fee of $0.25 per square foot for any impervious surface that water cannot percolate through such as a roof or driveway. And the fee can go up as high as $2.00 per square foot for structures built outside of designated growth areas. Theoretically those in the market for a new home could be levied a fee as high as $20,000 according to a Match 6, 2007 Maryland Daily Record article titled “Debate Heats Up Over Green Fund Fee”. One does not have to hold an endowed professorship in Economics to realize that developers are not going to absorb this fee out of their own sense of philanthropy but rather pass it along to homebuyers.
Those favoring this kind of nonsense locked away in their gated communities or on their palatial estates will condescendingly snort that, even if the fee is as high as $20,000, it is a small price to pay for environmental restoration (the latest bureaucratic euphemism for spending increases as the monies will go to pay farmers to plant winter cover crops and to further bloat agencies such as the state departments of agriculture and the environment). Of course, it might not seem so much when you make in a week what the average person makes in a year but it is a significant chunk of change when you are saddled with a 30 year mortgage on a house pushing nearly $500,000.
With taxes in some Maryland counties pushing $3000 a year and projected to go as high as $6000 by 2010, one must ask what in Sheol’s nomenclature is being done with all that money. Isn’t it about time tax revenue went for actual needs such as this alleged crisis of restoring the Chesapeake Bay rather than for things that should be private sector expenses such as “Shakespeare In The Park” festivals paid for from funds provided by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the City of Hyattsville, and the Hyattsville Community Development Corporation (all entities having the same people unfortunate enough to reside in their respective jurisdictions) and African vacations euphemistically categorized as “trade missions” for petty yet self-important local officials that in the end are about transferring still more resources out of the United States into the hands of deceitful bureaucrats and even more maniacal tyrants.
There is more of course to the exorbitant extraction of revenue to fund questionable government programs or even to transfer resources from those deemed by the elite to have to those alleged to have not. For whenever social engineers invoke what they have labeled the lofty goal of income redistribution, is has nothing whatsoever to do about elevating the downtrodden but about dragging the average American down to that level of destitution.
Though they need to stop and think who will be left to do their menial labor for them unless the next phase of their grandiose development plans include massive relocation camps where laborers will be imported from abroad and warehoused sight unseen away from the lords of the new order like human livestock and beasts of burden, those once considered parts of the working and lower middle classes will find virtually no place in the brave new Maryland on the drawing board. For example, in Hyattsville, Maryland planners are conniving to shed the municipality’s image as a suburban haven just outside Washington, DC for blue collar tradesmen and low level government functionaries to that of a hovel for artists (with government subsidized housing for those types insisting upon smearing elephant dung on portraits of the Virgin Mary, submerging crosses in jars of urine, or other assorted blasphemies and obscenities that would not otherwise find support in a free marketplace and claiming its fine art) and cramped townhouses pushing half a million dollars for the uppercrust that get a buzz living in squalor sheek all the rage these days among the effete.
Communist revolutions around the world came into power promising to create a classless society. However, what they put into place was a system where all but a tiny elite were suppressed equally. Back then, such regimes accomplished their diabolical agendas through violence and fear.
For the moment, the ideological heirs of those that believe the flames of liberty must be extinguished and the aspirations of the individual curtailed for the alleged good of humanity have grown more sophisticated in their methods of getting the people to comply with their agenda. However, as Americans draw ever closer to the breaking point of just how much they are willing to put up with as frankly we are fast approaching the threshold where there is precious little left for the state to steal, we must ask with concern will the aspiring despots among us resort to the violent tendencies of their philosophical progenitors in the attempt to bring about socialism’s ultimate triumph.
by Frederick Meekins
British Geneticist Insinuates Redheads Should Be Aborted
Though he does not have the courage to come out and say it, when asked if hair color should be grounds for terminating a pregnancy, Gedis Grudzinskas of London Bridge Fertility, Gynaecology and Genetics Centre ruminated it should be considered because hair color can be a cause of bullying which can lead to suicide.
I ask you, dear readers, those with what hair color are most prone to ridicule if for no other reason than because of jealousy of the beauty of their flowing fiery tresses?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Baltimore Official Endorses Politically Motivated Vandalism
Would his attitude been the same if the image of Martin Luther King or some other minority icon been defaced?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Will LIberals Protest Pakistan Border Fence
Pakistan is setting up a fence along its border with Afghanistan in an attempt to deter Taliban raids.
I wonder if liberals are going to make a fuss or is it only the United States and Israel that aren't allowed to protect its borders.
An Analysis Of Individualism
An informative Heritage Foundation lecture in defense of individualism which observes that this ethical perspective (contrary to assertions of the Emergent church crowd and even in more orthodox congregations such as the PCA church I attended for awhile where lack of membership was a greater offense than being an ecclesiastical booze hound)actually orginates out of Christian virtue.
Newseum To Charge Admission Fee
This is a bit of a disappointment as I had been looking forward to this opening for several years now.
While the original was free to visit, the new Newseum will charge an admission fee of $17.95.
Those administering this tourist trap are going to have to stop and ask themselves, once people have already been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt (provided this piece of apparel isn't priced through the roof either), at that cost are people going to return for a second visit?
If the Newseum charged a more modest fee, one would think one would more likely encourage return visits on the part of locals, many of whom are increasingly reluctant to go downtown anyway since (despite the image the propaganda tries to promote) much of the city looks more like a Third World slum than the capital of the free world.
