Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, October 31, 2013
A fanatic homeschooler claims, without further explanation, that you can tell by the demeanor on someone's face whether they are committed to a vision of life or a vision of death. So does that mean I will be condemned as a heretic if I don't have the vacant brainwashed smile of one of the Oral Roberts singers plastered across my face?
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Sanford police to abolish the Neighborhood Watch there in favor of one brainwashed and manipulated by law enforcement. And what is to prevent citizens from banding together and forming their own unofficial neighborhood watch. Are we getting to the point of that old Ray Bradbury story where it will be illegal to walk outside of your home?
A pastor condemning Halloween insisted that one of the sins associated with that celebration consists of individuals pretending to be something that they are not. So does that mean that a child caught in any kind of imaginative play should be taken out and buggy whipped? Just as importantly, if that play is career based, should the child be fined for practicing that particular occupation without the proper authorization? For example, pretending to be a doctor or teacher without the proper government approved credential. In the idealized theocratic regime, could such a child face criminal charges for impersonating a police officer?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
In a sermon on the seven sins of Halloween, a pastor listed as one of these transgressions the failure to think for yourself. By that, the pastor intended to mean the tendency to go along with the herd mentality rather than for the individual to come to a conclusion regarding a particular topic through a process of personal cogitation. However, in regards to a controversial topic such as this, don't we all have the tendency to degenerate that principle to condemnation of those that don't think as we have told them to in regards to the matter cf secondary doctrine under consideration?
In condemning the seven sins of Halloween, a fanatic Baptist pastor said that it was a sin if a man did not dress and act in a manly manner. While that is true in terms of obviously female articles of clothing such as frilly dresses and high heels, who is to make this determination in regards to less obvious items? For example, in the sermon, the pastor condemned any article of clothing purchased at Urban Outfitters or the Gap. The pastor went on to admonish that men were to talk and act like men. So is a man destined for Hell if he has a greater affinity for cats rather than dogs and wears a particular color on a distinctively male item of clothing?
Bravehearts No Less Offensive Than Redskins To Consistent Liberals
It is argued that the name upgrade is necessary because the name “Redskins” offends particular demographics.
But what about those that the new name might offend?
For example, Jews might not find the name all that kosher since one can't help but think of images of Mel Gibson upon hearing the name “Braveheart” because he starred in the popular movie of that title.
Secondly, shouldn't those calling for a return to civility and the renunciation of overly enthusiastic political responses and rhetoric be offended by allusions to this movie?
One of the film's major themes is that there are things worth fighting for even to the extent of what might be considered violence.
After all, critics of the Tea Party approach to the budget crisis on Capitol Hill constantly remind that compromise with one's fundamental beliefs and principles is the only way to prevent the entire nation from collapsing all around us.
Thirdly, shouldn't those such as the President that believe it is the role of the state to comprehensively control and monitor every last aspect of your existence oppose the name Bravehearts since the movie suggested that one of those things most worthy of laying one's life down for is one's very freedom?
By Frederick Meekins
Creationists Undermine Credibility By Diverting Resources To Condemn Halloween
A dichotomy is being set up that, on Oct. 31, one has to pick either the Reformation or Halloween to celebrate. However, this day is still 24 hours long like any other. So is it going to be insisted that thoughts of the Reformation must occupy all 24 of these? Most kids Trick-Or-Treat for only an hour or two.
Monday, October 28, 2013
What Do We Do About Halloween?
Does Pastor Advocate Destroying The Property Of Churches That Celebrate Halloween?
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
TV Snake Handlers Pick & Choose The Counsels Of God They Abide By
It is pointed out that, according to the belief's of the sect, if the she remarries, she will go to Hell.
However, that punishment is not necessarily connected with that particular sin if forgiveness is not asked for., especially on the part of the wronged party.What about the young man in this situation?
It says in I Timothy 5:18 that the one that does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel.
Seems there would be a greater chance of him being tossed into everlasting damnation for taking a wife while having no means or intentions of providing for her.
