Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Friday, February 26, 2010
Congregation Bares All To The Lord At Nudist Church
With a name like "Whitetail Chapel", one has to ask if minorities in the congregation feel self-conscious for some reason. But then its probably all aged sagging hippies.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tolerancemongers Denounce Free Thinking Blonde
Guess California blondes are just suppose to be arm candy.
Will Admiral Ackbar Replace School's Confederate Mascot?
Students at the University of Mississippi are campaigning to make Admiral Ackbar from the return of the Jedi the schools new mascot.
The school banished its old mascot Old Reb, an elderly Southern gentleman in Confederate garb, because of "negative connotations of the old South".
If the Rebel Alliance had the same backbone as these radical multiculturalists Vader and Palpatine would have conquered the galaxy without even having to build a Deathstar.
Frankly, there is no pleasing these malcontents.
If you have a minority mascot, those with too much time on their hands throw hissy fits. If you have a White mascot that is anything other than a milksop on par with Al Franken's Stuart from Saturday Night Live, they throw hissy fits.
Once they select Admiral Ackbar let's see how long that lasts before they cave to the demands of the Islamosupremacists for finding the character offensive.
For the ignorant out there, the word "Ackbar" looks in Latin script (an alphabet also soon likely to be abolished since it is used to formulate the language of most Eurocentric cultures) to the Jihadist battle cry of "Allah Akbar" and, most likely as in the case of Judaism, shellfish are deemed ceremonially unclean. Admiral Ackbar is essentially nothing other than a giant talking shrimp or lobster.
Those irritating and useless as to their levels of erudition will squeal like little school girls since they clearly can't be real men that the two words are nothing alike.
Since when has a good terrorist ever let that get in the way of a bombing or riot?
Some will no doubt remember when Burger King altered a logo simply because it looked too similar to an Islamic symbol and banks across Europe have stopped giving children piggy banks out of fear of offending their Levantine overlords.
About the only mascot that perfectly captures the spirit of leftist academia these days is the Nothing referenced in "The Neverending Story" since that is the number of freedoms we have left once the interests of every concieveable ethnicity with the exception of the White race is pandered to in the end.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Van Jones Comes Up From A Bucket Of Crap Smelling Like A Rose
Kind of shows you what the NAACP is made of if they herald someone as a national treasure and bestow the organizations highest award on a self-avowed Communist.
Lockerbie Bomber Recooperates In Luxury
No doubt fairing better that you would under an Obama healthcare plan.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Was Paul Harvey An FBI Stool Pigeon?
While both Paul Harvey and J.Edgar Hoover deserve an esteemed place in history for battling the forces of Communism during the Cold War, frankly things went too far between these two if Harvey was submitting his scripts to Hoover for approval.
One does not necessarily defeat an evil by becoming the evil.
I might admire the FBI and despise Communism as well, but I am not going to voluntarily hand my commentaries over for their approval.
Ms.Magazine Winter 2010 cover reads "Houston, we have a lesbian mayor."
I thought we weren't suppose to consider how or by whom someone liked their privates jiggled when considering their qualifications for public office or other life accomplishments.
Glenn Beck Losing His Mind: Embraces Global Warming
Am growing ashamed that I was at one time enthralled by this character.
Kudos to Mark Levin for being among the first to point out what a charlatan the Fox News sensation was.
Monday, February 22, 2010
O'Reilly Advocates The Abolition Of The Second Amendment
Stop to question why inner cities are food deserts with few grocery stores.
Primary reason: "BANG! BANG! BANG!" went the handgun.
Given the tendency of young able-bodied public assistance recipients to “foul their own nests”, what reasonable corporation wants to endanger their workers while being robbed blind.
That ...“beautiful” store the First Lady was going on and on about will be torn to pieces within five years.
Frau Obama laments fast food be quick and convenient.
The next time Huckabee interviews Frau Obama, she wants him to be shirtless.
What if Clinton had said something like that to Connie Chung?
Huckabee probably has the larger chest anyway.
If Huckabee is to show Frau Obama his, does Huckabee get to see hers?
Frau Obama condemns children not walking to neighborhood schools because they ride in from outside the COMMUNITY.
It should be remembered that it wasn't White Repulicans that pushed for school busing. Interesting how its OK to be opposed to school busing now that Blacks don't like it but immoral to be when Whites didn't like it.
Frau Obama Keeps Her Home "News Free:
However, according to Eagle Forum, parents doing this in their own homes would be violating Article 13 of the UN convention on the rights of the child by blocking "information of all kinds through media of the child's choice".
Many of Obama's New Worl...d Order friends no doubt endorse this globalist covenant.
Micelle Obama Inarticulate
For being the consort of supposedly the greatest orator to ever walk the earth, she doesn't express herself much better than George W. Bush. Would Martha Washington or Abigail Adams have said that America is "really cool"?
Friday, February 19, 2010
Obama Mortgage Aide To Assist Only Those Residing In Specified States
So basically you up you know what creek without a paddle if you have a home where primarily White folks roam.
Can anyone tell me why it is less tragic for someone to lose their home in a state "less hard hit" with mortgage problems?
Name of actual Japanese institute of higher education: Fukuoka University.
To refute the illogic of racism, it's pointed out that if you needed a doctor you wouldn't care about the physician's ethnicity?
Then why should I care if my pizza is made by real Italians?
Besides, what would an "artificial Italian" be?