Though I'd be reluctant to plop down money for either, you are probably better off paying just a bit more to go to the National Aquarium in Baltimore.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Evangelical Leftists Undermine America's Borders
You'll note how all the compassion called for is for the illegals, not a single iota for the Americans left picking up the tab whose towns and cities are increasingly coming to resemble the Third World slums these transients left behind.
Among those advocating this subversion are factions within the Church of the Nazarene, a denomination that has in the past promoted anti-Caucasian practices at its district level as evidenced by the African American Christmas Dinner I exposed in my column "When Did Black Become A Christmas Color?"
Monday, May 07, 2007
Do Hispanosupremacist's Claims Address Both Sides Of Issue?
Casa De Maryland is claiming an upsurge in violence against immigrants and Internet threats against its own activists.
While all violence and threats thereof are to be deplored, I wonder what this organization has to say about increased gang vandalism in metropolitan areas and violent home invasions along the border.
And as to online harassment, CASA is itself guilty of such tactics as in my column “Who Are The Vigilantes?: Sides Mischaracterized By Elites In Immigration Debate” I detailed plans by this organization’s operatives to lurk outside the schools of the children of known Minutemen.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Edwards Panders For Hypocrite Ballot
Since we are all individuals marred by the stain of sin, at one time or another all of us eventually fail to practice what we preach. Normally, this isn’t too big of a problem as most of us don’t have that much influence beyond that of our own friends and families. However, when this tendency endemic to the species manifests itself among the ostentatiously affluent craving power, it can become a social danger as these elites attempt to assuage their consciences by extracting penance from the masses that the well-to-do are not willing to subject themselves to.
In an interview posted at titled “John Edwards: My Faith Came Roaring Back” by David Kuo, the former vice presidential nominee turned presidential-hopeful discusses the role his faith has played in his public life. When asked what aspects of American life he thought Jesus would be disappointed with, Edwards did not respond about the 4 million unborn children butchered each year through abortion (an issue predictably ignored by a Democrat despite thou shalt not kill [especially innocent noncombatants] being a major theme of the Good Book) but rather with “our selfishness”, our “resorting to war when it’s not necessary” and our “ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish-short term needs”.
Strategic propriety of operations in Iraq aside as one cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear and I suppose there can’t be much done to civilize a bunch of savages that would rather go about killing each other than aspire to a decent standard of living as that is another issue. No doubt so high from the makeup and hair spray seeping into his skin that he’s succumbed to brain damage, perhaps Senator Edwards should be reminded that it was the radical Islamists that instigated the war on terror with the 9/11 attack. And while one may debate the best way to neutralize the terrorist threat in a constitutionally appropriate manner, even more disturbing is the remainder of Edwards’ response to this interrogatory.
Concern over what might be perceived as selfishness and “ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering” might sound forward thinking to some. However, what Edwards really means, ladies and gentlemen, is that you who are considered members of the middle class are not paying enough in taxes and need a greater percentage of it confiscated for redistribution to those unwilling to lift a finger to provide for themselves despite being of strong body.
Of course, Edwards does not apply his condemnation to himself. When asked about the hypocrisy of making a big to-do over what he perceives as selfishness and recently acquiring a 28,000 square foot house complete with a separate recreation building for activities the rest of us enjoy on a smaller scale in our basements (no doubt one of the numerous domiciles owned by the Senator unless he commutes daily between North Carolina and the Washington DC area), Edwards basically responds that he, on the other hand, deserves to live in such luxury because (in a manner similar to the way Al Gore justifies his own lavish levels of consumption while expecting you to adopt a lifestyle on a level of squalor that would make an African bushman living on the savannah feel deprived) of all the work he has done for the impoverished around the world.
Like most thoroughgoing Democrats, it seems Senator Edwards suffers from a touch of liberal White guilt (referred to in previous eras as the White man’s burden) but apparently not so much that he’s not going to hand over that spacey pad of his so that the downtrodden might have a roof over their heads, divert the vast majority of his fortune to feed the hungry without turning it into a self-congratulatory media event that would make Little Jack Horner’s ego look miniscule in comparison, or forfeit his occupational station to someone of a minority group. That ladies and gentlemen, especially the Caucasian gentlemen among you who are the Senator’s social lessers, is an obligation to be passed on to and imposed upon you.
While willing to use religion in general and Christianity in particular to beat more money out of you into the tax coffers, Senator Edwards exhibits the typical leftwing squeamishness about acknowledging that most of what makes America worth living in derives in one way or the other from ideas originating in divine revelation or somehow deducible from it. When asked if he thought America was a Christian nation, while relenting there was a powerful religious thread running through American history, he was bothered (meaning ashamed) of the word “Christian” and would rather think of America as a “nation of faith”.
But faith in what, pray tell? But I guess in the creedless, non-doctrinaire nation of Senator Edwards prayer would be too strong a word with non-specific mental emanations towards unspecified entities would be a more acceptable way of putting it.
Like guns in America before it was emasculated and sissified by trial lawyers such as the Senator, there use to be a time when those that claimed to believe in Christ had no problem saying they were a Christian. Yet nowadays, every kind of deviancy either gets a handout from the government or a parade through our city streets while the devout are made to feel as if they are afflicted with one of the last recognized mental perversions.
Senator Edwards might talk a faith worthy of a Hallmark Card, but when it comes down to it, he offers us no more of a sure foundation than the secular humanism that has plagued the Western world for much of the past century or more. When asked his opinion of the Ten Commandments being displayed in local courthouses, Edwards responds, “How would Muslims feel if they went into that courthouse, and how would people of other faiths feel, Hindus, if they were in the same circumstances?”