And if we are to be hyper-Biblical to the point where the true believer must handle serpents and there seems to be little lasting forgiveness, shouldn't this pastor now resign his pulpit if he can't even prevent his own daughter's marriage from falling apart?
After all, according to I Timothy 3:4, one of the qualifications for holding the pastorate is to rule over his family well.
Most Christians living in the twenty-first century realize that there are limitations to that particular passage of Scripture.
However, we aren't the ones running up and down the pews with a snake in one hand and a Molotov cocktail in the other.
By Frederick Meekins
Thursday, October 24, 2013
It is fascinating that how, prior to the passage of Obamacare, it was a tragedy in desperate need of correction for a shocking percentage of an individual's or family's income to go towards medical costs but now, with the passage of that legislation, those raising this concern are dangerous subversives that ought to instead enthusiastically contribute to this essential social obligation.
The Christian & Halloween
If Christians must refuse to participate in this festivity because of its occultic connections, shouldn't the host avoid using the theme from the animated Justice League series. A number of episodes dealt with openly occultic themes and characters such as Felix Faust, Dr. Fate, the Demon Etragin, and if I recall, even an invasion from Tartaraus.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
When a pastor qualifies what they’ve said by assuring that they simply want you to make up your mind on a secondary matter based on all of the available information, will you be allowed to retain your standing or position in a congregation if you come to a conclusion different than what the pastor is advocating?
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Christian Origins Of Halloween
Halloween & The Winter Solstice: What Should A Christian Do?
If Halloween is so wicked, why play the joyful tune before the program? Wouldn't that be the equivalent of doing a show on fornication and beginning it with the Full Monty or the BUCKAWOWOW tune associated with old pornos?
American Shiites Threatened With Rape & Dismemberment During Mecca Pilgrimmage
The Church, Spirits & Halloween
More of the "I participated in Halloween But Damnation Upon You If You Ever Do" Confessions.
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Sunday, October 20, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Mediocre Comedian Fancies Himself As Historically Astute
After all, Obama only wants to provide everyone with health insurance.
Hitler, on the other hand, intended to obliterate and destroy those deemed unworthy of continued existence by the standard of his pernicious worldview while controlling in nearly every last detail those permitted to remain alive.
Since D.L. Hughley is now being promoted as an expert on historical and political affairs, perhaps he might care to enlighten us on the comprehensive array of tactics and strategies Hitler used to rise to power.
Granted, there were always a cadre of followers attracted by the violence and brutality inherent to the National Socialist ideology.
However, an even a greater number of Germans were lured into this deception in large part through promises of lavish social programs encompassing nearly every facet of existence.
One might think of the approach taken back then similar to that of the Life Of Julia propaganda utilized today.
Seldom do tyrants announce their intended deprivations of fundamental liberties upfront.
For example, buried in the bowels of the terms of use on a number of the Obamacare exchange websites is a clause stipulating that any personal information that the applicant submits to obtain the insurance mandated under penalty of law can be forwarded to other agencies for the purposes of law enforcement and audit.
It must be admitted that Barack Obama is likely not as deliberately bloodthirsty as the infamous German Chancellor.
But that said, one of his goals is nonetheless a thinning of the population of those he views as detrimental to the Volk or rather the COMMUNITY.
As the strictures of the Obamacare system tighten their grip around the neck of the American people, increasingly those having surpassed specific plateaus of existential chronology in all likelihood will be denied certain varieties of treatment.
When asked at a campaign forum, Obama himself suggested that a 90 year old still possessing a zest for life might just have to be denied those resources that would enable continued temporal existence.
The thing with those aspiring to exert near total control over the lives of targeted populations, as is the case with the spiritual father of such despots (the devil), you often don't realize what has been stolen from you until it is too late.
By Frederick Meekins
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Fanatic Homeschooler On Condemns The Existence Of
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Sharpton Condemns Scalia For Insisting That The 14th Amendment Protects All Americans
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Radical Homeschooler Condemns Parents Whose Children Don't Like To Read
If homeschool activists are going to condemn parents that have professional educators teach their children how to read, does the same judgment also apply to parents unable to remove their own child’s appendix?