To carry this to it's logical conclusion, ought a hamburger made by an authentic German actually be more desireable?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Apparently J.K. Rowling Not The Most Creative Author In Literary History
Regarding the Mother Theressa stamp.
How many other U.S. postage stamps are there of non-American citizens (those once broadly categorized as foreigners.
Furthermore, are they any commemorating Protetants or do we only pander to Catholics in this manner?
If not, where are the C.S. Lewis or Francis Schaffer stamps?
Mrs. Mohler Must Have Kicked Albert To The Couch Again
This conjecture is made on the hyothesis that Dr. Mohler rides his early marriage high horse when things hit a rough patch in his household as in my experience those that pester singles the most about marriage are those from the most miserable marriages.
While there are lovely sentiments expressed in the article Mohler references, for most, they are just not reasonably possible.
Of the article, Mohler writes, "He adds, 'Instead of trekking to Africa or exploring Rome alone, why not marry the person of your dreams and take him or her along?'."
All well and good, but for the majority these days the ripe old age of 23 is an unnecessarily low deadline.
In most urban areas of the country, this just isn't possible.
Why should a fairly moral individual of Euro-American heritage have to settle for an Afro one that has already parented numerous children by the mid 20's or for someone that barely speaks a lick of English who is only showing you the time of day because they see you as their meal ticket to staying in the country.
If theologians are going to trod down this path of guilt-tripping the young into early matrimony, perhaps we should also exegete what happens the young make these decisions not out of love or the leading of the Holy Spirit but rather from the result of ecclesiastical busybodies that can't mind their own business.
My mom was accused of being a lesbian because she did not have a boyfriend of a teen.
And there is the case of someone my family was close to that ended up marrying such an outright whore, who unbenownst to him had already had a child in her midteens, that one almost had to consider it a blessing from God for him when he died in a carwreck at the age of 28 just so he could be relieved of that hell-hole of a marriage. Yet even that did not end the pain as the shrew fled town and the grandparents ended up not seeing those grandchildren for nearly 30 years.
Contrary to the swill spewed from the average American pulpit, following God's will is rarely as happy as it is made out to be whether one remains single or gets married.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Interview With An Acessor To Molestation
An an enthusiast of NAMBLA and failing to report an incident of statutory rape to authorities, the categorization above is exactly what Obama administration offical Kevin Jennings is.
Arianaite Threatens To Shoot Glenn Beck
If one cannot say things like this about the President without correctly having the Sercret Serive work you over with a rubber hose investigating it, why is it proper to say it about anyone else.
Just observe the tone of the so-called advocates of tolerance, inclusion, diversity, and just about every other thing that makes one want to puke these days.
Ministers Get The Bejesus Knocked Out Of Them
No, and its not a form of religious persecution.
A number of churches are turning to Ultimate-Style fighiting as a way to attract young men back to the pews.
Eventually, as in the case with so-called "Christian tattoos" (ones added after conversion rather than prior too), one will be catergorized as not being devoted enough to the Lord if one is not willing to have one's body mutilated in this manner.
If pastors really want to draw in testosterone oozing crowds, why not have two chicks whacking on each other? But that goes too far some may respond.
How so? It is no more incorrect to have two women fighting each other without legitimate cause as two many. And in this day of anything goes and sloppy theology, any undue titilation that results could simply be explained and celebrated as the God-bestowed appreciation of the female form inherent to any red-blooded American male.
If churches want to be serious about luring actual manly men back to their congregations how about more songs and lessons that emphasis objective doctrinal or historical content rather than the lyrical equivalent of Jesus blowing in your ear as is the case of many of these praise and worship choruses as well as providing study opportunities where one is free to share what's on one's heart if one feels led to but one is not branded as a heretical individualist if one decides not to.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Homicidal Alabama Professor A Devout Obama Enthusiast
While Obama can't be held responsible for the shooting at the University of Alabama, the media certainly doesn't mind attempting to link conservative populist thought with acts of violence. So we should certainly return the favor by highlighting one of their's when there is a rampage.
New York Times Insinuates Tea Party Movement Violent
The New York Times headline writers say, "Tea Party Movement Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right".
Can't say I closely monitor this media dinosaur, but one must ask if the old gray lady as the paper is called pointed out during the presidential campaign that some of Obama's supporters such as Bill Ayers have lit actual fuses.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
School systems threaten to cancel President's Day in order to make up a snow day.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Michael Savage calls for recomposition of the House Committee On UnAmerican Activities.
Doesn't he realize that, under the current Congress, the targets would be talk radio, the Tea Party movement, and independent bloggers?
Frau Obama Denounces Daughter As Overweight
No doubt a dry run for the Khmeresque plans they have for the rest of us where, in good Communist fashion, we will be forced to sit in a circle and criticize our friends and family as our Maoist overlords look in, taking careful notes for each of our files.
If Sarah Palin was the one upset by Rahm Emanuel's comments, why does his apology to Special Olympics settle the matter?
Thought the Scott Brown election proved pleasing the Kennedy's was no longer the highest purpose of the American political system.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Obama Destroys Space Program
Heaven forbid we actually have a branch of government that projects power. Have to brown-nose our new Chinese overlords.
Monday, February 01, 2010
British Market Bans Nightwear & Clothing That Makes Customers Unfcomfortable
A British supermarket is banning nightwear and any other clothing that makes customers uncomfortable.
However, will this regulation be enforced against Africans and Middle Easterners that essentially wear their nightshirts all day long or is this going to be yet another rule that is imposed only on White people?