Senator Edwards might be a whiz when it comes to peddling snake oil, but a discerning intellect he apparently is not. Technically, there isn’t all that much in the Ten Commandments a Muslim ought to object to as they see themselves as the corrected completion of both Jewish and Christian revelation, referring to these fellow monotheistic traditions as “People of the Book”. And even if they did not like it, why should we really care?
Shouldn’t those from exotic lands researched our traditions and history before coming half-way around the world to settle here only to discover they can’t stand this place? After all, we Christians were here first and the ones that opened up the shop.
Those like the Senator placing sensitivity over survival wail at the impropriety of Christians migrating to heathen lands and expecting the natives to abolish their own customs. Interesting how cultural relativism --- the erroneous idea that it is uncouth to criticize other ways of life in their respective zones of habitation --- protects every other nation on earth except the United States of America.
It should also be pointed out to the Senator from North Carolina that it is in nations such as the United States that acknowledge and retain a Judeo-Christian heritage primarily Protestant in its orientation in that ecclesiastical power is not concentrated in a single denominational authority that those holding to alternative religious viewpoints enjoy the most liberty. For example, where in the Muslim world are Christians permitted to worship freely without fear of harassment. And even in Europe where the Biblical basis of culture has been abandoned and forgotten, the native populations have to walk around on eggshells for fear of on the one hand offending Third World interlopers who will resort to violence at the drop of a hat to get their way and hypersensitive socialistic bureaucrats ready to impose hate speech penalties upon those daring to question the humanistic hegemony.
If we are to remove the Ten Commandments as the recognized foundation of Western and American law for fear it may offend outsiders, on what grounds should we even care if such people are offended? For it is only on a solid theistic foundation that we are able to criticize anything the government or social institutions do.
Don’t care for those mass killings that went on under Hitler or Stalin (feel free to take your pick as for some reason radical statistits tend to view one as the devil and the other a hero depending upon the political orientation in question even though each was pretty much a mirror image oft he other)? That’s too bad. For if one is going to say that law is nothing more that a statutory mechanism agreed upon by the members of a particular COMMUNITY, who are you to criticize either tyrant since you, free thinker, are not a member of their respective regime or nation.
Interestingly, often those wringing their hands the most over how all of us live too high on the hog are the ones --- to use the language we commoners constantly have our noses rubbed in --- giving the least back to the COMMUNITY in terms of useful work. Maybe if John Edwards had done something in his life other than becoming an ambulance chaser amassing from that a fortune surpassing even George Bush and Dick Cheney, the Senator would not feel so guilty that he feels the necessity to drive the rest of us into the impressment of mandatory voluntarism or whatever other schemes are boiling behind that mascaraed face of his.
Both the Democratic and Republican parties have pretty much blown it in regards to religion in general and Christianity in particular. Thomas Jefferson is credited with saying that the government that governs best governs least because the people govern themselves. Instead of standing back and allowing faith founded on the Word of God to set the human spirit free, such profound ideals in the hands of both parties have become little more than just another reason to bash us over the head as to why we should have a silly grin plastered all over our faces while our pockets are being picked to finance questionable aims and agendas we might not otherwise agree with.
A few years back a popular slogan asked, “What would Jesus Do?” In conclusion, it is my contention I doubt He would get a $400 haircut.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Magneto Movies Moves Forward
This should be an interesting film since Magneto is one of Marvel's most interesting characters.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Alien Hordes Take To The Streets
If these people are non-citizens and have no legal standing in society (especially the illegals), why are we obligated to meet their demands as they have no standing and (at least for now until our spineless leaders surrender) cannot vote?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Home School Ministry Argues Boys Ought To Be Married Off By 15
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the head of this ministry peddles his doctrinal peculiarities while wearing what appears to be U.S. Naval uniform as if in an attempt to foster the impression that to disagree with him is to disrespect the military? Check out the video.
The theory is based on the following. Since a Bar Mitzvah is at 13, a young man should be expected to have gotten married and fathered his first child by age of fifteen. This in turn is based on the assumption that since a Jew could not become a rabbi until they reached the age of 30 since one could not be considered an elder until one had his first grandchild.
Through careful examination, it is easily deducible such reason (if it can be called that) does not apply to our own ere of increasing life spans.Here's the reason why. If we are to be honor Mary and Joseph as the ideal Jewish couple, that would mean by this standard that they were 15ish by the time Jesus was born. Therefore, if Jesus died around 33 years of age, that would mean Joseph was dead by his mid 40's since Jesus asks John to take care of Mary. Thus, are those advocating what today amounts to child marriage themselves ready to kick the bucket by the time they are 50 years old?
Frederick Meekins
Tolerancemongers Violate Minuteman Chris Simcox's Right Of Free Speech
Check out this YouTube expose of the violence threatened against those not adhering to the leftist open border propaganda. Note how some of the Hispanosupremacists don masks not unlike their Ku Klux Klan counterparts. Frankly, ashame the cops did not start cracking noggins.
Here is a link to a Blogtalk Radio program analyzing the attack.
Fox Cancels Illuminati Road Race
Part of the excuse for cancelling this show that had potential is that, as lead in to 24, it caused the Sutherland drama to have its lowest ratings in three years.