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Monday, October 14, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Lessons In Apologetics #10: Naturalism & The Supernatural
In the chapter "Naturalism & The Supernatural", Geisler examines the argument against acts of God classified as miracles. The basic argument, presented in its textbook form by David Hume, is stated in the following manner: "(1) A miracle by definition is a violation of (or exception to) a law of nature. (2) But the laws of nature are built upon the highest degree of probability. (3) Hence, a miracle by definition (as an exception) is based on the lowest degree of probability. (4) Now the wise man should always base his belief on the highest degree of probability. (5) Therefore, the wise man should never believe in miracles (266)."
The variations of this argument that have been developed over the decades and centuries since the time of Hume share a number of assumptions. The first is the assumption that the universe operates in accord with repeatable norms which we refer to as natural law. The Christian also shares this belief as God has chosen these to imbue the physical creation with what we perceive as order and what causes events contradicting these principles to stand out as events worthy of special attention.
However, it is beyond this point that the Christian and those that believe God does not intervene in the creation must part company. The naturalist essentially pursues two lines of reasoning that the Christian cannot endorse.
One principle basically eliminates miracles by definition. This is accomplished by postulating that whatever occurs in the natural world is a natural event. We as finite individuals might not be able to explain or understand why something happened in the way it did, but that does not mean there is not some kind of reason within a closed system to account for the phenomena in question without having to appeal to an interdiction by an outside higher source.
The other major assumption underlying arguments against the miraculous is that miracles do not occur because such events would be a violation of the probabilities natural laws are derived from. While natural laws are descriptions of what transpire in most instances, the sincere researcher aspiring to the distinction of scientist must study the events that actually take place and not sweep away those that do not conform to preconceived notions as to what is and is not possible. It is only by carefully scrutinizing these instances out of the ordinary that the researcher is able to uncover either explanations that fit within the normal operation of natural systems or rather the intervention of an intelligence beyond that which mortal minds are not generally accustomed to interacting with.
Even though the Christian must accept and defend the notion that natural laws as we understand them are not so inviolable, neither should the Christian go to the other extreme and herald every unexplainable occurrence as an undeniably direct intervention by the hand of God. As Geisler deliberately points out, there is a set of criteria an event should be evaluated by before the Christian accepts it as a miracle (280-282).
Foremost, the investigator seeking to determine the nature of an event contradicting normality must ascertain if its origin is possibly Satanic. Scripture warns that in later times there will be deceitful signs and wonders that would deceive the very elect if that were possible. The Christian must always let God’s revealed message rather than experience be the final court of arbitration.
Secondly, the Christian must be careful to distinguish between miracles and anomalies. For example, if someone appears to die on the operating table, is hauled off to the morgue, and seemingly comes back to life several hours later, though there would be reason to rejoice and look to this as a gift from God, there still might not be sufficient grounds to declare this a miracle. This is because such an occurrence could very well be an anomaly firstly because the event may have a cause which may be naturally explainable but at the time beyond the boundaries of our scientific understanding. And secondly, there is not necessarily any moral or theological claims connected to the unexpected healing.
To help the believer through this confusion, Geisler provides a number of guidelines an alleged miracle must measure up to in order to be categorized as such: (1) A miracle must be an exception to the normal pattern of events. (2) A miracle involves some kind of theological truth claim as an act of God would not contradict what God has revealed about Himself. (3) A miracle must also have good moral impact as God would not violate his standards. (4) And lastly, miracles suspend normal patterns rather than violate natural processes (282).
by Frederick Meekins
I should probably look at it this way. The women that by their own uncoerced choice that go into marriages that are going to have the Bible beaten over their heads about headcoverings and pants are probably getting exactly what they deserve and want. The ones to feel sorry for are the children (especially the girls) born into such situations that have no say in the matter.