However, it must be remember that "Heroes" was new last week and frankly, any problems 24 is having is 24's fault. For despite a riveting beginning and a few highlights here and there such as when the Russian antagonist hacked his own arm off to rid himself of a tracking isotope, it has been a somewhat lackluster season.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Stephen King Warns Of Pending Witch Hunt Against Iconoclasts
Sensible advice from the Grandmaster of Horror.
Immigrant Bastards: Illegitimacy Rate Higher Among New Arrivals
In his radio interview with Pat Buchanan some years back about the semial tome Death Of The West, Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family flew into a tirade about how family oriented the Hispanic population was. Wonder if he'll change his tune now.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Gunmen Ranks Among Remembered At Memorials For Mass Shooting
Isn't this akin to fondly recalling Adlof Hitler as a victim of World War II or the Holocaust?
One efeminate cleric claimed we must strive to understand the shooters mental illness.
I believe the shooters own grandfather had the right perspective on the matter when he said he was glad the "son of a b--ch" was dead.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Virginia School Alma Mater Of Multiple Mass Murderers
Westfield High School in Chantilly, VA is developing an infamous reputation.
Not only is it the alma mater of Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui but also of Michael Kennedy, who shot up a Fairfax Virginia police station in May 2006 where he murdered two officers in a shooting rampage.
Before dismissing these incidents as disturbing coincidences, we owe it to both the families who lost loved ones in these massacres as well as the broader frightened public to look into what role this institution might have had in shaping the warped worldviews of these deranged gunmen.
Such a line of investigation might prove more than grasping at straws if it comes to be learned that Westfield High had a death education curriculum.
According to education analyst Samuel Blumenfeld in a May 27, 1999 WorldNetDaily column titled “Death Education At Columbine High”, students at this school that has since becomes a byword for such tragic heartache and bloodshed were taught to embrace death through psychologically manipulative exercises such as writing one’s own suicide note, listing ways to die, and lying in caskets.
More than one student has reacted negatively to the exposure of such grim topics devoid of the comfort provided by a Biblical faith when confronted by the thing a vibrant and healthy person fears the most. A number have attempted suicide and may be responsible for some of the worst incidents of school violence in American History.
Ultimately, those deciding to pull the trigger must be the ones held responsible. However, if in the coming days we are to be bombarded with an increasingly insistent chorus about how we should all be willing to give up yet still more of our liberties (namely the right to bear arms as stipulated by the Second Amendment and state officials being granted the authority to bring in for psychological evaluation anyone preferring to stay to themselves) in order to prevent this kind of violence in the future, shouldn’t government be subjected to the same level of scrutiny?
by Frederick Meekins
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Little Point In Voting As Fate Of Nation Already Decided
Every two years on the first Tuesday of November, Americans go to the polls in hopes of influencing the direction of the nation in regards to matters of politics and policy. However, the exercise of this civic duty may be increasingly directed towards deciding matters of escalating irrelevancy as the ultimate disposition of the nation has already been settled at levels that regularly ignore the will of those beneath their heals along the social hierarchy.
For the time being, those that actually run the world have decided that it will be in their best interest if the trappings of the traditional electoral system are continued for a while longer. Such niceties are not being continued solely out of the beneficence of our glorious leaders or merely to keep the serfs from revolting. Rather these procedural mechanisms will be used to condition the American people into accepting a place in the pending global order by subtly subjecting them to assumptions and perspectives of which they might not even be aware of initially.
Many Americans making the pilgrimage to the polls have recently been given a small sticker that reads “I voted”. Besides being a waste of money if paid for with taxpayer funds and like something one would give a pliant child (quite telling as to what the government thinks of the average citizen), those that truly love this country were no doubt deeply troubled that between the American flag at the top of the sticker and the words “I voted” at bottom of the sticker was the phrase “Yo vote”.
Thus, not only has our national unity been undermined though this endorsement of bilingualism, but it was subtly made known that the English population would be taking a back seat in the America sector of the pending global regime as the Spanish was triumphantly placed over the English in a position of superiority.
If the United States is to remain a nation with English the predominant form of culture and expression, shouldn’t English have been printed in the top position? When you come down to it, no Spanish should have been on the sticker at all.
To put things bluntly, Spanish speakers that don’t know that “I voted” means that they just voted, for the sake of the Republic, should not be voting anyway. For isn’t a workable knowledge of English suppose to be a requirement to receive citizenship? If this standard is not being enforced, Americans have the right to know about it.
Those seeking to please their leftist masters by wearing their tolerance on their sleeves will wail, “HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A THING!!!!” Yet even though they are reluctant to admit it for fear of running afoul of the thought police and their speech codes, Americans worthy of the name don’t think much of the effort to bring about the end of their beloved country.
Yet no matter how much conscientious patriots might complain about it and bring the matter before the public’s attention, don’t expect anything to be done about it. For at some point down the road if the American people have not been weaned from that annoying voting habit by then, not only will the stickers have both English and Spanish but will probably have a Mexican flag in a position of dominance over Old Glory. There is more at stake than which country has the longest pole and a clash of colors akin to a Star Wars lightsaber duel. Such background symbols that we don’t usually pay much attention to actually reflect the profound geopolitical realignments taking place at the highest levels.
Though much is not said about it in the mainstream media with the possible exception of Lou Dobbs, President Bush and his fellow internationalists are quietly conniving to bring about the union of the United States, Canada, and Mexico without regard to what anyone outside this small circle of moneychangers, powerbrokers, and paperpushers might think about it. Their contempt for the institutions of this nation and the principles upon which it was founded is so complete that the proposed unification is pretty much underway without the congressional oversight the Constitution bestows upon the legislative branch, especially the Senate in terms of ratifying treaties, to have the final decision about such comprehensive foreign entanglements.