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
In the October 2013 edition of “Perspectives On History”, a National Park Service historian is profiled in the “What I Do: Historians Talk About Their Work” segment. Part of her duties included interviewing longtime employees about their service and careers. What guarantee do these bureaucratic functionaries have that the information gathered about them won't be used to manipulate them out of their retirements?
It is claimed that retirement is not a Biblical concept. Neither is really anything other than grueling physical labor mentioned in the pages of Scripture either. However, those insisting the elderly remain in the workforce until they literally drop have hardly soiled their hands in this fashion a day in their life.
Just Because Early Christian Martyrs Had No Time For Sex Doesn't Mean We Can't
While that may be historically accurate, it does not follow that the sum total of the Christian's interest need to be circumscribed by the concerns of those living during that era of history.
Granted, the last thing the church needs is a pastor making love to his wife on a webcam as was to have been attempted at one particular megachurch a few years back.
However, it is constantly pounded into our heads that either Christ is Lord of all or that He is not Lord at all. Was He not the one that decreed that reproduction and certain emotions to be shared between husband and wife were to be expressed in a manner the parties involved found pleasurable to a certain extent?
It could be argued that the tendency to sweep this aspect of existent behind a closed door as if it is something to be a shamed of even within its proper sanctioned context in favor of a spirituality of disincarnation is one of the psychological pathologies that set the ball rolling to the point where much of the culture is now characterized by an overwhelming debauchery.
By Frederick Meekins
Obamacare Websites Gathering Intelligence For Various Law Enforcement Agencies
Frau Obama Lets Move Campaign Actually Wants Children To Remain Perfectly Still
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Will Meat Share Tobacco's Fate?
The point of the article is that, with declining meat consumption, producers are exporting to markets overseas.
The assumption is that Americans are preferring more plant-based meal options.
But is that because of personal preference or because fewer can afford it?
Because who in their right mind after a long day at work looks forward to vegetables at dinner; carbs, maybe in terms of pasta or desert, but not vegetables.
But the more important question to ask is the following.
If medical establishment propaganda is casting meat in the negative light once reserved for tobacco, how long until rules, laws and polices once applied to tobacco will be applied to meat?
For example, will it one day be illegal to eat meat in front of children in a confined space where they will be exposed to the aroma as it is now illegal in some states to smoke while children are in an automobile?
Will supervisors be allowed to deny employment to job applicants to that consume meat?
Will commercials for meat products and the purveyors of such delights one day be banned from the nation's airwaves?
by Frederick Meekins
Thought Police Demand Uniformity Of Expression In Referencing The Glorious Leader
Isn't it Hitlerian to dictate someone cannot be referred to as Hitlerian? Click On The Headline
Chicken Nuggets Still Probably Healthier Than Locally Grown Organic Hippy Slop
Monday, October 07, 2013
Under the kinds of medical insurance reforms advocated by fanatic leftists, “gender reassignment” would be covered. However, prostate cancer likely wouldn't since it is usually a condition that afflicts the elderly. So since many prostate therapies and procedures rob the individual of the joys of possessing a masculine organ beyond the passage through which liquid waste exits the body, perhaps those suffering this disease should just go ahead and get a sex change operation. And when it's all over with, such individuals can also be lavished with the benefits, approval, and applause now being lavished upon same sex couples these days.
Obama Grants Pedophiles A Holiday By Temporarily Taking Down The Amber Alert Site
Under the Obama regime, jackboots have removed an elderly couple living in a privately owned home located on public land. With nowhere else to go, the couple has sought shelter in their ice cream shop. How long until in the name of the couple’s health and safety the ice cream shop is burned to the ground with the couple in it?
Herr Obama Seizes Private Homes On Public Lands In The Name Of Government Shutdown
Bureaucrats Ordered To Make Life Miserable Under The Rise Of The Obama Police State
Americorps & Leftist Presbyterians Form Alliance To Subvert The US Food Supply
Will Priests Be Jailed For Doing The Lord's Work Without Herr Obama's Blessing?