One of the prominent themes of the history of the 21st century will no doubt be the fall of the United States from a place of prominence and the sublimation of its original culture to the interests of foreign occupants. The second most important theme will no doubt be how this development was ignored until it was too late.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Albert Mohler Weighs In On Imus Controversy
Albert Mohler makes some astute observations about the Imus controversy.
He raises the questions of hasn't Imus been fired over the very thing he was hired to do in the first place, why didn't activists wait this long to make a fuss, and hasn''t it gotten out of proportion.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Injured Governor Violated Seabelt Law
While sympathies go out to him, interesting how seatbelt socialists refuse to obey the very same laws they are charged with imposing upon the rest of us.
Would be interesting to know the Garden State's policy for fining violators of this law hurt in traffic accidents.
If such a fee is levied in the case of common drivers, shouldn't it also be extracted from the governor?
Black Panther Spokesman Calls Michelle Malkin A Prostitute
I wonder if Al Sharpton will condemn this.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Does Albert Mohler Worship The Church Rather Than Christ
This prominent Southern Baptist insinuates that one cannot belong to Christ unless one is a member of a local church.
While there might be a bit of truth that some avoid church because they don't want to live by God's plan, just as many of more rigorous doctrinal standards just not fool around with the ecclesiastical dog and pony show since so much of what is insisted upon in Evangelical churches these days has nothing to do with divine revelation but more to do with the trendy political progressivism such as the handwrining over the environment, the castigation of the White race over racial injustices from so long ago, and even Mohler's own obsession that one is somehow a deviant if one is not married off by the age of 25.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Eco-Celebrities Spew Ideological Toxins
One thing about the various threats conspiring to undermine human liberty is that, even if they fall out of public view for a while, it won’t be long until they resurface with a renewed ferocity to bend the people of the United States to the will of the elites. With the threats of immigration and the war on terror (both from foreign heathen fanatics as well as those within our own government out to use these efforts to protect the innocent from such violence as an excuse to implement measures that will do very little to actually protect the nation but only make it less free) it has been a while since most concerned Americans have given much thought to the subversive machinations of those claiming to make ecology their primary focus of ethical concern. However, in light of statements made by those straddling that ghoul-filled spectrum between politician and entertainer regarding their environmental visions, freedom lovers would do well to once again expose the dangers that result from those with a sense of guilt for having acquired exorbitant fortunes in a less-than productive manner wanting to control your life in an attempt to assuage their own consciences.
During the 1990’s, Al Gore carved out a niche for himself in the American political landscape as a proponent of a revolutionary environmentalism that went beyond being a good steward of the earth by taking your trash with you after a picnic at the beach so that a sea turtles don’t end up ingesting plastic bags thinking they are jelly fish but rather to embrace the notion that the entire basis of our civilization had to be reconstructed from the ground up including religious, political, and family structures as detailed in “Earth In The Balance”. Distracted by more important things such as having to invent the Internet, rehashing the 2000 election ad nauseam, and deciding whether or not to grow a beard, Gore seemed to stray from his original focus for a while.
However, this errant apostle of Mother Earth has come back to his true faith with the release of his documentary about global warming titled “An Inconvenient Truth”. In it, Gore once again ascends the pulpit warning us ignorant slobs how we must repent of our industrialized ways or face ecological judgment.
But while the rest of us are suppose to adopt entire new modes of existence simply because someone of Al Gore’s charisma and dynamism tells us to, Gore himself does not abide by the environmentally conscientious strictures he wishes to impose upon the rest of us.
For example, throughout much environmentalist propaganda it is suggested that government should place limitations on the number of children a person should be allowed to have through a number of coercive measures ranging from fines to outright forced abortions or sterilizations for those refusing to abide by the guidelines to prevent overpopulation. However, Gore has reproduced on three separate occasions.
Does the former Vice President care to admit to being a closet eugenicist as well? For to go around saying that people should only be allowed to have one or at most two children irrespective of whether or not they can provide for them and then himself sire three children basically says, “Since I am superior to you, I don’t have to abide by the same standards to be imposed upon the classes of humanity inferior to my semi-divine self.” Though the Eastern spirituality espoused by Gore is notorious for promulgating the notion of the divine spark within, it seems some of it supposedly have a bit more of it than others if some are going to be allowed to do as they please while the rest of us will be compelled to toe the line in the name of Mother Earth.
For example, while the rest of us are supposed to pearback our lifestyle by turning down the heat, eating lower on the food chain by eating less meat and more locally grown produce (how you are to avoid winter starvation by following that guidelines is conviently overlooked), and be content with smaller vehicles and living spaces, according to an August 10, 2006 USA Today titled “Gore Isn’t Quite As Green As He’s Led The World To Believe” the former Vice President has a 10,000 square-foot, 20 room, 8 bathroom (I wonder how many of them have those irritating low-flush toilets where the water level is so low in the bowl that one has to reach in with a wad of tissue and manually wipe the smears off once one has completed their business yet since Gore acts constipated half the time anyway I guess it’s not much of an issue) as well as an additional 4,000 square-foot home in the Washington Metropolitan Area where empty nesters such as Al and Tipper could easily live comfortably in a home a third of that size if they were really dedicated to conservation and the preservation of resources). It was also later revealed that Gore spends $3000 a month on electricity while the rest of us are suppose to turn the thermostat back and Congress is mulling over a proposal that will force a switch to fluorescent bulbs and then probably sit back and wonder why cataract rates will skyrocket.
It would be one thing if this eccentric behavior confined itself to a single kook such as the former Vice President as Al Gore isn’t exactly known for possessing the kind of charisma necessary to inspire revolution alone, or in other words, to get the lemmings off the cliff all by himself. Unfortunately, as an inherently egomaniacal lot, numerous entertainers have bought into a similar mindset that it is their destiny to live as lords of the dawning cosmic era by shaming the rest of us into adopting a mandatory neo-primitivism.
One of the most irritating harpies deluding the ignorant with the banshee’s wail of pending ecological catastrophe is Barbara Streisand Several years ago, to get Californians to do their part to alleviate that state’s energy shortage, Streisand suggested residents hang their wash on a clothesline while she continued to illuminate the exterior of her mansion with bright lights.
However, the environmental hypocrisy does not end there for the megastar, of whom it was pointed out on Hannity and Colmes that she forbids the staffs of the hotels where she stays from gazing upon her visage as if she was some pre-WWII Japanese monarch (but maybe then again she is so ugly maybe she’s afraid they will turn to stone if they look upon her like those looking upon Medusa in Greek mythology.
Streisand announced that she is embarking on a twenty concert tour in part to combat “dangerous climate change”. So while you as a grubby commoner are suppose to dry your clothes on a line, Streisand plans on expending fossil fuels and expelling toxins into the atmosphere to go around telling the nation why we should be shamed if we exhibit the audacity to do the same.
This is about as dimwitted as Arianna Huffington response to an inquiry by Sean Hannity when he exposed that, while she was heading a campaign against SUV’s, she was hopping rides on private jets. She responded that “The planes were going there anyway.”
At least Huffington is easier on the eyes than Streisand’s gnarled countenance. Americans should do their part for the environment by boycotting the Streisand concerts.
Hypocritical travel is not the only environmental double standard wallowed in by the entertainment elite. For while you as a harbinger of bourgeoisie middle class values and expectations which by definition makes you a despoiler of the earth who must eventually be confined to specific zones of habitation which will ultimately mean the forfeiture of privately owned automobiles in favor of more closely monitored public transportation, the confiscation of individual single family homes in exchange for communal-style barracks, those in the overclass will be allowed to despoil Mother Nature all they want in pursuit of gratifying their own egos in ways mankind could really do without if these self-anointed crusaders actually did care about the environment.
In the future, many structures that facilitate access to public parks for the average citizen will be removed to prevent enjoyment by all with the exception of the best equipped and dedicated of hikers, usually rich people with too much time on their hands that spend all kinds of money to look like as if they hadn’t seen a comb or taken a bath in months. Usually for men, this manifests itself in men in the form of a lice-infested ponytail and in women an appearance so malnourished as to lack any of the physical characteristics making a woman pleasurable to look at.
In the ecologically-minded world of tomorrow, most will be expected to bow to the alleged needs of Mother Earth. However, if one happens to be an internationally renowned celebrity, then nature must by all means take a back seat.
In a move that even upset a number of environmental groups, to show just how much he values the environment, famed rocker Sting planned to headline a concert in a park in Spain titled “Musicians For Nature.” Sounds a bit like the old military tactic of destroying a village in order to save it.
One does not have to be a prophet or a clairvoyant to foresee that rockfans (not exactly known for being a tidy bunch to begin with) would no doubt trash the park as they went about letting everyone know just how much they support it. One time a friend was dragged to an Earth Day Celebration on the Mall in Washington where he saw more than one participant toss their rubbish onto this semi-hallowed piece of American ground rather than into its proper receptacle.
If this lunacy confined itself merely to entertainers and deluded also-rans at the edges of the American political landscape, things might not be so bad as the average citizen might be able to weather such mental irritation as something mildly amusing, even deriving a small laugh from these hypocritical inconsistencies. However, these faulty assumptions are no longer a source of comic relief when elected officials begin to take them seriously as the basis of future policy decisions.
At one time, much of this nonsense could be dismissed as fringe hooey. It now infects holders of respectable public office.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, for whom Humvees were first made available in part to the general public to assuage his neurosis to have the biggest toy on the block, is now on the bandwagon to reduce emissions as part of an initiative spearheaded by the Western Governors. And while the governors expended fossil fuels to travel to Sedona (a New Age resort town where those gathered for this coven no doubt reveled in the luxury found there while you are suppose to feel guilty for turning on the air conditioner), a number of them handed down an expansive definition of what it means to be an environmental criminal.
Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer is recorded by the Associated Press as saying, “Unless you’re living naked in a tree eating nuts, you’re part of the problem, and I’d like to hear your solution.”
What such a statement essentially means is, that since you do not live in a mythological state comparable to Rousseau's “noble savage”, you have no right whatsoever to complain about what plans the global elite have in store for you. Even if that includes starvation as the minimalist diet mentioned above was no doubt an assumption held by many environmentalists such as himself that the masses dare to eat foods other than those native to their respective regions even though the elites have the finest delicacies airlifted to these neo-pagan confabs such as at an Earth summit convened in South Africa where delegates dined on steak and caviar while denouncing the evils of the indoor flush toilet.
Nothing like a crocodile taking a bite out of those taking a dump along the river side as a way to cut down on the excess population. But then again, you wouldn’t actually want to improve conditions in these backwards lands as that would do away with the excuse allowing these foreigners to swarm into the United States.