Pentagon Weighs In On SEAL Vs. Ninja Debate
Should start a wagering pool how long it takes for liberals to get jacked out of shape about being better at blowing things up being said positively
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Saturday, October 05, 2013
Just as “The Avengers” really isn't the greatest superhero film of all time despite the press accounts claiming as such, neither is Agents Of SHIELD the best show of the fall season. While entertaining, the plot twists of The Blacklist are much more exciting and intriguing. Couldn't the show's wardrobe department have put a little more effort into designing a traditional SHIELD uniform instead of having everyone with the exception of the Asian chick running around in their street cloths? Most fans already know that the series takes place in the same universe as many of the Marvel blockbuster films. So perhaps producers should stop the name dropping in what seems to be nearly every scene of characters that will likely never appear on the program. The strained effort is even more annoying than the deliberate closeups on the Sherlock Holmes drama of characters using Microsoft Windows 8 software.
On The Fox Report with Bret Baier, isn't it a bit of overkill to feature George Will and Charles Krauthammar on the same panel since both of these pundits essentially represent a nearly identical variety of establishmentarian conservatism? One ponders if a commentary superstar such as Will was added to the Fox lineup in the attempt to counter CNN's resurrected Crossfire. The announcement of his appearance prompted me to forget all about my 6:30 PM viewing preference.
Certain theologians are arguing that federal employees and retirees unsettled by their financial prospects during the government shutdown are serving government rather than God. So if someone working in the private sector expressed similar concerns, would they be condemned for serving Mammon? Not everyone can be a missionary capable of standing before a congregation and guilt trip the assembled into emptying their wallets into the collection plate. Furthermore, from what sector of the economy does the tribute flowing into ecclesiastical hands originate anyway?
Friday, October 04, 2013
If the Obama regime is asserting control over monuments and memorials that the federal government barely gave second thought over before when times were relatively good, just think what these would be totalitarians will attempt to seize when things really do start to fall apart. Today, it's construction cones blocking access. Just wait until the entire interstate highway system is shutdown or houses are seized to pay off the national debt or you receive the equivalent of a jury duty notice informing you of compulsory labor in a Chinese slave factory.
Thursday, October 03, 2013
During the government shutdown, it was reported that the technicians of the National Hurricane will continue to monitor atmospheric conditions. However, the agency's public affairs specialists were categorized as non-essential and were not responding to inquiries. Obama is probably in the White House conducting ritualistic libations to whatever demonic entity he is in league with hoping to conjure a storm to wipe out the United States while forbidding meteorologists in the federal employ from warning the American people.
Under Obamacare, if most forms of insurance cover 100% for breast exams for women, why is only between 70-80% covered for prostate tests? Is a man that dies from prostate cancer less dead than a woman that dies from breast cancer? And what of the small number of men that develop breast cancer? Will their costs to combat this disease be covered to the same percentage or are their penises too large?
In coverage of a ship of African migrants damaged off the coast of Italy, it was pointed out that one of the fatalities was pregnant. But if the unborn inside an expectant mother is just at best, part of her body and at worst a disease, why weren't we informed of the passengers lost that also suffered from spastic colon or spinal stenosis?
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
It is claimed that the Constitution forces elected officials to be paid their salaries during the government shutdown. So apparently there are provisions of the federal charter that the President and Congress are principled enough not to violate. Why can't an amendment be set into motion to correct this oversight?
On the 10/1/13 episode of Crossfire, Senator Debbie Stabenow claimed that on the first day of Obamacare availability five times as many attempted to access the program's website than any day on the Medicare website. That's because Medicare is targeted towards the elderly adverse to spilling their guts online whereas Obamacare appeals to youthful deadbeats so hooked on the web that they have to post a status update every time they take a bowel movement.
Will Jewish Meddlers Conspire To Derail Chesterton's Canonization?
From the way they sound, you would have thought he was a guard at Aushwitz or Dr. Mengele's lab assistant.
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