Like the forces of nature they so highly venerate to the extent where things that should be appreciated end up being worshipped, the environmentalist threat cycles in and out of the view of the public already overwhelmed by the buzzards of tyranny incessantly picking at freedom’s dieing corpse. But as with all opportunistic scavengers, just because this parasitic ideology does not always attack out in the open that does not mean it is not always stalking its prey and eager to send the accomplishments of the West into a death roll from which this civilization might never recover.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
American Dictatorship
An interesting series of broadcasts from the Prophecy Club detailing how new laws such as the Patriot Act authorizes the government to arrest you without warrant, be able to do so without having to tell anyone they have done it, and torture your family as they attempt to coerce a confession from you (no wonder they don't want you to see 24 and see what's really going on).
Monday, April 02, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Mormon Cops Harass Evangelical Student Missionaries
One interesting quote read, "...basically said handing things out was looked down on in Utah." Interesting how the rest of us are suppose to put up with cultists knocking on the door in the wee hours of Saturday morning (which is technically the day of rest).
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
A Review Of Salvaging Civilization By H.G. Wells.
According to Wells, the future of mankind is dependent upon the establishment of world unity in order to protect the human race from social disintegration and physical destruction. However, instead of blatantly imposing this new world order from without, Wells suggests conditioning the masses into accepting the world state through targeted forms of intellectual manipulation.
While Wells claims to have the best interests of man at heart, it is clear he does not think all that much of the common individual as in his view it is the place of such people to simply go along with the will of the elite. Wells writes, “It is often forgotten, in America, even more than in Europe, that education exists for the community, and only for the individual only so far that it makes him a sufficient member of the community. The chief end of education is to subjugate and sublimate for the collective purpose of our own kind the savage egoism we inherit (24-25).”
Thus, education in the proposed global society is not so much about empowering the individual to think for himself as it is to condition him to take his place as a docile member of the group. As such, the early stages of establishing a world government will not be as much about changing politics itself as it will be about influencing the minds of the young.
The freedom Wells grants with one hand by liberating the individual from traditional authorities he takes back with the other. Wells writes, “The world state must begin as a propagandist cult, to which men and women must give themselves and their energies regardless of the consequences (35).”
Furthermore, the future world state won’t simply be an institution in the background keeping the peace and making sure the trains run on time. Rather, it is to be in the forefront in molding what the good member of the community is to think and believe.
Foremost among the methods for keeping order in the New World Order will be what Wells calls ‘The Bible of Civilization”. However, this is not to be the famed Good Book that has guided mankind in religious and ethical matters century upon century. Rather, this new Bible is to consist of an anthology of the best in human literature and learning selected and periodically revised by “a few hundred resolute and capable people”.
But as a renowned atheist, what Wells failed to realize is that the thing that has granted the Bible such sway over the minds of men and cherished in their hearts is that it was handed down by the hand of God or at least that is that is believed by those that honor its precepts. All Wells leaves us is a committee working paper with the proviso that the documents findings are subject to change at a later date.
If God says something like thou shalt not murder, like it or not, I don’t have much room to argue about it. If some sanctimonious committee with no other authority than that which it has bestowed upon itself and duped the masses into abiding by for the time being makes grandiose pronouncements it claims we are obligated to obey , why should I have to comply with its dictates and decrees?
Despite claiming to stand for human freedom by abolishing traditional prohibitions on sex outside of marriage (no doubt in part because he was himself a profligate adulterer), Wells’ behavioral codes would be far more extensive and binding than anything elaborated upon in the pages of the Bible. Wells writes, “One of the first duties of a citizen is to keep himself in mental and bodily health in order to be fit for the rest of his duties.”
Thus, to translate Wells’ position into something we can understand, go out and have as many affairs as you want (no doubt to lessen the bonds to a particular spouse or family so that identity comes instead to be derived from the larger group). Just don’t get caught smoking a cigarette or enjoying fast foods since that might hinder the revolution and the glorious expansion of the motherworld.
To some viewing H.G. Wells as a figure prominent at the beginning of the previous century, he has little bearing on the world in which we live today. However, upon contemplating his proposals in The Salvaging Of Civilization such as the rule by elite committees, extensive control of education, and regulations that bear a frightening similarity to provisions against hate speech when he writes “We must put ourselves, and our rulers and our fellow men on trial. We must ask ‘What have you done or hinder the peace of mankind?.’ A time will come when a politician who has...willfully promoted international dissension will be...much surer of the noose than a private homicide (40)” we are already too eerily close to living in a world of this author’s own making.
by Frederick Meekins
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Lunatic Threatens Hunger Strike Over Sanjaya Fiasco
A lunatic woman at her site has threatened to go on a hunger strike until Sanjaya is booted off American Idol.
While it is easy to agree that he is probably the worst contestant on American Idol this season, if this woman starves to death as a result, she is getting what she deserves and none of us should care one bit what happens to her.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Suze Orman A Lesbian
In this New York Post write-up, the famed financial advisor advocates gay marriage bemoaning that upon her death, her partner will be taxed at 50%.
Why is that a greater cause for lamentation than inheritance taxes hitting anyone else, gay or straight?
Why can't we abolish all inheritance taxes rather than undermine marriage?
Oprah’s School Run Like Prison Camp
According to the story, Oprah’s school for girls in Africa is run along the lines of a prison camp as students are barred from calling home but once a week and are forbidden from “unhealthy snacks” even though Winfrey has no doubt gorged herself over the years as evidenced by her see-sawing weight.
This should cause anyone thinking this broadcast personality should be granted power beyond that of her daily gabfest (such as elected office) to pause and ponder for a moment just how authoritarian and intrusive she would be in the lives of average Americans.
For while her highness and her closest acoyltes will continue to enjoy the lives of luxury to which they think they are entitled, in terms of the proposals being considered now to curb and monitor the diets of the lower classes, it would not be too much of a theoretical jump to suggest that an Oprah administration would view the American people as children in need of strongarm guidance not all that different than these destitute pupils.
by Frederick Meekins
Monday, March 12, 2007
A Review Of Faith Journey Through Fantasy Lands
Few discussions will provoke opinions among believers as heated as whether or not Christians ought to enjoy works of popular fantasy.
On the one hand, some claim believers should avoid these realms of the imagination. On the other, there are those Christians so desperate to justify their interest with a veneer of spirituality that they try to establish one to one correlations between these entertaining stories and Holy Scripture.
“Faith Journey Through Fantasy Lands: A Christian Dialogue With Harry Potter, Star Wars & Lord Of The Rings” by Russell Dalton endeavors to provide a balance between these competing outlooks.
While highlighting the parts of these works that appeal to enduring values, Dalton also admits that neither are these stories themselves Scripture. Rather, he writes, “This book takes an approach that goes beyond a ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ evaluation of fiction and film. It gives the reader a chance to reflect whether or not the behaviors and beliefs of the characters in today’s fantasy stories are consistent with the Christian faith, but it also looks at the questions these stories demand of our faith by entering into a dialogue between these fantasy stories and the Christians story (7).”
Rather than condemn The Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, or even Harry Potter, “Faith Journey Through Fantasy Lands” prudently counsels that the problems that arise in reference to these stories often lie not so much in the stories themselves but in those that read them. For example, most that read Harry Potter are not going to end up sacrificing goats or taking oaths of unending allegiance to Satan. Thus, Dalton suggests, parents must decide for themselves how much exposure to Star Wars, Harry Potter, and The Lord Of The Rings their children should receive.
Though for the most part balanced in his approach, the reader will no doubt detect a hint of political correctness seeping into Dalton’s exposition. For example, he does not use the phrase “Kingdom of God” but rather “The Reign Of God.” Likewise, Dalton does not refer to Jesus as “the Son of Man” but rather as “the Son of Humanity”.
Dalton also gets all maudlin that the characters in these stories are primarily White. But since Middle Earth is said to correspond to some kind of pre-historic Europe and Hogwarts is a British alchemical school, what does he expect?
If Aragorn had had such vacillating attitudes, Sauron would have still been ruling over Middle Earth by the end of the third film.
Even if one disagrees with the conclusions drawn by “Faith Journey Through Fantasy Lands“, one has to admit Dalton approaches the issue in an overall even handed manner carefully respecting the opinions on each side.
by Frederick Meekins
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Biblical Literacy Project A Communitarian Scam
Dr. Stan analyzes this informative topic with the author of the article available at
Is American Idol Biased Against The Larger-Sized
Interesting how American Idol banishes a full-sized gal for risque photographs but does nothing to one that not only is alleged to reveal more but deflies a national monument while she's doing it.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Welfare Birds Trash Nests Of Birds Refusing To Grant Handouts
Kind of like how Americans refuse to cut out welfare out of fear of the human rabble that will take to the streets and pillage if their demands for handouts and entitlements are not met.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Javier Salano & 666
An interesting discussion between Dr. Stan Monteith and Contance Crumbey focusing on the inordinate instances of the number 666 surrounding international man of mystery Javier Salano.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Global Warming A Crock
An informative discussion from Radio Liberty on how global warming is actually a scam designed to bring the West, particularly the United States to its knees and to reduce the population through a deliberate campaign of starvation and deprivation.
People’s Republic Of Maryland Taxing Its Subjects Into Submission
In an attempt to hop on the global warming bandwagon, the state legislature is considering a bill that would require auto dealers in that jurisdiction to sell vehicles meeting California emission standards.
While this might look good on paper and allow elected officials to pat each other on the back as to how progressive and enlightened they appear to be, as usual, it will be up to the average citizen to pick up the bill so that the politicians can feel good about themselves. For it has been estimated that these upgrades will add as much as $3,000 to the price of a new automobile.
Though most of us aren’t as smart as our overlords in the government, one is forced to ask what is to prevent consumers from going elsewhere to make their automotive purchases such as Virginia and Pennsylvania, which have traditionally had better selections to begin with as certain Maryland areas often exhibit outright hostility to the automotive industry? In Prince George’s County, officials even considered zoning car dealers out of the overly-vaunted Hyattsville “arts district” (a fancy name for a government-subsidized area designated for beatniks and other unemployable undesirables unamenable to regular work) without the compensation required under any eminent domain action.
The vitality and morale is already just about drained from many Maryland residents as they are clearly not getting the quality of life they are forced to pay for and it is doubtful that they can take much more. Already in some counties tax bills are over $3,000 dollars annually and are expected to rise to as much as $6,000 by 2010.
Electoral politics is already a game of the idle rich with too much time on their hands. If those of this occupational classification wish to make such grandiose gestures, perhaps such restrictions should only be imposed upon those openly seeking these positions of prestige and influence. One could be assured that the nation would then see far less of this kind of nonsense.
By Frederick Meekins